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Everything posted by Viceland

  1. My wallet is melting... and morphing into a Monster!!! I'm in please.
  2. Consent in Canada is 14... They've been pushing real hard for 16 though, especially recently, with that Texas guy coming up to Ottawa to "play" with a 14yo boy he lured into a hotel after chatting on the internet - he cannot be charged in Canada, cause it was "consensual sex", but the US is waiting for him at the border with different plans "didn't think of that, did ya buddy?."
  3. Fans of captain america's work, especially Booster and Rail owners, now know the Booter Launch Vehicle creation/production is on hold, if those fans ever want it to be taken off "hold" and into production one day, John & Rob must feel they have enough SERIOUS committed people that will poney up for one, or two... Here's that AlphaHX picture again, to get booster/rail owners back in the mood... just imagine a completed set ... Since Rob's February 26th post in quotes above, the following MW members have shown interest: Ranger565 Viceland Grayson72 Myersjessee (maybe 2) azrhino wwwmwww Major Tom ChristopherB neptunesurvey Neova spellbinder99 wm cheng cobywan xstoys Ghadrack baxojayz (2) THOR jorawar b newbie Plus anyone else who showed interest by PM to Rob or John... This is by no means an official list, it's just a quick overvue of the current situation. I agree with cobywan, if an official tally is to be taken, a new thread should be started, with John and Rob's approval of course. I think Jesse has shown interest in taking up such a task earlier in the thread. Hopefully enough people will commit so that Rob and John may reconsider putting the LV into production one day... edit: list update
  4. *pouting in the corner cause the Booster LV is on hold* Well I'm in too... Having been in John's workshop, seen his talent first hand and how he creates these awesome works of art, I will buy everything he ever has to offer... that's Macross related. Good news John, snowstorm comin' in the next few days over all of PQ, 30cm... yippee
  5. Viceland


    Add one more nod from me, DEFINITELY IN!!!!
  6. "Invalid Item This listing (5562742387) has been removed by eBay or is no longer available. Please make sure that you've entered the item number correctly. If the item was removed by eBay, please consider this transaction canceled. If anybody contacts you to complete the sale, please ignore the request. Completing the sale outside of eBay may be unsafe and will not be covered by eBay purchase protection programs." evilBay removed the listing... what a was it?
  7. That guy's a Big Fish with cash... time to reel him in with your unwanted BT stuff on "Lake eBay" NOW before he stops bitting... I had a similar experience with a guy bidding against me on old Hubley metal car kits, he was winning auctions and paying 3 to 4 times what current collector market prices were. I turned around an listed a few kits I had in duplicate/triplicate, and sure enough, he bid on all of them and I made a sweet profit off this guy. After a few months he was nowhere to be seen and I resumed bidding with normal eBayers, who knew the value of the kits, and didn't drive the prices up with hysterical bidding practices.
  8. Sorry Rob, I was only being a little sarcastic, I guess it wasn't as funny a comment as I thought... I really could care less about a little BW sticker on my kit boxes. As my punishment, I will leave my previous post unedited, so everyone may see my foolishness [previous post was edited before samurai_m's post so this holds true]
  9. If you're selling them at Wonder Festival, won't they need to be officially licensed by Big West? If so, will you be supplying those who purchased the Booster and Rail kits, thru MW or your website, with little BW stickers to put on their kit boxes so they can be as "legit" as the kits sold at WF? . . . . I wan't my little BW stickers
  10. Yes that's right, e-mail Robert NOW!! Thanks for your generous offer Robert!!
  11. I'm definitely IN!!! CONFIRM ME!!! CONFIRM ME!!!
  12. Yes, both of those would be cool.. [cough][cough]booster/launch rail vehicle[cough]
  13. OHHH NOOOO!!!!! The Zentraedy have taken over Niagara Falls!!!! Save the wax museums!!!, Dear God!!, Save the wax museums!!!!
  14. If you want a 1/72 scale, I dont think you have any other choice. IMO, they look pretty damn good from this picture. That does look great... But... Isn't a Zentreadi soldier dude supposed to be as big as a Battroid? I don't see that Battroid fitting inside that Regult even in a crouched/fetal position... are we sure that scale is accurate? just cause it says so on the box doesn't mean...
  15. Love that urinal... I'm very interested in a Monster papercraft, would anyone be kind enough to either point me towards a link where the file is stored, or send me the file directly??
  16. Not that absurd but... have these been re-issued? again? NICHIMO 1/200 MACROSS MODEL KITS NO.1-20 (Out of Prod.) Also selling each kit individually and a few more in quad packs...
  17. Well, what they might "think" might as well "be", look at how similar that Impreza is to what Subaru recently vomited... Behold, the new Subaru B9 Tribeca!!! :puke: :puke: :puke:
  18. Damn it!! I hate it when car people screw around with a good thing, they had it perfect with the previous model, this new one looks like an Alfa Romeo wannabe on sedatives... I was so happy with the Impreza when they finally canned those Dodge Neon headlights, they had it perfect then, why go and screw it up again???
  19. MSPaint only, freehand with mouse, looking at a Jpeg of the movie poster as reference
  20. Hey Jesse, could you include links to "Step By Steps" build-ups for each kit?, when one is available, like these for example... http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=6999 http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=7127 http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=1296 http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=12460 And OF COURSE, these, from the MASTER... http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=691 But the old links MUST (for posterity) be salvaged from the old boards first. Great idea BTW, sounds like a lot of work though, but well worth it and appreciated by all i'm sure...
  21. These... sniff... bring tears to mine eyes... sniff... so beautiful...
  22. Well they'd probably still be born or something, Hikaru would be flipping burgers at McD's since he wouldn't have Roy to look up to and follow in his footsteps, etc...
  23. Cool link, Thanks!!
  24. What if the SDF-1 actually MISSED the earth instead of crashing on it? How would Hikaru, Misa and Minmay have turned out?
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