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Everything posted by Viceland

  1. O... M... G... That is just incredible! I can't wait to have this, take it out for walks, feed it scrap Destroids... Oh I see, I thought it was solid, like styrene and putty.
  2. I was wondering, how come the master pattern was destroyed in this process?
  3. Definitely in for a YF-19 & YF-21, and maybe a second YF-21 to build as a VF-22s. I'd also be in for a 1/48 VF-11 if that was ever made. @ Sean - What 3 are you referring to?
  4. Oopsie! Well, yours looked good too, do you know who did the Minmay in the pic I posted?
  5. That's a little harsh, don't you think?
  6. Hey Ryuji, did you make this? (then stopped, and used it for some other figure?) Cause that is so hot! I would have bought one for sure, make it again!
  7. YES! Miria for sure!
  8. Yeah, these will be selling in the SSM store, no list, just order.
  9. WoW! These are so awesome! Got mine today, been sitting at the post office for 4 days! The package delivery notice had fell face down in the snow a few feet from my front door, the all white back side of the notice kind of made it hard to see, so I never saw it, my 3yo son found it while playing "shoveling the driveway with dad".
  10. Aren't you overdue for a new scratchbuilt avatar?
  11. BSU... Seriously, WTH is going on? Did I miss something on another thread? Somebody PM me, or something... Aaarrggghhh....
  12. Sure, I'm not sure I would tranform it that often, but it's a lot more fun to build.... Model's are great, but it's always fun from time to time to display something else (at least, that's my girlfreind's telling... :'( )... 374792[/snapback] Just turn your models several degrees every other day, or switch them around on the shelf, be creative. She'll get all confused and think you're displaying something else...
  13. You do your kitchen floor with your finished models?!?
  14. Weird, I'm one of the closest MW member to John in Canada (~200km), so I should have gotten my set before AZ and GH, who live in the States... But then again, I've already been spoiled cause for every other kit I bought from John, I would just drive down to his place to pick them up in person!
  15. Destructions??
  16. Anyone ever seen these kits? Most New Set!
  17. Yeah, the weathering you did was for "eye candy" display, so it's normal it doesn't look like you want it to on camera, I realize it would look a lot better in person. On the other hand, weathering done on studio models look awesome on screen and film, but it looks a lot different, sometimes even crappy, in person.
  18. You're right, back on topic then! @ Spatula, that's a great job on the Seeker! @ RTHK, very impressive, sweet paint scheme and cool lighting, can you post a pic of the entire set-up, with the fibre optic light source and all?
  19. In the immortal words of Nelson Muntz... "HA-HA!"
  20. I was depressed this week, now I don't feel as bad , I turned 31 three days ago.
  21. Why, that no good 2 timing $%&*$< )$*&%)$^&, %*&!!!!
  22. Well, maybe some of us would like to know, so they can start saving some $$$ for it... TELL ME NOW!!! (if not here, by PM at least ) Honneamise, what's the status on your art prints? (If you started a thread in the "For Sale" section, I totally missed it.)
  23. Good to have you back Jesse!
  24. Dude you're #5 on the list already 368462[/snapback] That's what he happens when you don't poke your head in MW for 3 months!
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