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Everything posted by Viceland

  1. So if your molds end up a brownish colour, with some fizzing bubbles and a sweet root smell, you'll know why!
  2. I just did! Ok, everyone back to the Monster... 1, 2, 3, aaaaaaaaaand DROOL!!
  3. So in your opinion, which is better?
  4. Is it better than the original Club-M (or recast) decal sheet? or is it different markings?
  5. WoW! Talk about a HUGE HINT she want's you around more often! Time to quit the forces? That, or she feels guilty about something...
  6. WoW! Long time no see!! Welcome back!!
  7. A 1/72 SDF-1??!?!?! YES!!!!
  8. Let's see, in the past 10 years, I've worked as (in order); a bartender in a run down tavern (literally, a train derailed and ran over the pub!); a studio recording & live sound tech (highlight of this career? live sound for a Kenny G concert ); a Club Med G.O. (sound Tech & DJ) I go postal if I hear the "Hands Up! Baby Hands Up!" song; a telephone install/repair tech (Bell Canada, laid off due to downsizing so they could sub-contract the work at half the wage); and (currently) an Occupational Health & Safety Officer for a chem lab & foundry, and Radiation Safety Officer for an X-ray lab (all government labs), I get to say "It's not a tuhmah!" Life takes you on weird paths sometimes.
  9. You mean you can't read, write or speak Japanese like everyone else here? You lazy illiterate bastard!
  10. Ferries eh? So M7 fans haul people, cars and trucks across large bodies of water? I think you meant to say fairies, like this one for example! edit: ah heck... I didn't bother to read Hurins post and A1's reply before posting, that's what I get for trying to be a smartass, enjoy the video anyways! I think it was a well spent $2.95
  11. Why start a new thread? You could have posted these in your original one. How do the resin cast of the original metal parts look?
  12. I dunno, maybe things are slow due to some people catching the post holiday season's depleted wallet syndrome.
  13. It was already determined he was to continue after January 20th. One more week.
  14. Believe me, she's not forcing me not to see anything, but she would rather I not rent these on our "cuddle & movie" ( ) nights. Anyways, she's mostly just having fun with the list to tease/annoy me. I mean, she loves movies about trying to catch serial killers like the Hannibal movies, Seven, Kiss the girls, Bone Collector, Suspect Zero, etc. (those still make her run to the kitchen, just not as bad), but Saw was a little too much for her. I already watch horror flicks that contains gore alone (she'll watch gore-free horror), so that rule was already in effect. Now I also need to make sure to check the gore level of her beloved suspense thrillers types like I listed above before she'll even sit down to watch.
  15. Had me at 1/72 (Grayson especially! )
  16. I'm pretty sure this one is completed.
  17. Yes, see the "continuation" in this thread; http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=16197
  18. I usually wait until movies come to DVD so I can watch them at home, mostly cause the theater is so expensive. A few months ago, I rented Saw, which I enjoyed, but my girlfriend did not. She can't handle those movies, she keeps running off into the kitchen and then yells out "what's happening now?", she'll only come back once the screen is clear of gore. Even a bit a blood will cause this, it's annoying. She was genuinely pissed I had rented that movie and had not warned her in advance about what it was. She made me promise I would't bring another movie like that home when she was around. Now, she actually surfs the web for upcoming movies that are potentially too hot for her to handle so she can put them in a "no renting" list. She came up to me today and said "Hostel, NO NO NO!". After I figured out it was a movie (of which I never heard of yet), I went online for reviews and trailers. Pretty nasty shite! I told her I was definitely seeing it, but would rent it when she wasn't around. Reviews: http://www.moviesonline.ca/film2417.htm 9 Clips, not for the kids, and the faint of heart: http://www.moviesonline.ca/movienews_6828.html Who's up for an Eastern European backpacking vacation?
  19. And this should be in the "Sell, Trade, Buy" section to begin with.
  20. Yes, Hot Toys released 2 Predators from AVP, Scar & Celtic, along with 3 USCMarines (Aliens). I paid $200 + shipping for 2 Stormtroopers on eBay, so there are better prices out there. The Hasbro Stormies REALLY look bad now, the Marmit ones are still pretty good though.
  21. Well, I got the Medicom ROTJ Vader not too long ago and I was hooked. Since then I got the Medicom Luke and 2 Medicom Stormtroopers. Not gonna bother with the Ep.III Vader though. I've done a bit of 1/6 research since my addiction began, so now I'm looking for a Marmit Boba Fett to fit on a RAH body (so he's in scale with the Medicom Stormtroopers). Also looking for the 2 Marmit Sandtroopers (white and orange), and a Target exclusive Hasbro Speederbike/Scout Trooper. Hunting for Kerberos Panzer Cops / Stray Dogs / Jin-Roh figs; Medicom TV; Medicom Movie; Dragon Japan Ver. (w/Light-up Eyes); Dragon Int'l Ver. (Plain); Dragon TRU Japan Exclusive Ver. (Battle Damage); Takara CG; Takara CG German Gray Ver. ...wish me luck. Will be getting the Hot Toys AVP Predator figures; Scar Ver. & Celtic Ver. You can only agree on how awesome these look, no matter what you thought of AVP. Might get their 3 Aliens figures too. this is gonna hurt the wallet. Sorry wallet.
  22. Congratulations Mechleader! She's a sweet build! LTSO, can you post a link to the FSM thread where this is going on? I looked around but can't seem to find it.
  23. Got a notice that it's "in process". Woohoo. 358144[/snapback] Right, I remember you're paying with your CC directly, they sent me a PayPal invoice for the balance due. Woohoo too!
  24. I dunno... recasts made from a recast?
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