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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. Wow first time I saw someone tell people off and was nice enough to provide a translation. Should I be interested in things here? I rather not be interested. Please don't make me interested.
  2. I liked the show it was one of the few shows I had time to watch in person (when it was on Monday) plus is wasn't a reality show.
  3. That should have been the cast for the gijjoe movie.
  4. There is a PDF of the book floating about.
  5. Who cares about that Movie when we can have this... http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/076041c13...llad-of-g-i-joe
  6. I think this goes on my stuff to buy after vacation list.
  7. Now that I think about it there could a very good reason why there are so few VF-1J & VF-1S models. Don't have the book yet. The VF-1J was the Japanese made one. The SDF-1 Macross could have gotten the entire first run. Wars ends and so there no factory or factory workers in Japan to make any more. All the factories in space that start up production just cranks out only the Mass Production Type.
  8. Yes that is who I ordered it from.
  9. Okay guess what you get to live. As a seller placed 3 now 2 copies on ebay. Not the seller who was charging $79 but the one who is charging $36+ $8 shipping. Should something happen to that book in the mail I will still blame you. Who ever bought that another copy.
  10. Thanks I just ordered that another copy online and if any of you rat bastards run in that store and pick it off the shelf before they mail it to me, I'm gonna find you and shove that book up your ass.
  11. Just started reading this review and found this line, Should I continue reading after that?
  12. Did you know most of those blogs and website owners have received toys and promo gift packages from Hasbro? Majority of them like the perks they get and won't bite the hand that feeds them. Movie could still be fun but I bet it will still be bad movie. Dumb stupid fun.
  13. 2 & 1/2 days and nothing. Okay so who wants my business?
  14. Compendium listed a VF-1 Group/Wing having 1 VF-1S, 6 VF-1J & 8 VF-1A. With 30 VF-1S & 49 VF-1J that doesn't allow for that many Groups/Wings. Thats enough for the Macross but not to lead 6000+ VF-1A. Were the death rates for Mass Production Type VF-1A really that high?
  15. Had to send over drive a second email. Got an answer early yesterday morning. Told I can pay by Visa or the email the paypal info. Said, paypal please. It has been a day and half since then. You guys rave about them but so far in my experience their customer contact service is lacking.
  16. Well no email back to me yet. I didn't expect one during the weekend but it is currently Monday 10:15 PM in Japan.
  17. I emailed overdrive. Telling them it wasn't letting me pay with paypal through their check out system. I asked if I can pay directly through paypal. It is the weekend for them so they might not know of the problem till Monday.
  18. For some reason Overdrive or Paypal won't let me complete my order for this toy. I have enough funds. Trying again later.
  19. That VF-1A is out? Great I was planning to preorder one but I was also planning to go on vacation. With release dates not always on time. I didn't want to order. Find that there is a month delay and I'm not around when it arrives.
  20. I would like a series that covers some of the missing decades from 2012 to 2045. We just got a 4 episode OVA for 2040. Video Games did cover this area but they could be animated. What I think the next series will actually be: Kawamori get this great idea for an anime adaption of Breaking 2 The Electric Boogaloo. He pitches the idea to people who can fund this new series. They listen and politely start turning him down. Just then Kawamori says "did I mention this was going to be a Macross sequel?" Suddenly they're interested and we have a new Macross Series.
  21. The VF-11B is a better Toy than the YF-19.
  22. Yes you're a Jerk. You're not paying for that stuff. No one is paying for them to upload it or to maintain it. If you don't like the crappy quality go on ebay or fly to Japan and start searching for a bunch of old Macross Product.
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