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Everything posted by Viceland

  1. Me. On the list. Please.
  2. And that would be me! Still in the box though - help with homework; play at the park; parent-teacher meeting; supper; bath; story-time; all this was keeping me from ripping into it until now - speaking of which... gotta go!
  3. Sorry I'm a little slow these days, payment sent!
  4. I have a VF-0A/S w/Ghost...without the Ghost; PM if interested.
  5. 45 days? Pfpfffffff.... Who are you? and what have you done with the real Capt'n? Cause it would take HIM less than 3 weeks, with week-ends off.
  6. Ohh FRAK!!! this sucks big a$$ balls!!! Been waiting months for this - I go on vacation only to come back and miss this thread totally, and this happens - none left. J-F, please put my name in if someone doesn't pay/backs out. (*^&$(Q*#&^)(Q#%&^%@(#%*&@#%()*@#%&*(@#)(@&^@()#&%^@#&%(#%
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  8. Yeah, I was waiting for an announcement here; didn't even notice that other one-post thread till now... please make more
  9. I understand about the pile. Well, just watching HWR build this proper is worth letting it go low.
  10. He mentioned he might tackle it after the Glaug, nothing is set in stone yet; something else may inspire him along the way and bump it to even later. I think you should aim for the range I mentioned and post in the sales forum, if that doesn't bare fruit, try a BIN or even a low starting bid regular auction on eBay. How does that saying go? A thing is only worth what someone else is prepared to pay for it, or something... just look at the Auctions Of Great Absurdity Thread to see stuff go for what you may perceive to be ridiculous prices, but the buyer's perspective may be that those are normal, or acceptable, prices. And, to the risk of sounding like an a-hole, business is business, not everybody on eBay (or even here) knows that Cap't might, someday, maybe, get around to building a Cat's Eye kit. What if he never does it, and you gone and sold it for $50...?
  11. $140 for an original Tanmen, or for Mike's cast? I paid $115, S/H included, for Mike`s resurrection in '04, and I sold it 2.5yrs later for $230, S/H extra; maybe this can give you an idea of what yours is worth today.
  12. One here!
  13. I'm hardly ever on this board anymore, I just keep tabs on the model and sales section (seeing the comments in his sales thread lead me here), and i could care less about this guy, or the fact he's banned or gets un-banned, but I know this... learn to suffer fools; to tolerate other people that aren't like you, act like you, think like you, etc; it's part of real life, you're doing yourself a disservice by pushing or blocking this type of person from your everyday instead of learning to deal with them, in real life and on the web. Imagine "banning" your boss from your life, or putting your mother in law on "ignore", would it get you anywhere? It's the lazy easy way out. He's SOOOO enthusiastic and energetic about Macross and this site? Why don't you guys use this to your advantage? Get him involved in a MW webpage project, or give him an actual responsibility on the site, etc. Seems from what I read he'll give you 100% effort and say "thank you sir, may I have another". Edit: here's a suggestion for a responsibility; as part of his "parole", he's made the Official MW Spam Sweeper - he's responsible to browse through ALL the threads, checking the daily posts, and to mark the ones that fit the definition of a SPAM post. The marked posts would generate into a daily report sent to the mods, one of whom could review it before deleting the SPAM posts in bulk. If anyone has the brilliant idea of spamming on purspose to give him more work, he could flag the behavior to a mod for them to review and deal with, etc. This place would be squeeky clean in no time.
  14. That's a HF kit, and you got a great deal on it. Edit: No time now for pics, sorry
  15. Payment is on the way noon tomorrow John; should have it by Friday.
  16. Well if it helps, I want a second one now...
  17. I'm in...
  18. Sent you an email...
  19. I'd be in for one.
  20. I would take three in 1/72, to build one in each mode; I would take one in 1/48, to build in fighter mode; I would take zero in 1/32, to build as nothing.
  21. Doesn't do much for me, but if John does it... (and if it's 1/72, but only in copter or fighter mode) I'm in.
  22. Hum, let's see..... Yup, I want one.
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