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Everything posted by Viceland

  1. Viceland


    Sizzling hot, just like the sketch; Good job!
  2. Has anyone offered to host the high res instructions?
  3. Any update Cody?
  4. Wouldn't the feet alone be as big if not bigger than your 1/72 Monster body?
  5. Looking good, I'm in.
  6. Good for you Ken! Finish that Drone too...
  7. Those guys must have the hottest girlfriends, evar.
  8. Could someone post similar pics of a TV and a Movie SDF-1? I don't collect pics, so I can't do it... It may help some that haven't a clue what the differences are.
  9. Yes, I'm in Canada, I got mine yesterday (Thanks!). CanadaPost is known to be REEEEALLY slow starting early December, so I'm not surprised it took so long.
  10. That's incredible work Chas! I vote to have this thread made sticky...
  11. I'm getting a Wii, cause it's "Peppy"! http://video.google.ca/videoplay?docid=-91...mp;q=PS3+vs+Wii (Yeah, it's old, so what)
  12. edit: nevermind, confused, was I. Please do tell about the pipe innards.
  13. WoW! That's a really nice job!
  14. Me too fer 2.
  15. Standing ovation from here! Thank you Mike.
  16. This has been my desktop background for over a year now...
  17. I saw it also, no box and badly photocopied instructions made me think recast too. auction link
  18. That's a hot booty Ryuji
  19. Hi Frederic! How are things going with your new "recast" anyway? Have you been getting decent shut-eye? 417295[/snapback] Hell no! The baby sleeps all day but we can't cause the 4yo is awake. And we can't sleep at night cause the baby is awake. The only open slots for sleep are between 21h00 to 01h00ish, and 13h30 to 15h30. We're taking turns power napping for now. Man does he have it sweet though, this is his routine: suck on some tittie, burp & poo, sleep 30 minutes, repeat. nice.
  20. [Rain Man]Miria, definitely Miria[Rain Man]
  21. That's an incredible job Mike, I got mine about a week ago and the kit is truly a work of art. The parts are still lying on the floor in my basement cause I had an addition to the family on Thursday morning (healthy boy, 7lbs15, 20"), and I've been pretty busy since Sorry to go OT with the Probe Droid kit, but your leg parts are realy awesome, I wish you would have done the head and torso too (there's some problems with mine, warping, broken torso rings, etc. the other Steve is making it all better, hopefully). Do you know if the Hyperdyne kit is selling already? I haven't heard anything yet.
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