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Everything posted by Viceland

  1. Your list is about to grow soon! So are you getting close to catching up to Grayson?
  2. Ah yes, much better now than sitting in my closet!
  3. Am I in this last shipment? I wasn't contacted...
  4. I sent you my new address last November, do you need it again?
  5. Hows progress/weather doing?
  6. Sad to hear this John, we're fortunate to have been able to buy your masterpieces, been spoiled really, thanks for sharing your talent with us. Have you begun shipping the last kit segment yet? (****@total.net bounced as undeliverable, pm your new email)
  7. I have the Capt'nBeast, and most definitely want one of these to go with it.
  8. lol, yes I know, I'm telling him to cut it out and do his thing!
  9. This nitpicking could go on forever, seeking perfectionism in these 3D interpretations of anime magic line art is not a noble quest. Put your foot down. It's fine job just like it is, go forward with it.
  10. Viceland

    Kit's Power

    He's on eBay now... grrrr http://www.ebay.ca/itm/1-72-VF-1-Atmospheric-Escape-Booster-Launch-Vehicle-SDF-Macross-/170745387429?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item27c137d9a5
  11. Actually, that's wrong as well (they DON'T stop particles), those cheap hospital mask are used so staff and visitors don't contaminate patients with critters that may be in their exhalation, but you're right about them not having a proper seal (thus not able to stop particulates or filter vapors). GU-11; if you're going to wear a respirator, don't layer, wear the Kleenguard NIOSH N95 by itself for a proper seal if you're clean shaven (get rid of those useless surgical masks); This N95 will not protect you against organic vapors (only dry particles, and that's at a 95% efficiency, which is fine for this hobby); Your primer and clear coat; oil or water based? The "N" on your N95 stands for NOT oil resistant... (use an R or P if your stuff is oil based); For organic vapors (OV), you need a BLACK colour coded filtering cartridge that clips on a half-mask, just like in the Amazon link Jefuemon posted(that example has a particulate filter, a P95, clipped on top of both OV cartridges) This half-mask/cartridge stuff gets complicated and confusing though, and then there's the whole fit-testing issue... so the simpler the better; spraying or painting outside, the nasty stuff gets diluted pretty quickly and the levels are way below threshold limit values, but the strong smell can be scary and annoying. So I recommend you get a disposable respirator that offers protection against particulates, offers some oil resistance (an R or P rating, in case), and helps with nuisance levels of organic vapors (the smell), like in this link: http://www.amazon.co...;qid=1320028895&sr=1-44 Some of these places should be able to help you out I'm sure: http://www.infopages...d-clothing.html Disposable means will usually last for an 8 hour shift, working constantly in a contaminated atmosphere, so don't throw it out after 15 minutes for example, it's still good!
  12. I know this will piss off some of you guys, but I got mine in the mail already!
  13. Got my #2 yesterday, and it's far from a piece of crap!
  14. Payment #2 on the way.
  15. We live less than 200km apart, it helps a bit
  16. Got mine yesterday! Nice red box full of beautiful blue bits! and screws.
  17. Fellas... I got to see this in person yesterday, and there's no words I can find to describe how incredible this is going to be. It wasn't hard convincing myself to get a second one, even after I swore I would never buy duplicate kits unless it was a variant with substantial differences. I've spent large amounts for garage kits before, some in the same price range as this one; this puts most of them to shame, even if those people did put a lot of work and research into their product (nobody on this forum). We're getting a bargain here guys.
  18. I'm in. My nose started bleeding as I was reading this thread, seriously, is that bad?
  19. First time having to cook-a-kit for me, can't wait to see the look on my GF's face; should any prep needed be done before, or can it wait till after?
  20. $$ Sent!
  21. Still interested here...
  22. Same for me, guaranteed one here.
  23. Exact same situation here.
  24. As a v1 owner, damn you... put me on the list for a v2. Wallet sighs in futility & slaps forehead
  25. Payment sent.
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