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wm cheng

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Everything posted by wm cheng

  1. My favourite design, but there's just something not right about it... hard to put my finger on it. The proportions just seem a little "off" here and there and it all adds up to something that's close, but just doesn't "do it" for me. It seems a little "awkward" to me - maybe bad camera lenses chosen in the photos. I think the nose needs to be a little sleeker and the back end seems a bit too wide and not thick enough and the wings outside of the engine pylons seem to have too much surface area. I think the Yamato/Acadia 1/60 seems closer to the lineart or feeling of the design. I just wished Hasegawa did their interpretation of this beautiful bird!
  2. Excellent advice, I've always found decals different from every manufacturer. However, Bandai decals seem indestructible yet brittle, they seem impervious to MicroSET/SOL and Mr. Set/Softer - at least the old VF-25 kits were that way.
  3. I ended up buying it in store before Christmas when I literally, knew a guy who knew a guy who knew a guy who worked at a Lego store and he heavily hinted that there was a shipment of 36 boxes the next day. I got there at 11am (they opened at 10am) and 20 were sold already and they had already gone through their reserved list (I couldn't get on the reserved list at the store because I called the next day after they were available on Sep 15 instead of the 14th when I was busy online with their servers crashing on me and after spending 2 hours to get through on the phone!). Argh! They are the Danish Bandai!!! Yeah, I wished there was a take a number reservation, my online VIP reservations were supposed to email me when they became available online, I only got an email last week about that. Try calling your local Lego Store, you might have better luck there than online. I have actually seen a quite a few Saturn V sets at the lego stores in stock - highly recommend that as its the best build experience I've ever had with lego - I think its the perfect size/length and it displays so well. The UCS Milf is a little too long/complex and you can't really swoosh it around as much as its heavy and fragile - great for display, but even that its a little too big.
  4. wm cheng

    Hi-Metal R

    Great stand!!! Which one is that? Wished they included it with the toy.
  5. WooohooO!!! I missed it last time, didn't know it was a limited release thing. Hoping for the Minmay figure to be included too.
  6. wm cheng

    Hi-Metal R

    Great job on the decals!!! Congrats. I find that if you tilt his crotch forward a bit, like doing a crunch, it closes up the gap considerably - and it looks good for the pose too.
  7. wm cheng

    Hi-Metal R

    WOW!!! That looks fantastic @Lolicon Congrats, can't wait to see it all put back together again.
  8. That looks great Lolicon! (any reference on what goes on a VF-2SS?) Now you've put a bee in my bonnet... great, another one on the line up. I've stopped on my VF-1S too Noel - given up finding the right white stenciling on the fast packs, I think I might just make it up to look close. Although just like Noel, with the holiday season, its now on the back burner for a bit. Maybe I can live vicariously though you guys.
  9. wm cheng

    Hi-Metal R

    Yes! I'd totally be all over a DX version of the VF-2SS!!!
  10. wm cheng

    Hi-Metal R

    Well I absolutely love my tiny little VF-2SS! Yes, the QC is definitely not what I'm used to, I got huge sprue marks and a few places where they look like they were just twisted off leaving gouges behind where the sprues used to be. Also I've got a few paint smudges and paint bleed so the paint apps were definitely not crisp, luck of the draw I guess. A little disappointing definitely in the QC department, but just to get such a great representation of the VF-2SS is such a treat! I love their sculpt and it really captures the goose-neck sleekness and angles of the original design. If I were to really nitpick, I'd say the knee/upper thigh is just a tad oversized. I can't believe they could get the anime magic transformation mostly done especially at such a small scale. We'd all like it to lock in better in all the modes of course, but for the size I think they deserve congrats! It has all the markings of the original anime. I just wished the colours of the SAP packs were somehow less cheap looking - however again its anime accurate. I might add some decals and weather/flat coat the SAPs to give them some weight. I am looking forward to the NEXX blue one to display in a different mode. I do love the aircraft mode without any SAP too! I find when you fiddle in the Battroid mode (I don't mind the fiddling - I call it playing and it holds pretty well once I get it the way I like - at least for now when its new), if you stick his "crotch" forward and push in his chest like he's doing crunches, it closes the gap in the shield to canopy, and recreates the iconic pose better (in fact most of the prototype photos that don't show this gap is posed this way) I'd definitely be getting another one!
  11. Darnit! Just found out about it and started using it one toy ago. It will be missed.
  12. wm cheng

    Hi-Metal R

    It's my mistake, I mean Anime Export - and I just checked, they charged me 2,900Y for EMS. Not too bad, I was mistaking another PayPAL thing I bought from Japan at the same time.
  13. wm cheng

    Hi-Metal R

    Yeah and you haven't even factrored into the Customs & Duties we pay (even if there's no duty, there's still a $9.95 fee plus HST tax - usually adds another $40 onto my Valkyries) Really sucks when something I want is at Amazon.com (but specifically says does not ship to Canada) is like $20usd and when I go to Amazon.ca the same thing is like $80cdn - WTF?! The exchange rate isn't that far off, its like 78 cents to the dollar. Boils my blood ALL THE TIME! Wow! Ouch for my shipping from Anime Extreme (4900Y EMS) - I guess that's where they are taking their profits. At least I can save a lot on my HLJ order (that's really reasonable for EMS) - Oh I just realized, is this to Canada or US?
  14. wm cheng

    Hi-Metal R

    Shipping seemed pretty steep from AE - it was 4900Y for EMS. Oh well, at least its on its way and I've been waiting for this one for a long time. Funny haven't gotten any notification from HLJ about that one? Didn't know they were so late, wonder what the shipping costs will be from HLJ.
  15. Would be nice to have a Black Friday sale on this puppy... one can dream right?!
  16. Any place to download the dubbed versions? hoping to get my young daughter into this. How far along with the dubbed versions are they? At what rate are they coming out and is there going to be an eventual Bluray release?
  17. wm cheng

    Bandai DX VF-31

    X1000! ... pretty perfect toy except for the opaque metallic canopy and the seam/gap behind the cockpit canopy
  18. wm cheng

    Hi-Metal R

    THANKS!!! Just ordered a second one.
  19. Congrats! Can't wait to see you build, please post so I can live vicariously through you.
  20. I like your thinking! Just trying to justify not buying the Bandai one after I've bought just about every detail kit for the FineMold years ago and its sitting gathering dust in the basement as a retirement project. It's just the Bandai is so much more detailed and crisper that it makes the FineMold pale in comparison (in fact my 1/144 Bandai MF puts the FineMold to shame). So hard, to little money and time which is making the decision for me but I'm sure I'll come to regret it years from now. Yep, kind of feel like that
  21. Isn't there some emoji for sarcasm?!
  22. Wow! That really sucks - especially being on the west coast I'd thought you would have a much better chance of getting anything than us in the east coast. I do like the drones attached to the Draken, its unique, however they do seem a bit oversized - and I wished Bandai designed the wing pivot differently to not need the clear support which was clearly an afterthought.
  23. Yeah, they seem a little big. I do love the gold paint app for the SV-262 though and the fact that its a different original transformation.
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