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wm cheng

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Everything posted by wm cheng

  1. Looks pretty incredible. The 1/144 is simply amazing, but doesn't look that much better given that is twice as big, I expect twice the detail. Weird, but I find the housings for the side docking rings seems a bit fat/tall, shouldn't they taper down a bit more so there's less vertical height where it connects to the circular conical docking rings? Does anyone see this too? I'd still perfer to get a perfect grade Imperial Star Destroyer instead.
  2. It's just to cover their own ass, so they can sort out their own warranty claims. It's never for the benefit of the customer!
  3. Wow!!! Congrats. Soooo clean. My workbench is like Oscar's trash can, piles of stuff on top and layers of dust from non-use. It just gets worst to the point where if I move something, I won't know where it is again, its a "layered" filing system in my mind (to discourage thieves of course!). My worst enemy is when I airbrush I blow around all this dust and debris - I really should clean up, but if I had a minute or any time off, I would get to building instead of cleaning. You should have seen my Millennium Falcon build a few months ago, if you squint, you couldn't tell where the Falcon ended and where my supplies and wads of used towels started!
  4. wm cheng

    Bandai DX VF-31

    MicroSOL only works on decals - Tampo is a paint application. I'd try isopropyl alcohol first - its pretty safe on plastics, I used it to take off the "Made in China" tampo printing on the bottom of some of the wings in the past and it seemed to work well. MacrossJunkie also used it to remove the glittery gold from the canopies to great effect (which I want to try when I get time). Worst case, I'd go up to lacquer thinner which pretty much eats all paints - Mr. Color Thinner seems to work really well on a few different types of paints and seems more gentle than most lacquer thinners out there. Just my 2 cents, good luck!
  5. Yes and YES!!! Also the Star Destroyer that they teased us with and the Lambda shuttle.
  6. Yep, that might pull me back in again!
  7. Yes, just got the UCS Snowspeeder as well and plan on getting the Saturn V - and the prices aren't bad too boot! I think this Lepin stuff has had a positive effect on Lego pricing (from our point of view).
  8. I wouldn't hold your breath, this rumor comes back every year - they were sure it was going to be released the year Force Awakens came out but modified with the rectangular dish.
  9. Wow, how do they get that chrome on the landing gears?! Great, more boxes for the basement that I'll never get around too...
  10. Wow! Flawless paint scheme, all that masking really paid off. It's going to look so beautiful!
  11. wm cheng

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Wow that was fast!!! Came out last Friday and I got it to my door in Toronto, Canada today via EMS. That's been the fastest and no customs & duties to boot!!! I feel lucky, maybe its time to buy a lottery ticket. I find that if I go FedEx, it always get caught in Customs, plus they charge a $9.95 handling fee on top of the customs, duties and HST tax on the value of the parcel, but if I go EMS, sometimes (not always) it sneaks though maybe 50% of the time (I'll take that!) - just my observations for Canada. Looks like they "cleared" up the forward red sensors - it looks more clear than red paint on the VF-31J. Its too bad they haven't gotten rid of that horrible speckly painted canopy or that fuselage gap right behind the canopy though.
  12. wm cheng

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Woohoo!!! Payment processed and just instructed PW to ship - although shipping slightly higher than with the VF-31J hmmm.
  13. wm cheng

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Thanks! I guess I'll have to see if there's any orange on the packs to decide - I love orange.
  14. Wow! I'd definitely be interested in the FanRacer - it doesn't transform, so QC wouldn't be that much of an issue. Where can I get/order these - any links in English for Canada delivery, if its a problem posting here, please PM me with the info. Thanks!
  15. wm cheng

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Sorry slightly OT, but with all this talk of Super packs, does the VF-31E AWACs have super packs or drones? (sorry haven't watched the series yet - just couldn't get past the first 2 episodes yet). Just trying to plan out which of my toys will get packs - I certainly won't have the entire squad, I think getting 3 total, VF-31 J,F,E - displayed one in each mode will be enough for this design (with the exception of the VF-31A of course, just love that one!)
  16. Good to know, thanks for all the feedback. I was hoping for some miracle. I guess its a cleaner version of 5min 2-part epoxy.
  17. At first I thought this was going to be some miracle glue to repair our broken toys... Then after some testing was done, it seems not to hold up well in shear... However I've found another link that is more model specific and it seems like there are some good alternate uses... At least it seems like cleaner less messy and easier alternative to 5min epoxy or JBWeld. The resin casting properties seem neat and maybe able to cast or create an entire small replacement piece for broken toys and I love it as an alternative to PE crazy glue. Might try to go out to find it somewhere.
  18. You've got that right brother!!!
  19. LOVE IT!!! Thanks!!! ... so funny. (can't believe there's no Rogue One Steelbooks in Toronto already - what's up with that, there are still Steelbook TFA lying around, was there something special about the Rogue One Bluray release? - argh)
  20. Beautiful customs!!! Congrats. Truely unique, you just need a little light panel lining on those puppies to bring out the details to match all your amazing paint work.
  21. wm cheng

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Great! Cause I love orange and I'm a sucker for the radome/awacs. I certainly hope you're right.
  22. wm cheng

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Great!!! I certainly hope so, and I'll hold you to that
  23. wm cheng

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Well I stayed away from this one... giving you guys mine (aren't I generous :P) I hope mine went to a very deserving soul on these boards here. All I want is the orange one left, not a huge fan of all these colours. Hopefully by then, a lot of this hoopla would wear off. Just remember this when Chuck's VF-31E comes up for pre order OK?
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