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wm cheng

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About wm cheng

  • Birthday 07/12/1969

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  • Old MW Name
    wm cheng

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    Toronto, Canada
  • Interests
    All things Macross - especially the mecha. All things Sci-Fi Aircraft modelling Movies

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SMS Squadron Leader

SMS Squadron Leader (11/15)



  1. Sorry to be late to the party, but which toy/manufacturer is this?
  2. Glad you're building the 1/72 @electric indigo - you don't see many of those built. What are you going to do with the cockpit? That's one of the reasons I can't think of ever starting mine.
  3. Thanks so much, you guys are bad for my wallet, looks like I need this release. I just got burned with Oblivion 4K which is worse than the 1080p Blu-Ray @treatment I just got a brand new JVC DLA-NZ500 laser 4K projector with 100" screen, a new Denon AVR-X-4800H receiver and Panasonic DP-UB820 4K Player and my old 7.2 Paradigm Studio SEs.
  4. Damn it! Won't ship to Canada. So is this 4K transfer worth it? I have the previous release and it wasn't too sharp and I've noticed a lot of 4K transfers lately aren't very sharp and not a noticeable improvement over the 2K blu-rays (ie; Oblivion). Is it actually sharper or higher resolution and a noticeable improvement over the previous blu-ray release? I saw a Japanese review on Amazon.jp that said it was blurrier/softer than the 2K release - is that true?
  5. Wow! That looks really great @electric indigo - you made such an ugly duckling look so sleek!
  6. OMG @MechTech that Gatling Gun is just so many kinds of awesome that I'm speechless. Fantastic work, just the machining would be enough, but to get it to rotate and then you go and light up just the firing barrel was just over the top and now you're just really toying with us. If you can combine forces with @derex3592 on that awesome A-10 and be able to miniaturize that gun to fit into his A-10 nose then I'll give up modeling for good 😛 Wow just amazing work everyone!!! OK @MechTech the next step is to add smoke and slave to tracking - have you seen this? https://www.facebook.com/share/v/12FsTWag4YL/ A little more disaster on that never-ending (16month long project) 1/72 Hasegawa VT-1 - seems like everything that can happen to it did (including that horrible paint crackling reaction after the decals!), so now we had to replace our hot water tank in our basement over Christmas, it started leaking, then they repaired it, then it literally exploded and sprayed hot scalding water everywhere until I could shut it off. Unfortunately, this happens to be right behind my workbench in the basement. So they came to replace it with a tankless system, what I didn't know was that they needed to drill a new hole in the basement to vent the new tankless system, so instead of going to the wall closest to the unit, they tubed above and decided to drill and vent out the opposite wall right above my modeling workbench. My entire bench including all my airbrushes, paint brushes and every tool and pieces of model is now coated with a fine layer of brick dust over everything! It will take days to vacuum and clean everything out (especially all my brushes which were standing on end with the bristles upward now coated with fine rock particles fallen into them). From a guy who used to get freaked out if there was a speck of dust or hair on the paint - now just another reason to delay finishing up that model... if ever.
  7. They do look good, I wonder if they would be sold as accessories?
  8. I can't believe there's a Black Friday sale on the Canadian Amazon.ca on a Macross Toy?!?! (I would never have thought the day would come - of course I already have one but its a pretty good price in CDN delivered!) https://www.amazon.ca/TAMASHII-NATIONS-Macross-Spirits-Chogokin/dp/B0CRK23S71/ref=pd_ci_mcx_mh_mcx_views_0_title?pd_rd_w=28Mra&content-id=amzn1.sym.132f1a2b-de6d-4eb4-9982-d6fe080f8827%3Aamzn1.symc.40e6a10e-cbc4-4fa5-81e3-4435ff64d03b&pf_rd_p=132f1a2b-de6d-4eb4-9982-d6fe080f8827&pf_rd_r=HWHHEPZ7FEEHCGSWBN7Y&pd_rd_wg=LlJ20&pd_rd_r=b3c024e7-f1e5-4561-9bc8-8fa01b93435d&pd_rd_i=B0CRK23S71
  9. Thanks @Radioguy - it was my understanding when they filed bankruptcy that the banks and lawyers got all the money that was left, I think that company is a new company and has nothing to do with the old HAL-9000 project (unless you know something I don't - there were a lot of us out $1k or more)
  10. Wow! Amazing improvement is an understatement, complete new rebuild that looks F#$%King AMAZING!!!
  11. @Radioguy yes unfortunately (and I thought they were thoroughly vetted too)
  12. I love my Battlepod! But no more kickstarters for me EVER - I lost over $1K over that HAL-9000 fiasco, it was written up all over the most respected magazines and online, but when it went down and bankrupted none of those outlets that reported on how great it was printed anything about the loss - ARGH! (of course having said that, I did pre-order the Tomy Refit Enterprise LOL - but I think that's a bit different than a Kickstarter)
  13. This video shows the Zentradi markings to be slightly different https://www.facebook.com/share/r/5nx2t8KoFMZx83hV/?mibextid=NpOjYg
  14. I don't see the add-ons on their site to order? How?
  15. Can you order the missile attachments separately? I can't find where? Great news about the recon pod - I love that!!!
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