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Everything posted by Viceland

  1. LOL, yeah, first thing I thought of when I saw the sketch was "hood ornament!". Just poking fun, it's a great sketch EXO, I can't wait to see you give it 3D life.
  2. No he won't. What people are gonna bytch at is the France coach sending Trezeguet to shot against Buffon, his goalie teammate on Juventus, hello? Tre had to switch to a less familiar shot to beat a goalie who knows him too well, and missed.
  3. Which kit is this?
  4. "No really! I heard it from my third neighbour's fourth cousin's dead grandfather's poodle walker's stepson's emo-boyfriend's band camp counsilor's gynacologist... sound doesn't travel through space!" Although our ears are not sensitive enough to hear it, sound does travel in space. http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/myst...day_030922.html
  5. Come on Chad, we're waiting here!
  6. Hey Sean, I was talking about any of the 41 people below him on the list when I said "Someone below Robert S", and that includes me!
  7. OR.... Someone below Robert S on the list is pretending to be him to say he want's to be last on the list, so his real spot gets bumped a spot. hmmmm.... Hey Mike, I'm actually Jarowar, Vice lent me his username to post cause mine doesn't work anymore. Just letting you know that I still want 2 Monsters, but since I can't prove I'm Jarowar, you can bump me to the end of the list, ok? thanks!
  8. Bumped to the end??? That more or less proves you're NOT Robert S Stand up and be a man, fight for your spot! Cause if I was 5th on the list (I'm only 11th ) and the same thing happened to me, I would be kicking and screaming to prove I was the one and same Viceland, not bending over and taking it in the @ss, and settling for last place on the list, which someone pretending to be me would do, so to not stir up any crap. But then again, why pretend to be someone else, only to settle for last place when you could just as well ask to be on the list (therefore in last place) with a legit user name... Ok, I guess you're the REAL Robert S
  9. Bah, I don't care either way. Planes are meant to fly, my birds are all built in flight mode, don't need gears.
  10. Me three! for two...
  11. Henry Rollins and co. at a Rollins Band/Skunk Anansie concert, invited us to the after concert party Didn't get to talk to him much there though, guess he didn't like me telling him "hey, you look so much ripped and huge in your pictures than in real life". He's actually a lot smaller than me, I dwarfed him, I can be intimidating, but I didn't do it on purpose. Jason Ward, NHL player now with the NY Rangers. I used to work as a telecom tech for Bell Canada and I installed a landline and phone jacks in his condo when he used to play for the Montreal Canadiens. Really cool guy, looks a lot bigger on TV than in real life too. His girlfriend was SMOKING hot. Used to be a live sound tech for a club called Bourbon Street (mostly blues & rock) near Montreal about 10 years ago, got to hang out with lots of bands there, like April Wine, Blue Rodeo, Jeff Healy, Barenaked Ladies, etc. There's more, but I can't think of them right now.
  12. Hey Ken, good start. What's up with your Target Drone? and the VF-11? PM me...
  13. No. 400215[/snapback] YES 406708[/snapback] oops
  14. I say make both, but start with the Phalanx, then take your sweet ol time making the YF-19. What I say goes.
  15. That's a VF/YF-19 wing right there. Do I win? Do I win a 1/32 YF-19!!! edit: oops, didn't see Anasazi guessed first, damb you decal boy! RT Junky didn't specify which "bird", so he doesn't win...
  16. BREATH HWR, BREATH holding your breath only makes you faint. 405846[/snapback] Phalanx? PHALANX? in 1/72? *faints*
  17. [Dr. Evil] 50... BILLION... DOLLARS!!! [Dr. Evil]
  18. "Get back to work!" bump
  19. Good start if you wanna make an SD Monster though... then again maybe not.
  20. That's perfect!
  21. Hey Kylwell, what's this you're working on? Great looking scratched engine thingy.
  22. Nice pic, like the droid fighter shooting at her ... But man! that's some strong thumbs on her! it's damb nearly impossible to do that with bass strings, especially so close to the headstock, I guess it's another example of "Anime magic".
  23. Wow, finally. Watch eBay get flooded with those 2004 remastered OT sets...3...2...1...
  24. Re-register? you mean I lose my member #69? I worked so hard at timing my registration for especially that reason last time!! AARRRGGHHHhhhh.....
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