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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. So the VF-1N is the VF-1B or VF-1+ from VF-X Game series.
  2. Roy Focker


    Nice set up you got there. A booze, toys and a chick doing your work for you. Plus you've got a futon. No reason ever to leave that room.
  3. Got a lead on a slightly used PSP with a Price I like. Might have one next week.
  4. I would of had lil Hikaru & Minmay getting it on.
  5. Roy Focker


    Any Toy that cost $100 on average automatically goes under display to me. Even if the QC is top notch a high ticket item is just going to have those extra tiny pieces that are prone to breaking. Even If nothing breaks your fingers are going to eventually rub off paint or stickers through play.
  6. Ordering it after my vacation.
  7. Roy Focker


    That is basically my view as well. I found a few minor issues but they are minor. I know some people can have a hissy fit on these things. I think these might be the same people who have a hissy fit if the toy isn't 100% anime accurate. Sure I believe there has been a some major defects in some versions but I haven't one of these myself.
  8. Talking about more CF VF-1J scenes.
  9. Another appears in Episode 5(?) being moved up an elevator to the daedlus Another appears in Episode 32 sitting down in the middle of a battle field.
  10. This was couple years before I had access to the internet and dvds. My anime news came from magazines or previews on VHS. I rented an anime by Manga (can't remember which one) on it they had a preview for Macross Plus. I couldn't make heads or tells of it. Character designs didn't look right but it was called Macross. Made a mental note and kept an eye out for it at rental stores.
  11. If I wasn't on vacation a couple of weeks before that I'd take a day off and swing by.
  12. On route I'm told.
  13. I wonder if was one the movie done the writers strike. I also think Marlon did a good job but some of his dialog like all the dialog seemed awkward. Like they had a script that need just one more draft. Marlon also did good because he seem to be actually acting. If you paid attention to the press coverage of the movie during filming a lot of the actors almost seemed to be dissing the film. Few seemed to be excited in the interviews about playing Gijoe for real. For most it was just another paycheck and it showed as they all phoned it in. For a few others you could see they gave some effort. No one expect it to be a good film. I expected some cheesy action fun. Duke was just horrible. Makes sense you look at his former career. The actor was a teenage male stripper that got discovered and became a legitimate "model/actor". If he didn't get discovered his only chance for movie career would be in porn and his acting ability to great for it.
  14. I still gotta get a PSP.
  15. I search on the main page by ISBN. Only the stores in CA & NY have them. You can place on order online and they will mail you a copy from one of those stores. I think it is just $8 extra for a book that is already in country. That is what I tried to do but that when there was only 2 copies remaining I lost out that time. If you prefer to get one from your local store give them either of this ISBN-10: 4797351829. Their inventory systems should be linked.
  16. I'm gonna do it like they do in North Korea, I'll just kidnap all the production staff and voice over actors. Then force them to make more Macross.
  17. Lets help them some more Direct Link to order them in the USA http://bookweb.kinokuniya.co.jp/guest/cgi-...829&AREA=02 Direct Link to order them in Japan http://bookweb.kinokuniya.co.jp/guest/cgi-...WORD=4797351829
  18. 1/3 of the content is on Macross the First. Good enough for me. Just ordered #2.
  19. For those who have a copy of how many pages are exclusively dedicated to the Macross TV comic? I'm thinking of getting a copy but I don't want to find out that just 10 pages out of a 100 is for Macross TV comic.
  20. Mine just came. Gotta love that seller Dodododo with the thank you note and all.
  21. Finally got my notice. Postal and Delivery Service can be odd in practice. For example a recent UPS order of mine arrived in town two days before it was actual delivered. No reason why. They just decide to wait till the last day and hour.
  22. So um I paid HLJ by paypal on the 10th and today on the 16th my VF-1A is still listed as Items Being Processed for Shipping. Last time I bought $20 in Gundam models they shipped in a couple of days. This Toy cost a lot more. Time is sorta of the essence for me as I'll be going on Vacation next month.
  23. I got the same exact one at the same exact age. I got mine at Ralph's .
  24. Good for you OD decided not to email me back. I went with HLJ. SAL Post... But at least they answered me back.
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