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Everything posted by Viceland

  1. Nice, very nice!
  2. *BUMP* Are ya done yet?
  3. There is/was, Tanmen made a resin kit of the Dragon II, no longer available though.
  4. I second everything LTSO said above, I got mine yesterday and they are simply incredible kits! I'm very impressed. So honneamise, what are you gonna build for us next?
  5. You need to update your sig
  6. You could do that, or go search on StarshipModeler's forum, theres a few good threads about Aves there to answer most questions.
  7. Can't believe the Battle of Tatooine / Escape from Mos Eisley set has NO Greedo... how the HELL am I supposed to play "Who shot first"?!
  8. jorawar, is this dead?
  9. Good job! birds are meant to fly, keep them in the air.
  10. Cool, I was hoping somebody would make this, I'll take 3 drones! (...and 2 VF-11s)
  11. hum, Hasegawa is finally rubbing off on FM, it was inevitable...
  12. So it's official then? toy collectors can now be refered to as castrates, geldings, or eunuchs?
  13. E-mail Henry or Jeffrey at Hobbyfan, I'm sure they'll be happy to send you a replacement. I would advise against making up a story to get a free part though, they may ask for pictures of the "defective part", they did when I had a bad VF-4 canopy they replaced, free, because of a defect they overlooked. So be honest, they may charge you a small fee cause it wasn't their fault, or they may just be cool with you and send it free anyways because you were honest about it.
  14. I'm not rich, but crazy fits me well I guess!
  15. I already asked, he didn't answer my question
  16. Incredible! This will be a kit, right?
  17. Yup, definitely finish this, I'll need 2.
  18. Along with the 1/48 VF-11, I'd go for new 1/48 YF-19 & YF-21, let's hope this happens... Some more obscure stuff we need: 1/72 Avenger II 1/72 Dragon II (recast or new) 1/72 FL-200 Mistral 1/72 VC-33 Mom's Kitchen 1/72 RC-4E Rabbit (as mentioned by Chas in another thread) 1/72 Mac+ Drone 1/72 VF-T-11
  19. I would be in for ... all... of... them... (less interested in Mac7 stuff, actually, not interested at all) Allowing enough time between kits to save up the dough of course, 4 to 6 new kits a year between 2 or 3 sculptors sounds good, no?
  20. Ahhh, now dis is gedding intawesding!
  21. No it wouldn't
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