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Everything posted by Winter

  1. Winter

    VF Girls

    I think I've a new desktop to replace my Akira desktop! *Right clicks, saves Ms.Kill Stick as wallpaper* Mighty nice thread, this. ^-^
  2. Here's one for the vets....Fold Engines. I've read tons of pages and sites about them, but what I'd like to know is, what kind of navigation system do you use for such a device? Are XYZ coordinates used, or is the 360 degree system used in shows like Star Trek used? Or am I asking a question that has no real answer?
  3. Ahhh. Issamu Alva Dyson...truly a bad ass we can all appreciate. ...splattery gore you say? I might just have to pick up DYRL? the next time I want to see something violent and shallow.
  4. Ha ha ha! New desktop get! ....where can I get a suit like that?
  5. Hi. Just a quick post...I heard there was a Homeworld mod on one of these servers and I'm quite interested in it. However, I can't seem to log into any servers. Is there a website or some other means of obtaining this mod? Thanks in advance.
  6. Winter

    VF Girls

    VF-4 Valk girl! *Drool*
  7. Holy Hell! I've got to order one of the Macross artbooks, cause I want more lineart of those/that Macross 7 super carrier *Drool!*
  8. Wha? These aren't JUST carriers? Oh this I've GOT to see.....
  9. I've fallen madly in love with the Macross 7 super Carrier design ^__________________^ ...groovy pic. New desktop get
  10. I want to agree with you, I really do...but I haven't seen Mac0 and nor have I seen DYRL?.
  11. Odd. Am I the only one who sees the VF-1's firing beams and whatnot from what's supposed to be their hip-joint assembly thingies on the nose in Fighter mode?
  12. My God. That whole city ruining fight scene on Earth was just delish *Fans himself*
  13. That's one of the reasons I love Mac+ so very much. The variety of music ranges from hi-speed electronica(InfoHigh) to orchestral genius(Cantabile) to rock(Does "After in the dark" count as rock?).
  14. See also: rectal thermomtetry, triganometry tests and slivers in the bottom of one's foot But in all serious, I understand what you're saying and value your input. "Wrath" was a greatly over rated movie too. Bollocks to Kirk and his whiny brat >.>
  15. I'm not a modler...nor an artist...but I've been looking through this thread and want to commend the mastery of everyone involved in this. Bra-vo! Utter genuis and artwork
  16. I'm trying to like everyone here, but you're not making it easy
  17. Perhaps I should recant part of my distate for Mac7. The animation is decent. Basara can make you laugh...sometimes...his boorish personality and bullheadedness is either comedy or irritation. Oft times both. I rather LIKE the look of the YF-19 Kai. Head design in all. Perhaps once I've settled into my new home in Ottawa, I'll re-rent some of the Mac7 DVD's and try to watch them objectively. And Radd. Thank the holy sweet powers at play that we DON'T get a new Mac series every so often. Look what happened to Gundam as a result. I see that as a situation of "too much too often" of the same stuff. Agent ONE...that's not fair. Basara has cool hair Gui. I always found Mac+ to be the EXACT essence of what Macross is all about. So few do programs or movies or music move my feelings like the torment of Myung, Issamu and Guld. I shivered and smiled through the entirety of "Information High" and mourned when Guld died. But that's just me. I know this is gonna irk someone but...Guld>Roy ^_~
  18. That's a good point. I'm going to give Mac7 another chance, and try to watch at least one, two episodes before I condem it totaly. And forgive me. I do not intend to turn this into a "lol mac7 gay!111" thread. I was just listing the series I've seen ; I'm looking forward to Mac0 and DYRL? though. They seem promising.
  19. I wathched SDF:Macross. Top tier. I watched Macross Plus. More ownage. I watched *10* mins of Mac7 and its ass. Am I nuts, or does the Macross series alternate between genius and crap, like the Star Trek movies alternate between good and bad? Someone tell me I'm nuts.
  20. Arguing over made up Zentradi...talking smack about FASA....I love it here
  21. Oh my God. Land Air Mech LOL! That travesty aside, its pretty cool to see a my fave Destroids are really my fave Mechs
  22. Something like: "Dekalcha!" ...I'm thinking more along the lines of the spooge icon on my forums.
  23. I love them Stampy's. Enough firepower to harrass the biggest of targets. ^________^
  24. Kawamori was in kahoots with FASA?
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