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wm cheng

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Everything posted by wm cheng

  1. wm cheng

    Hi-Metal R

    Argh!!! I slept in and somehow my alarms didn't go off! I did manage to pre-order only one from Anime Export this morning (however I have never bought anything from them before) are they just as reliable? I paid for it this morning, does that mean I got it? Still hoping for NY to come out today - actually want a second one to display without the SAP. My first missed PO - I must be getting old!!!
  2. wm cheng

    Hi-Metal R

    Does Bandai Online ship to Canada (North America)? Tempting to avoid the crazy PO madness if they ship outside of Japan.
  3. wm cheng

    Hi-Metal R

    Can't believe this is 1/100?! It certainly turned out so much better than I had hoped. It could almost pass for a 1/60DX. The bottom kibble is fine for this "anime magic" transformation process too (in fact there is some kibble/mechanical stuff in that area even in the lineart). So impressed, definitely captured the sleekness of the design. Might need to get 2 one in each mode... Not looking forward to the Pre-order madness though Maybe MacrossII isn't as popular?! One can hope. Please no one on these boards buy it, its not really the Holy Floating Head's design afterall
  4. Hmm the Lego Ideas site is pretty low on ideas compared to the MOCs - too bad there weren't more MOCs in the Lego Ideas site to be made into actual kits.
  5. Thanks! Just supported them. Couldn't find the Saturn 1B though, I'd totally get that to go alongside the Saturn V. But man, that crawler with launch pad and tower is amazing.
  6. OMG!!! I would be in heaven. Please I hope it gets made into a kit.
  7. That's the best part of Star Trek the Motion Picture, when the Enterprise first gets revealed in space dock - NOW THAT"S SHIP PORN. If this is like that, then I'm in heaven.
  8. Damn you!!! Now I can't unsee it Please post it if you do the modification, can't wait to see the whole thing (now you need the ABCD fin stickers). Just saw it built up in person at the local Lego Store this weekend and its amazing in person - so impressive already.
  9. You took the words from my mouth! Exactly!!! It's just an engineering marvel and worthy on that alone.
  10. Really? Are there fins that are more correct in shape? I'd like to know as I just got my SaturnV delivered (It was supposed to be my father's day present
  11. I'm exactly the opposite. I would prefer the decals to be separate pieces instead of one large sheet. I have the option of painting those areas and just want the 05 or ejection triangles or even do my own scheme and just have the data stenciling. Also large sheets of decals tend to obscure fine panel lines and makes those details less sharp when its laid over top and I have to use a lot of MicroSOL and re-cut the panel lines with a knife to let the recessed details show beneath (otherwise it looks just like a sticker over top of the panel lines). Also the larger the decal, the more chance of something going wrong, wrinkling or ripping. I hate models that are molded in different colours as I always have to prime them anyways to make sure all the seams are properly filled and sanded. Then I gotta get the base colour all the same to get an even canvas to start painting (harder if you have a dark colour plastic right next to something else). Also how do you stretch large colour decals over doubled curved surfaces without it wrinkling or folding (decals don't stretch that well and MicroSOL only works to a certain degree). I can't stand bare plastic as they never match up to the decal tone/hue anyways and bare plastic just looks like a toy. That all being said, I think the Hasegawa models are for a different kind of modeler (someone like me who is a bit of a sucker for pain :P) - they are more geared to builders who paint. While Bandai makes kits that are molded in colour and more friendly to builders who don't paint as much.
  12. wm cheng

    Hi-Metal R

    Uh?! Is this available for pre-order today? When did it become available for PO?
  13. wm cheng

    Hi-Metal R

    Woohooo!!!! The whole reason I subscribed to this thread in the first place I had my 1/48s & 1/60s that I'm happy with and my old 1/100 ARII transforming models from high school. BUT this VF-2SS was what I was waiting for all along and it looks great so far - great proportions. Interested to see what it looks like underneath though. The EVOs are such a big dissappointment.
  14. I love the VF-4 - its one of my all time favourites. I wouldn't mind if they started over as what I've seen didn't excite me at all - the lines and proportions just all seem a little off. Come Hasegawa, take a crack at this baby please!
  15. That looks amazing!!! All I can say is that they better support a HOTAS setup and not make you only fly it with that silly PS controller - no where can I find that they would support the joystick throttle setup - argh.
  16. Congrats on your baby girl! It's the best trip you'll ever take, and girls are just the best for Daddies too. It's so much more rewarding than anything else I've ever done and can't imagine my life before my little angel. Cherish every moment as they grow up so fast - I figure the model stockpile will always be there waiting (for retirement) - but that wonderful little person who thinks you are the most important person in the whole world will only feel that way for 10-12yrs
  17. Yep, I for one have sworn off Arcadia - just priced themselves out of my budget for the blank toys that just don't seem worth it for me. I hate transforming any of my Arcadias, they are either too stiff with all that plastic that seems like I will break something. I have to put so many hours into them to get them to look half-way decent that I just don't have that time anymore, especially after how much they fleeced me for. Their panel lines are just too thin and inconsistent to hold a proper wash. They have no tampo and when they do a little, they want to charge $100 extra! Nope, I for one am happy to have Bandai pick up the mantle!
  18. Oh those days might be past me now... so busy with work and family. Those were the days with endless time, what did I ever do with all that free time?! I only really get to touching up toys now a days. Hoping to live vicariously through other members here. I mostly just collect boxes of models to pile up in my basement for retirement
  19. Thanks for the heads up, just pre-ordered 2!!! Didn't know it was available for PO - love this scheme.
  20. Thanks Xigfrid! I have Curviloft - haven't had a chance to play with it yet. I mostly use Extrude (by rails) plugin. Definitely need to look into Curviloft. Some of my work a few years ago on Total Recall in SketchUp; https://www.digitalproduction.com/2013/09/02/die-zukunft-bauen/
  21. That's amazing SketchUp work Xigfrid! I work in SketchUp too, how did you do the double-curved surfaces so well?
  22. wm cheng

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Just picked up my VF-31J Super parts from the Post Office (they arrived Thursday via SAL Registered) - and they got through without Customs & Duties (woohoo for Canadians - that's why I love NY). Really really love these packs, really makes the Battroid mode so nice (and I got these VF-31 for fighter mode only). I wished they were magnetic or had more opening missile bays, but they are nicely articulated and really adds to an already amazing design. The blue scheme is so nice. Now I'm debating on getting it for the black VF-31F - wasn't originally intending too. I wanted a naked fighter mode, but after seeing how nice they are... Highly recommend it!
  23. WOW!!! Absolutely beautiful work, congrats. Perfect flawless paint.
  24. Tried to for Father's Day, but it was instantly backordered (only became available to order today!). Now its a month waiting by the time my wife got to it. What's going on, are Lego taking lessons from Bandai marketing?!
  25. The 1/144 Falcon is based on the CGI TFA Falcon which does have the extra piping added to the sidewalls - aside from the newer rectangular dish replacement and the way the landing gear doors fold up which have changed from the OT Falcon. So it is accurate to TFA - just not the original trilogy. I personally find the original trilogy falcon sidewalls look a little stuck on and sparse after looking at the newer falcon sidewalls for so long.
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