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wm cheng

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Posts posted by wm cheng

  1. 3 hours ago, derex3592 said:

    Well....the little brass breakup pattern stencils didn't turn out quiet as easy to use as they were in my head but I guess it looks ok... Dunno.. Still undecided if I wanna keep it or strip it off and do my freehand marbling method like I did on the subs.... The problem was keeping it flat on the complex curves and angles all over the plane. 



    That's looking great, I have a stencil like that too that I've been thinking of trying but I have found this guy I'm following on Facebook and he's amazing in 1/72 scale.  I think I might try his acrylic ink technique instead of these spray patterns as I find it more scale appropriate for 1/72.  Have a look here;


    He's a fellow Canuklehead too and I have his book and its amazing!!!  Highly recommend it.

  2. 16 minutes ago, grogall said:

    Although I'm really happy that Bandai is releasing the Ostrich, I find it kind of lazy that they aren't releasing it with"Mech Guts"! Such a wasted opportunity to make the ultimate version...😥


    YES 100%  Something we haven't seen before would have made me jump on this, but I'm happy with my 1/60 v2 version of this for now.

  3. Wow that's so eye opening @no3Ljm - thanks, it really puts into perspective when ordering from Japan nowadays.  Just before the pandemic, I was complaining about 3,000Y EMS to Canada for similiar sized/weight toys, but now that's increased over 3 fold (that's only 4yrs ago)!!!  I had to factor in brokerage fees and customs, duties and taxes for us Canukleheads (if it was anything other than EMS - and still I had a 50:50 chance of customs), but not only is the toys getting so expensive, the shipping is astronomical nowadays.  I wished I got a 300% increase in my wages over the last 4 years!!!

  4. 16 minutes ago, borgified said:

    Got my order in as well thanks to @Shizuka the Cat! Glad that I'm not forking out close to $500 Beaver Dollars and gettting reamed out up here Canuckle Land.:vava:  

    It is over $500cdn shipped with customs & duties charged by Amazon (I only went that way because I had US gift cards to spend).  I think the Canadian store options are actually cheaper in the end - even though they are pretty crazy prices.

  5. Woohoo!!!  Thank you @Shizuka the Cat so much - ordered with Giftcards!  Ah, I can relax now that I've got one or not?!?! (or arrives months later)  There seems to be so much Joy that has been lost in Macross Collecting over the years (at least in the last decade).  So does Amazon charge now up front or only when they deliver?

  6. I did love watching the old one as a 9-year-old boy (Star Wars every week!!!) and had the perfect simplicity for a kid to get immersed in it.  It grew up with me seeing the 2003 version but it's just too bad that it started strong but waned and lost its direction towards the later seasons unfortunately.  I'm happy for any Science Fiction on TV, but I hope any reboot should only be done if they have something different and better to say instead of just replacing everyone with opposite genders (I do love Katee Sackhoff as Starbuck!) just to tick off some HR checklist.  Why not come up with a new series instead of rebooting a reboot?

  7. Thanks so much for your assessment @jvmacross - I would have thought the spine would be so much thicker being an all Macross Encyclopedia!  I haven't seen anything I don't have already except they're all smaller.  I already have all the TIA, Perfect Memory & Gold Book - now I don't feel like I'm missing out too much.  Whew, wallet saved!  I guess there just isn't anything new for such an old piece of art.

  8. Thanks @IIymij - I'm hoping to use my Gift Cards for Amazon.com, but now I don't know if I have enough nerve to wait it out for the possibility it might come back to Amazon or just bite the bullet and order from USAGS and hard swallow the delivery, customs, brokerage & duties just to ease my mind that I'd get it.  This is as bad as the middle-of-the-night madness except this lasts longer than the 1-5mins rush.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Shizuka the Cat said:

    After the issue with my VF-25G Revival pre-order thru Amazon US  (It is only now shipping, 4 months after release date, despite me pre-ordering), I no longer trust that Amazon can reliably acquire enough inventory to fulfill long-duration or open pre-order windows.  

    Knowing that the YF-21 was going to be in high demand, I was religiously refreshing my Amazon search results page, so as to not miss the listing showing up.

    So you were able to search for it and it showed up in your search results?  What were your search words?  Were you able to order it through Amazon.com?

  10. Thanks @treatment I certainly hope they will come up and be available again. 

    It's weird I can't search for them - how did you find the link in the first place?

    What was the delivery date for the Japan Pre-Orders?  Was it June something?  The Amazon ones seem to be initially Oct 1 and since I missed that, if they come on sale on Amazon again, it would be another batch probably even later than that?

  11. Thanks @Shizuka the Cat

    Damn, it sold out in 13mins on Amazon.com? 🤬  I thought WWM was the new "civilized" way of paying more to order for us old "farts" that had enough of middle-of-the-night madness.  I wonder if that's why I couldn't search for it - or it didn't show up in the search results, could this be a mistake early posting and another posting with proper stock will appear or am I just so desperate that I'm just grasping at straws.  There are still stock of all the other WWM releases even to this day?!

  12. Thanks!  I just tried through a VPN (US Chicago) and changed the delivery address to my friend in Florida and it still gives me the Out of Stock / Unavailable message.  Argh, what's going on?  They just don't want to sell to just ME?


    I tried both Firefox and Chrome and even when not signed in with US Location setup and VPN through US Chicago it still Currently unavailable

  13. 3 minutes ago, borgified said:

    Either that Amazon US is not sending it up to Canada @wm cheng.  Two listings for it in Canada is Sold Out at $450 CND and $560 CDN (at Navtio World and I knew these guys will jack the price up the A**)   

    Oh!  Are our US friends seeing that it's available or is it just me delivering to Canada?  All the other WWM Tamashii stuff is available to ship up to Canada - just this YF-21 says its unavailable.  Plus I can't find it via Amazon search, only through the link posted here.  I would really like to use up my Amazon.com GCs.

    This is what I see (can any US friends confirm it is still available to US purchasers?)


  14. What?!?!?  It says currently unavailable... out of stock (already?!) 13 mins ago?

    Currently unavailable.
    We don't know when or if this item will be back in stock.

    How did you guys find the listing?  I tried a search on Amazon.com and turned up nothing unless I use your URL link.  I guess my search-fu is weak.

  15. 2 hours ago, Shawn said:

    I am lazy...when is the Macross Encyclopedia coming out again? Thought it was sometime in January

    Sorry, I must of missed this - what is the Macross Encyclopedia?

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