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wm cheng

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Everything posted by wm cheng

  1. DAMN YOU JOHN!! It just looks so good...
  2. Wow... I was a bit worried about that. In no way is this any criticism of John's excellent sculpting abilities and all the great effort Rob & Jesse are contributing to this very worthwhile project - but the price is a bit steep for me. So I would assume that the vehicle is a fair hunk of resin (sheer size wise) too, and would probably be in the $100+ range right? $300+ dollars (total before the Hasegawa kit) for the whole booster/launch vehicle is a bit hard to swallow and justify for me right now. Thats too bad, I love what you guys are doing (truely excellent work John), and that this is one of my favourite mechs of all time that has yet to be done. I'd gladly take donations on this Are there any producers on these boards that need an art director for their upcomming film?? I'm so sad... there are lotteries though
  3. Fantastic job John!! You come though again! Great interpretation - any chance that it can swivel so that we can adjust the "angle of launch" after construction. I'm sure the Valk with booster would be removeable after construction as well - right? You've got me a little worried, by splitting the cost (good idea) how much more could the vehicle itself be - I may not be able to afford both parts - so I would like to get an idea now if possible. The outlook for the film business in T.O. isn't all that hot - on the bright side, I am hoping to start on your excellent booster as soon as I finish my current job. Hoping to start in November. Keep it up - and thanks for the progress pics - it makes my day! Wm
  4. Fantastic work Kurt!! It looks great, how is the post shading holding up? I've been thinking about doing a little bit of weathering/post shading on my Yamato too, but I've been worried that through handling and transformations, the very light post-shading might scrape off at where the parts rub - even with a clear coat. What do you do to protect it against these scrapes? Does it hold up well? Keep up the great work. Wm
  5. Hey THAT'S FANTASTIC Dobber!! I'm no Dobber when it comes to hand painting! I can't believe you brush painted all those - the finish is so smooth, and you didn't seem to fill in any of the extremely light Hasegawa engraving. Great job! Especially the digital flanker scheme - did you mask for that? I'm not a big fan of the SV-51 design, but you make it look almost good enough for me to buy one. I love that scheme - everything, the white tanks and armament is just perfect (how did you paint those so white with a red plastic base??!). Keep it up!
  6. I use ModelMaster laquer clear coats, and they have been perfectly stable on top of my oil washed Tamiya acrylics (they are designed not to yellow over time). Future will give you an extremely glossy/shiny finish to the model - I'm not sure if that's the intended final finish you want for a military aircraft - a brand new car maybe. People often use future to give a clear, glossy smooth surface to decal on, then clear coat with something else that will give a flatter sheen. Also just a tip, very glossy surfaces tend to look more toyish, - flatter finishes tend to look more like scaled down machines. Even if the actual object is quite glossy in real life, the scaled down model miniature will look more proper if it is flatter/matte than its real life counterpart. (Do not clear coat the canopy unless its with future though...)
  7. Good Job VF-19!! Keep it up - please encourage all around to keep building. You've done a good job of hiding the seams if you didn't paint it - it means you couldn't fill them either (otherwise the filler will show). It goes to show how thoughtful the Hasegawa decals are - even if you don't really paint it, it still comes out great. I would suggest the next time you do a wash, don't do it in black. Maybe only do the flaps and airbrake holes in black, but keep all the other panel lines in a light grey so they don't show up so strongly. You could vary the wash with varying degrees of grey to make some panels stand out more than others - generally the revits should be the lightest grey (it will add a bit more life to the overall panelling). Keep up the great work! (by the way, NICE EX-girlfriend to buy you that D-SLR - what did you do to become an EX? ) I wish I could get my wife to by me anything electronic!
  8. Is it too late to ask for a highly detailed launch arm for 1/72 Hasegawa models? (under the others catagory)
  9. I must agree with Cobywan! Hey John, is this too late to request a nicely sculpted launch arm for the 1/72 Hasegawa - maybe with a metal tube insert for strength? I'd definitely buy a few of those!
  10. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe thats canon. It looks like someone photoshoped some atlas-like launch vehicle to the top & bottom of the YF-19.
  11. Hey, how about an "unscripted drama" aka: Reality show about a bunch of rebels in a trash compactor where they have to bob for water monsters or climb a bunch of obstactles? Every episode the imperial council will have to vote out a hapless rebel to be ejected into space! Darth Vader could be the host. Man it's all these reality shows that are putting people like me out of business!! Don't support them Support my addiction to Macross!!
  12. Hey a little off-topic here, but how do you get a wallpaper to stretch across two monitors? I have a ATI Radeon 9200 card with a dual monitor setup (1600x1200 primary 21" and a 1280X1024 secondary 17") but they both display the same background - the 17" just displays it cropped. Is there a setting that I am not aware of that will allow a big graphic to stretch across two monitors or two different backgrounds per monitor? Thanks, Wm
  13. HEY!!! I worked on Earth Final Conflict! Making Sci Fi is more fun than watching it Plus it paid the bills. There should be more sci-fi be it TV or feature in general - plenty of room to move around (plus it pays for the Macross stuff )
  14. Hey - don't forget about the resin backseat Minmay! Backseat Minmay 1/72 - $10
  15. oOOHH! I would definitely second Mechleader's suggestion of a seated Minmay for the back seat of the VT-1 (main reason I haven't started one) - preferably with Minmay's full head and pony tail with her holding her helmut.
  16. That looks fantastic - way to go Jesse!! We all here at MW are deeply appreciative of all your efforts!
  17. Wow!! Fantastic casting John!! looking good
  18. Hey, if it frees up room for stickys does that mean someone could sticky my build-up threads (at least the pointers to my build-up threads... which I've been politely asking for the last year?) http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=691 I still get weekly PMs about where to find my older build-ups! I don't mind - love the interest, but its answering the same questions over and over again. I'll update this thread whenever I get a new build-up or photos of my models...
  19. Absolutely fantastic work John!! Thanks for posting the pictures and allowing us to follow along your process. It looks great - I will definitely be ordering one or two for sure!! Can't wait to see your build up - by the way, will the Hasegawa VF-1 be removeable after construction? Looking forward to the launcher as well...
  20. Hey thanks for letting me know... (I found out here before Hobbyfan) I was just going to transfer the prize to Monkey-N for the 1/72 Booster project!! Why didn't we see more Macross entries from here? Not that I'm complaining... Thanks (nice to feel loved)
  21. Fantastic work John! Good pictures, I see what you mean by the right amount of bulge - it looks great! What do you think about the "teeth" details around the bell openings? Would you consider casting that knee/bent part so that we can adapt a regular Hasegawa fighter kit instead of using the strike/super and omitting all the fast packs? They are cheaper - less waste too Looking really good!
  22. Hi all, There's a little Macross modelling contest going on at Hobby fan. Check it out! http://hobbyfan.com/gallery/view_album.php...ame=album588&s= Vote here: http://hobbyfan.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=3030 (Connection is a little slow)
  23. Maybe seeing how the Russian r-7 rockets / Soyuz detail their exterior might inform you on how to panel line or add riveting details to the Booster.
  24. I guess here's some conceptual inspiration...
  25. Sorry if its already been posted here before - but I thought it was pretty well done. http://www.01.246.ne.jp/~eri-shun/gall_macross.htm http://www.geocities.co.jp/Playtown-Bingo/9768/gallery.html
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