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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. As a fan of the Shadow Chronicles I just have to speak up. You suck! Look at her Tits & Ass. They're just so normal in size. You made her look like a real humanoid female! That's not what the Shadow Chronicles is about. So much talent wasted.
  2. Didn't know there was a problem till I expected it today.
  3. What scale is that Pod?
  4. He semi-retired to run his own acting, martial arts school/troupe for kids. Him and his son had a falling out I think. Sho want his son to work with his school and his son pursued his own acting career.
  5. Should I do the same with Macross Frontier Valks?
  6. Don't forget the 3 Ninja Movies. Ninja were cool but are sadly still jokes. One day maybe they will be cool again.
  7. First on my list is the VF-1A in Mass Production Colors. Eta next month. I don't have it on preorder since I'll be going on vacation with in September. I don't want it to go out for shipping on the August 31st and for me to be gone when it is suppose to arrive.
  8. Always handle door knobs with tissue paper.
  9. Is that even possible? To be banned from 4chan? Every post seems worth of a ban or criminal charges everywhere else.
  10. Macek did what he though he had to do at the time. I don't blame him anymore for that. My current beef is with anyone who still hires or uses him. Why use a guy who is regarded as hack? Is that the message you want to send to your audience?
  11. Here are some more ugly & dumpy girls who dare to parade around in costumes.
  12. Here's a situation for you, With in the last week on another forum I made minor mistake. I over looked something. To me it was no big deal. Nothing worth banning but got some people upset. One resorted to calling me a name. I pointed it out without insulting them back. They responded back with another insult. My gut tells me to say "I'm sorry so, FU!" but that might cause them to say something back. Next thing we know there's a big flame war. I'll get banned. On the other hand I think another MWer is either another member or a moderator on this other board. Would it be wrong to use my influence over here to get them to give that person on the other board a light bitch slap? Honor would be restored without a huge flame war. I could also just ignore them and make my self really annoying just to piss them off some more.
  13. You forgot her black captain's hat.
  14. Once again guys use common sense. This isn't a game to see how far you can go without getting banned or to get topic closed for months. Why try to ruin a good thing? Yes there is some exposed T&A in Macross. You can find fan art with the same amount of exposure that can go over the edge.
  15. Does this really have to be explained? How about if the underwear isn't doing that much to be effective, than it is too much. To be honest we rather not be that specific. You guys are pretty clever or just have a lot of nerve. We can say, every picture has to be covered from head to toe and someone is bound to post a picture of Sheryl in a skin tight jump suit from head to toe riding a bicycle with a very small seat. People just try using some common sense please. You don't have to share every picture you find or try to out do someone else. If you think it is too hot compared to what has been allowed then it likely is too hot to post. Honestly was is the point of that Klan Klan picture. Nothing really bad about it. Totally covered, ain't do anything vulgar. Subject matter is pretty innocent. Picking out what to wear but she barely looks a preteen. Do adult males here really find preteen dressing rooms that interesting?
  16. Kinda off topic but have fun for a couple of days Never banned but have been warned by over zealous moderates. For example there was this topic on one board about someone complaining about this old lady they met. I joined in by saying "Plus old people smell too" or something stupid like that. Got a message from a Mod, that some old people are diabetic and they can't help the odor. I didn't know what to think. I wasn't banned but if I'm gonna get a sensitivity lecture over something like that there's no reason to post much.
  17. It's not like you have to share NSFW pics with others.
  18. Come on gang lets all stare at the frumpy girl with the hairlip in that really well sewed size 24 costume. Makes total sense. What we're we thinking about only staring at cute Asian chicks in Macross costumes. How silly of us.
  19. Make sure you have plenty of orange.
  20. Might as well share a pic of my new hobby of doing HGUC mobile suits. Yes I really like the 0080 Designs.
  21. Only if it is implied nudity. I would say maybe tasteful like fine art but, members here tend to run a mile if you allow them a foot. So, please don't. There is the exception of official Art. We aren't going to censor a screen grab or official line art. Alpo is the ultimate submissive pretty boy in Macross Fetish. He appears to be always being dominated by either Sheryl or Ranka all wearing dresses or being embraced by Michael. Alpo might not be gay but a major of the fan art is about other characters trying to turn Alpo into their bitch. Being the delicate, pretty boy flower that he is he lets them. They can all take turn sodomizing him with Ranka's giant carrot and he would passively take it in this type of 'art'.
  22. Cross Dresser or not where ever those missing hands are it is likely at a very gay like place.
  23. I suppose to go out and shop but most stores don't open till 10. Here's one more batch Got them from http://www.cosp.jp/index.aspx Are Balloons suppose symbolize something?
  24. How about some more from google. Can you guess which one doesn't belong?
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