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Everything posted by Viceland

  1. FREE??? Hello!?!? You mean you haven't paid your dues to WM Chen for the priviledge of viewing his threads??!?!??? Shame on you!! You did suggest he should get paid for his contributions to the craft, so pony-up! Oh, and Welcome to MW!!
  2. Not if it's frosty inside... mmmm... frosty canopy insides
  3. You say this technique is rough on the brush, how so? What's the brush stroke like? is it dabbing the edges, straight on, bending the bristles? Maybe a "brush in action" picture? a small mpeg movie? or better yet, come to my house and show me?
  4. Go away freako!!... oh, you were talking to Grayson... nevermind...
  5. It was probably because of this When eBay announces these deals, they don't give lot of advanced notice, so lots of sellers will usually start a whole bunch of empty auctions (at high starting price, for headroom) to take advantage of the deal. This way they can take their time revising each auction (especially 10 day auctions, like this guy did) by adding actual items with descriptions and pictures, and lowering prices accordingly. Check out his other auctions, he's not finished revising all of them yet.
  6. Yep, great build, but definitely needs panel lines.
  7. edit: meh
  8. my wallet!! my wallet!!
  9. But doesn't that look like a vertical "tail" wing and not a main wing?
  10. Damn it Andy ... you're gonna suck every last penny out of my pockets aren't you?!? I'm in for one also (maybe 2)
  11. Wouldn't scanning it at hi rez be better than taking a picture of it?
  12. Thought I'd lighten up this thread a little... If you're not yet aware that one of the interesting feature of the Mercedes Smart Car is swapable body panels, get your head out of your buttcrack! While trying to cash in on the Smart Car craze, Takara, in association with Mercedes, introduces their new line-up of full size DigiQ-style swapable whole bodies for Smart Cars! Takara hopes to bring in a new era in the useless and ridiculous non-performance enhancing car modification industry! Here we go! My apologies if these have been posted here before, but I wasn't about to browse thru an 84 page thread to find out. Cheers.
  13. Indeed! Indigo, that's the Retpuu kit, right? I have that kit but it's way back on my list. Kind of scared of building a vinyl kit maybe. Do you treat those like styrene and resin kits? or is there a totally different way of going at it?
  14. Merci pour les liens, et le fait qu'ils soient en français n'est pas un problème, puisque je suis francophone!
  15. That's awesome!!! Are you working from a set of plans? (like papercraft or something) or are you just winging it from references? Please keep us updated (or me at least ) on this project, I would love to see it completed. Got more pictures of the build-up? You have a build-up thread on another forum? (Like Ryuji's figure build-ups all over the place). One last thing, make me one!?! Goldorak and Captain Harlock are my all-time favorite childhood Anime series. In the early 80's, like in France, Quebec TV was playing french dubbed Grendizer and Harlock, not Robotech. My love of Macross came later, when I discovered Macross Plus, and SDF, in the mid 90's. My childhood is Robotech-Free!!!
  16. I agree
  17. Post that again, but here instead; http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...opic=16293&st=0
  18. Shaving resin off this kit only to save a few bucks won't be worth the decrease in quality and strength of the kit, and the savings would be minimal at best.
  19. Ok Chad, add me to the list.
  20. I'm in for one...
  21. What's a model kit? I just collect lots random shapes made of resin... edit: thought this link would be useful... LINK TO 1/72 TV GHOST THREAD
  22. 2 for me too!
  23. I would like both, but if I had to pick between one or the other: YF-19
  24. OOPS!! sorry... I got the impression Jesse had bought the kit since he was the one doing the casting, many "Interest Gauging" thread are started by members who are not the ones actually doing the mastering/casting work, but are none the less part of the project handling the communications/money aspect. Plus, there was no reaction to my post #2, so I figured I was right... hence my post #9. Again, sorry about the mix-up. edit: what did happen to the rail master? John still has it?
  25. Did Jesse also buy the Booster *Launch Rail? and if so, will it also be (re)produced? I might be tempted to go for another Booster if the *Launch Rail comes with it like a combo kit, of course I expect the price would go up. This would also mean I would need 2 Booster Launch Vehicles, that's right, 2... *Booster Launch Rail, not to be confused with Jesse's other Launch Arm project well... they both say "launch", might confuse some
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