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wm cheng

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Everything posted by wm cheng

  1. Pretty cool! (like the Fewture interpretation better but can't afford the price) - this seems more anime accurate. I'm not holding my breath for the price though, Arcadia have pretty much priced themselves out (for what you get IMHO) as far as I'm concerned. Still crossing my fingers for a pleasant surprise though.
  2. Yeah, just not feeling the proportions either. Why can't Hasegawa take a crack at this? It's a wait and see - but it is one of my most favourite designs.
  3. I hope that's not true as I really want a launch pad and crawler to go along with the Saturn V!!! It's amazing how much better Lego improved on the original ideas submission - interesting to go back through their updates.
  4. Same here!!! Woohoo...
  5. Yeah!!! It certainly looks like the YF23 and I'd always preferred that over the 22 from a looks point of view. If it only had non-round vectored thrust exhaust it would look so much more futuristic. I can't wait for Hasegawa to come out with a super detailed 1/72 mold of this puppy! Love the digital camo too, just would prefer to switch out the minty green for a light/med grey.
  6. Wow! The Russians do know how to design beautiful sleek looking planes.
  7. Love these V2 Yamatos - especially the rainbow canopies and the off-white colours. Looking great, but especially amazing when you have them together like that!
  8. The fins don't bother me as much once you have the built entirety in your hands and you admire it as a whole. Truely amazing! Its nice that its a thin piece (and something I recognize from other sets, I hate specialized pieces), if you built it up out of blocks, it would be just too heavy looking. You'll see when you build it - ENJOY! Can't wait to hear what you think of it. I'm blown away.
  9. I just finished the Saturn V build and it's amazing!!! If anyone is on the fence with this set, run out and buy it. I can't recommend it highly enough. Its just perfect in every way, great size, separates into all the stages, really enjoyable build with ingenious techniques AND its solid in the end for more than just a display. I have to say its my favourite set of all so far. Bravo to those Lego fans. I just wished they "chromed" the command module, as they had to specially print it anyways so its already a unique part and I wished they doubled the blue stands so that it can be displayed horizontally with all the stages apart a little more stably. Did someone here ever do those A,B,C,D stickers for the base fins? I wished they printed those on.
  10. Is the entire front end of the shuttle one specialized piece? I don't recall a piece like that - I like the scale thing, but don't like large specialized pieces. (I voted for it anyways though)
  11. Amazing photos and stance Anime52K8!!! Maybe I should reconsider these stands, they might be able to save a lot of space if they are put vertically. Can both planes be put on one stand almost vertically? It would be great to see a picture of that with the entire stand (BTW where can I still order these stands - remember a wonderful member here made them, but forgot which thread) TIA.
  12. Thanks Kyp, interesting read... great points! I can see your position... too bad my wallet can't I need to see more episodes, bring em on!
  13. You know, I'm not totally down with these changes - the engines aren't as streamlined and now it looks a little pregnant. Not as sexy or streamlined. (At least that's what I'm trying to convince myself).
  14. Awww man!!! Now I can't unsee it and pretend there were no changes. Still love the SoC 2199 Yamato and the last SoC Andromeda - don't know if its enough of a difference to warrant another purchase though - my little girl has to go to University right?
  15. wm cheng

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Hey! I thought no one here liked the Chuck version - it was going to give me a chance at the PO. ... no one likes the Chuck version, no need for pre-order... (Jedi hand wave)
  16. Well, I love your photos!!! If you're ever in Toronto, just let me know and I'll even dust them for ya
  17. Yep! Arcadia priced themselves out of my range (especially for what you get) a while ago for me.
  18. OMG!!! I'm in the same place in my life too. Its going to get expensive. Love that Milano and AT AT! You are bad for my daughter's post secondary education
  19. Yes!!! Beautiful Saburo. It's definitely my favourite VF-19 - you know how satisfied I am with it when I haven't had to carve time out of my too busy schedule to have to detail it up for it to be acceptable in my collection (unlike the 2 weeks I will never get back to get that turd of a Arcadia version to be even acceptable in my eyes).
  20. What is it going to be?
  21. wm cheng

    Hi-Metal R

    Damn it!!! I slept though the NY (NY was the place I really wanted it from). Well at least I got one from AE - lets hope NY opens some more slots up again. Figinstock doesn't seem to work with NY - it says URL invalid.
  22. wm cheng

    Hi-Metal R

    How late is NY now a days? Its been almost a day and still no listing from them?
  23. wm cheng

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks so much, just signed up with them. Now if only they can do the Pre-Ordering in the middle of the night for us too When is NY going up? How late have they've been recently with the Bandai POs? Are they the same day or days after the fact? I really like NY I never get dinged customs shipped by them.
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