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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. I voted for Maia you should all too!
  2. How about some more pics for the masses? Did a Google Japan Search found this site http://www.anaima.net/cat/ A couple of the macross pics on it And some other random pics from Google Japan
  3. I thought this entire topic was about ogling at the hot girls who are into cosplay and making jokes about the ugly fat ones in the same costumes. Am I missing something?
  4. I doubt that they or other Macross Frontier Cosplayers are fans at all. Plenty of people who dress up as whats in right now without knowing what they are doing.
  5. I would ask if the new Strato Viper fits in the classic Nightraven.
  6. Sheryl is suppose to look like a high price hooker wearing a bad wig. This one is pretty close.
  7. Oh glory day!!!!! Everyone go to Hulu.com You can watch the Greatest Story Ever Told for Free Online. RTSC!
  8. I was in the same boat. Owned some 1/48 and some V1 1/60. New standard was the V2. Should I start collecting the V2 and get rid of my other ones? Money was tight so I started selling off other non-Macross Toys. I decide to sale off my V1s. Compared to the 1/48 the V1 are ugly. Before I decide to get rid of my 1/48 I order just one V2. One I ordered was the VF-1D. I never owned that model and it was something different not offered in 1/48 form. I got that, my first V2 the VF-1D yesterday. The V2 is a great improvement over the V1. The V2 is not a great improvement over the 1/48. It is just different. The V2 seems to have more accurate proportions but the 1/48 is just more detailed. I can't see selling my 1/48s. They are still very good toys. I can't see buying a V2 version of all the VF-1 I own in 1/48th form. Not to mention the V2 is well over priced. Only two types of V2 I will be buying. Those on sale and ones that offer something I don't already own in other scale.
  9. Found a youtube video and got the part moving. Seem to have been an extra layer of plastic. Worked this time crossing fingers it does break the next time.
  10. To be more clear. I'm trying to get the legs/hip separated from the body in Gerwalk mode to go to Battroid mode.
  11. A little help please Just got my first V2 today the VF-1D. Having problem figuring out battroid transforming. Mainly how to separate the legs from the body. See page 12 steps 01-03. Do I push the leg towards the body and then forward? I've push it about every direction but it isn't giving. I sure I have to use more force but I don't want to direct that force in the wrong direction.
  12. So is HG gonna hire Doug?
  13. Great now we know who among us would have sex with a robot and who among us would not.
  14. Shipping was fast. My VF-1D was picked up on the 2nd in Japan and arrived in the US on the 3rd. Then a blasted holiday came and it is waiting for customs. have to wait for them to get caught up.
  15. Of course Angel Birds are cheap. People want hero or army builder paint jobs not School Girl Valks.
  16. Will the VE-1 come with a stand? Looks like is required for display in Fighter mode.
  17. I agree the old it's Legal in Japan excuse doesn't count here. This message board is owned by people in the US not in Japan. If the Character "looks" too young we can't be too risque.
  18. Are we learning anything new about Agent GHQ that we don't already know? How about we talk about Two-seaters valks again.
  19. Got an email from Hobby Search the VF-1D is back in stock. Meaning I will finally get my first Version 2.
  20. GIJOE is the Nest Team after the Autobots share their robotech secrets.
  21. I've also seen people at other places comment about the black butcher with the bad teeth. There's something people should know the actor isn't black. I'm surprised no one spotted who he was. Remember Street Fighter The Later Years? He's the guy who played Dhalsim. Yes Bay does go very Pro-US Military in his movies. Why isn't he directing GIJOE? Yes it would still suck (with more bombs) but at least it would be a REAL AMERICAN HERO again.
  22. Here's something to think about. That one former agent guy works in a Jewish Deli. In the back on the deli they have hanging pigs. That's not kosher. Is it there for another reason? Like for Porking?
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