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wm cheng

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Posts posted by wm cheng

  1. With all those crazy tampo markings, did anyone else notice that they missed the little yellow rescue arrow on the chest pointing to the access panel that releases the forward fuselage?  Aside from the skull on shield markings behind the cockpit which someone else here pointed out.  Why make up so many other extraneous markings and not include the important ones?  At least they finally got the Ejection Seat triangles on this this one.  Too bad they missed the VF markings on the legs especially since the first VF-1J was a TV release.


    I wasn't going to get this, waiting for Roy's VF-1S, but I might break down... :(

  2. Wow!  It looks great but I'm with the way over done Tampo camp (can't believe I'm actually saying it).  These maintenance guys working on these birds must be near sighted to need such big fonts - the big words make it look a bit more toy-like IMHO.  I'm still on the fence.

  3. 13 hours ago, Lolicon said:

    Fixed up my HMR VF-4. She looked a bit plain out of the box.

    One of my favorite fighter modes of any valkyrie.






    The HMR can angle its wings down a bit for the proper look.


    Amazing work Lolicon!  Really needs it and you made it look great.

    Am I the only one here not that impressed with this tiny VF-4?  I just don't get it, its ok, especially for its small size, but there's no comparison to the Yamato/Arcadia version.  Someone here said it was leaps and bounds better than the Yamato/Arcadia version and a ton of people agreed, so it really upped my expectations.  When I finally received it, I guess I was too pumped because I felt such a let down.  I consider the Yamato/Arcadia VF-4 the pinnacle of their design production, everything fit so perfectly, there were no gaps and closed up so sleek with fantastic proportions and perfectly scaled panel lines.  The only thing wrong with it was the colour scheme.  While I'm so happy Bandai actually chose to represent this amazingly beautiful design and they did the best they could at this size, its far from perfect. 

    My gripes are that there's a huge gap between the nose cone and the forward fuselage, the nose is a bit too needely/long and lacks the typical VF-1 side profile downward drop, nothing locks in place (relying on friction to hold), all the fins/wings move at the slightest handling, but there is not real detent at any of the right angles, the downward fin under the cockpit is too small and all the panel lines are massively to big and out of scale.  The brown stripes on the tail fins at the top and bottom of the black field with the white skull, shouldn't they be red and shouldn't there be another black stripe at the very top and bottom before the marking goes to the grey of the tailfin?  Oh plus that stupid huge yellow rescue arrow in the middle of the side pointing at nothing - argh!

    I do like the toy, its fine for its size but its just not comparable to the Yamato/Arcadia 1/60 version.  I guess I just don't get these HM-R line.

  4. Hey Gatsu,

    Sorry with March Break vacation, my new job and running a basement renovation in my home, I don't have very much time with my hobbies anymore. 


    I'll look at my model when I get home, I think its currently in fighter form so I can snap a picture of the thigh to see if its aligned or not.  My guess is that it isn't and its like the old VF-1 where the green part is slightly rotated downward from the purple intake part.


    I certainly don't remember much of that build, especially the details - the only thing I got out of it was that I never want to build another one of these model kits again - it was so unpleasant and frustrating.

  5. GSI Creos Mr Topcoat semi-gloss - hmm never heard of that.  Is it more durable than semi-gloss Future?  I'd like to find something that would be able to withstand transformation better.


    Oh gorgeous photography BTW Lolicon - aside from the amazing weathering too.


    Looks like I came to the right place :)

    This is the 1/48 Hasegawa F-14A, 2nd generation with slightly improved molds, but it's still a beast to build.

    I can go more into the details along the build if you wish.

    Can't wait!!  Yes please.  BTW, if you went 1/48 - may I ask why you didn't go Tamiya?

  7. Why did it go up early?!  Thank Goodness you guys are on it and I happened to check in with this forum.  I thought it was supposed to be 8pm EST tonight  for Mar 10 JPT.

  8. Is it only me or am I crazy, but the light grey makes it look very plasticky in a lot of the pictures - a darker shade would be better, but its not going to deter me from ordering this puppy, its the only reason I got the VF-31S (I'm not a fan of the teal and crimson colour scheme)

  9. 16 hours ago, Mommar said:

    Why not next week?  Also, you’ve probably ensured it’s next week.


    15 hours ago, slide said:

    Tempt NOT the Fates!!:ph34r:


    13 hours ago, no3Ljm said:

    True, that there is no PO mad rush. But it does matter because it’s TWE. And what does TWE means? It’s abbreviation for ‘Pay Upfront’. That’s instant Y17000+. Shipping cost not included yet.


    LOL - yeah you're right that it would serve me right to tempt the fates.  I'm going on Vacation next week and it would be my luck for them to PO on my week off with unreliable internet - plus my family would kill me if I'm online.

    So this armor pack is TWE?  That means the order window would be open longer right?  But wasn't the VF-31A also TWE and we all know the craziness of not ordering right away when it opened.

  10. 6 minutes ago, Alex GS said:

    yikes! , is true :( 



    Got this from Amiami too, but after a few refreshes and what seemed stuck, it eventually went through 10mins later and I got an confirmation email already...

  11. 4 minutes ago, Chronocidal said:

    CD Japan freaking broke on me..

    kicked me to the login screen a dozen times in the middle of trying to check out.. wtf...


    Same here!


  12. 20 hours ago, Mommar said:

    Friday the 1st, bro.


    18 hours ago, no3Ljm said:

    Japan Time Zone:
    Feb 1, 4pm JST

    North America Time Zone:
    Jan 31, 11pm PST
    Feb 1, 12mn MST
    Feb 1, 1am CST
    Feb 1, 2am EST


    THANKS SO MUCH!!!  This is the one I've been waiting for, sucker for the Radome and Orange!

  13. 3 minutes ago, no3Ljm said:

    PO night is just around the corner. :rolleyes:


    Did I miss the Pre-Order date announcement in the deluge of all these pages?!  When is it?

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