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Everything posted by shdwfx2000

  1. They make this rubber coating/paint for covering the handles to tools, which if applied lightly will give joints extra grip. You can get it at most hardware stores.
  2. Hey guys, I really appreciate the info on these guys. my apologies for posting in the wrong forum:) -tobey
  3. does anyone remember a little 2-3 inch model, in several pieces that was available in the late 80's early 90's in bubblegum/gumball/quarter machines in the united states? i have a couple of these and was looking for some info on them. manufacturer, where to get more. that kind of thing thanks
  4. ok, just to clarify because i am amazed, you are sculpting her completely out of car repair material? i didnt know the stuff could be used that way. so you just make a block i guess, then carve from there? amazing work
  5. I know this is offhand, but I have bought from several guys on this forum, of course it was all Macross, but I dont trust everybody on the web, but like i said, the guys i have bought from here have all been great. I am looking to get the Great Monkey Baby Bandai figure, and I have no clue what the buying is like in Japan, if theres "flea markets" or garage sales or whatnot. But if any of you guys over there come across that Super Battle Collection Great Monkey, please let me know. Again, sorry for such a non-Macross request. thanks guys, tobey
  6. any of these still available? thanks
  7. i am looking for some nice hands/manipulators. i am looking for 1/48 1/60 or there abouts. I guess the Gundam guys dont make stuff like that, does anyone know of some nice after market hands. I'd love some TV type hands for a model project I am doing, but cant seem to find some without having to make some from scratch. Articulated or not, I just dont care anymore . thanks for any help. Tobey
  8. Mine came in today, thank a million guys. It looks great. Tobey
  9. go ahead and put me down for one. that thing looks amazing, and i have really enjoyed the progress threads on it.
  10. AlphaHX left me off the list, but I am interested in getting one. That makes 24.
  11. just a question here, citadel<games workshop>, the folks who brought us the warhammer 40k stuffs, makes "inks" that are intended to be used for weathering and bringing out fine details in pewter/plastic figures. anyone tried them on a model of any kind yet?
  12. i was reading up on this, and the possibility of sanding might be a viable option. apparently somebody did quite a bit of homework on this subject and found that plastics degrad with age<duh>. heat and uv light help it break down, the surface molecules start to unchain, and the plastic itself is eroding away. the yellow is just the first part. sanding is an option, but a piece will sometimes spontaneously turn yellow again. painting is an option, so yellow jet/sky fires make an attractive plea for customization. i have read whitening toothpaste, a pinball machine cleaning chemical called Novus #2 might work, but could remove paint, and another suggestion for a product called Peek metal polish, which i will assume has a mild abrasive in it. Perhaps a container of Mother's will do the trick? i think i will ebay for a horribly yellow valk, and see what i can find..
  13. since i got thrashed on nugget's auction , i would love to have my name down for one of these guys.
  14. does anyone have some yellowed throw away toy to see if it's just a surface problem, or if it's a change throughout the plastic? hate to think all it took was some buffing, and i was just being lazy
  15. thats what good living, alcohol and women can do for you.
  16. i'd like one, but if the add on kits do become available, make it two.
  17. if you'll look under the name DAIRUGGER XV (yes he had 15 parts), or voltron 2, matchbox did make a vehicle Voltron. the guy says he's a foot tall, he's actually closer to 16 inches to a foot and half tall. the only metal he has is in his screws. neat bot, i don't think mine came with a sword, but it was almost 20 years ago. Voltron was two (almost three) different anime's under one banner ala' Robotech. for voltron 3 ,the one that never was, you can type voltron gladiator in google. but with no pics, nyah , i dont think you did a bad thing.
  18. tag. man i am glad i found this message board.
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