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Everything posted by Basara

  1. Only 4 votes for Myung... Travesty!
  2. To wash down all those Humbugers, eh?
  3. Basara


    Yeah, you can never trust the Chinese. J/K! He's right you know... I'm Chinese, and I don't even trust myself.
  4. I always thought Exedor's pulsing brain/head thing was pretty nasty as far as heads went. Wonder what the other Zentraedi thought when they looked at it.
  5. All this talk about ugliest Valkyrie heads and helmets leads me to wonder which character actually has the ugliest mug...
  6. A hero's death can also be sad. It certainly was sniff worthy at moments, with the VF-11 straining against the innards of the capital ship... Now if someone had said pathetic and f-ucked up... Then that's a whole different story. Kakizaki's story...
  7. The initials of the happy couple are DY-RL... DYRL is the movie that Harmony Gold is merchandising on DVD right now. The connection is, at least HG can't use DYRL.com as the website to market it... That's all! I can't tell- are they Japanese, Chinese, Korean, what? Well, considering how they have Chinese surnames... I'm guessing they're Chinese... Someone really should tell them... myabe they can put up a token banner somewhere...
  8. In a way.... it's almost ironic. www.dyrl.com
  9. Let's not forget the captain of Diamond Squad while he was in a VF-11 Battle Armour... for those who have actually seen Macross 7, that is... He actually gets up from the hospital bed to fly off to certain doom... The real prize, has to go to Kakizaki in DYRL... I mean one moment, he's kidding about on the radio, and next, he's static...
  10. Dug into my old anime collection for an English dub of Orguss... and what do you know... Bryan Cranston... dad from Malcolm in the Middle is also in the credits... That aside... stick to the English subs and not dubs... "...Original Japanese seiyuus. They just sound better..."
  11. Don't kid around about that. I was strip searched at Kansai International. By a dodgy looking security guy in glasses.
  12. The potential ending makes you wonder about where all the swanky Anti-UN technology went...
  13. *Ahems and happens to be goth and an obscenely rabid Macross fan*
  14. The main box cover of yours, with the Monster and silver backing would be great... I think it's safe to post the wallpaers here in this thread... the old wallpaper thread seems to be dead.
  15. Some of these box covers could be expanded and turned into some pretty decent wall paper... Anyone up for it?
  16. Holy Lonely Night DUET version to be sure... When it comes to unforgettable music, you simply have to put Macross 7 above the rest. It's.... unforgettable! LET'S FIRE!
  17. *slowly plucks out fingernails one by one because he doesn't own a PS2....*
  18. It probably wouldn't be for extra ammuniton for the GU-11 Gunpod... The average infantry man carries only about 180 rounds on him (dependent on the type of rifle... taking the M-16A2 as a reference here...) so for a Valkyrie to carry 200 rounds in the gun pod, along with a wing mounted payload, as well as the anti-aircraft lasers... The damned thing is over armed as it is... to say nothing about mounting FAST Packs on the thing. Micro missiles it is. Nothing more, nothing less.
  19. makes my knee hurt just thinking about it... Makes your knee hurt? Don't tell me you've been shot by a LAW in the leg...
  20. The primary points about bigger, heavier infantry holds true, for the most part, but the most logical sollution would be to give our grunts bigger LAWs, ATGMs, etc. You could have tons of tiny guys running around taking down hulking Zentrans with small, but dealy anti-tank weaponry. Of course, this only applies to ground combat, where the Destroids would do fine in... hence the Valkyrie. One additional cardinal rule about defensive combat is, never fight a battle on your own soil, or inthis case, your own planet. By the time that happens, you're pretty much fubared. Take the fight to the enemy, or fight on intervening terrain. Hence the need for space capable Valkyries which can engage the in space before they hit Earth... Still, I would have liked to seen lots of infantry run up against the Zentrans, especially in the urban scenaios, where they could pop out of a window and take out a Zentraedi eyeball, then duck away and shear off a knee cap... Boy, wouldn't that have been annoying.
  21. True, but there's this niggling thought. Where did they go? Will contact ever be re-established? Will Hikaru's son ever go to college?
  22. The Macross Plus OST 1 and 2 are available at all good anime music stores everywhere. Or you could always order through the net. It's all over the place. Like movie editions of Macross Plus... they never sell the OVA anymore...
  23. Well, if it wasn't a sample... I'd have to applaud the production team for doing that tiny little clip in decent English... no mangled Engrish... though that owul dhave really taken the steam out of the whispers. Ahhh.... but the thing is... Sharon Apple was being run by Myung... so.... You really couldn't blame Guld, eh?
  24. For those who own it... listen to the song "Idol Talk" from the Macross Plus OST... and tell me that isn't a sample from some kind of porn video clip or something in the background... You know... the voice over bit that goes: "... Take a closer look... mmm.. very nice..." For the sake of typing a family friendly post, I'll leave it up to you to listen to the rest but... well... I didn't notice it before.
  25. Damn... all I had to go on when I was 14, were Mandarin dubbed Macross re-runs... ' They're starting kids early these days....
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