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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. I'm a big fan of Fockering too. Haven't bought a VF-1S version 2 yet. Worried that the Straight VF-1S Roy shoulder will break. This new Low Viz Roy is turning me off with the Yellow against the Blue-Grey.
  2. Well I call that a waste. I updated to 6.0 DL and installed the Game Went to play and file on PSP is listed as "Corrupted Data"
  3. Of Course Customers skip a generation of Windows. When a new version comes out some people get it asap and the rest wait first to hear the complaints about it.
  4. In case this is new to you my Lap Top has a loose Power Connection Socket. This is a complex & simple soldering repair job. Complex because you have to take it all part to do a simple solder. I decided to avoid this till I have no one choice. In the mean while I've started a New Computer fund. 60% of goal already set aside. Waiting for Xmas sales. Now I'm pretty sure I won't bother with the repair at all. In addition to the loose socket. I've also started noticing that is increasingly slower (for several months). USB attachments aren't being recognized half of the time. Plus now it looks like the computer won't turn off without unplugging and popping out the battery. This is the last Toshiba I will buy. It was a good computer but I think it was equipped with a 5 year kill switch inside.
  5. The V1 look horrible in any mode but Fighter mode.
  6. Tell me about it. I only got back in the game this Spring time I already have 4 new ones, +1 on the way and other on preorder. I would have be buying twice as much if it wasn't for funding and the fact that some VF-1 are prone to that shoulder problem.
  7. I don't know what Yamato is waiting for. The Alaska Base VF-1 would be easy to do. Nothing complex about the paint job. Take TV Max or TV Hayao and paint non-white parts Green.
  8. It is the same book you have. Engaging Lecture Mode!!!! According to the link you presented there is the following Flip you copy over to the back cover. Like mine you should see ISBN4-89601-629-7 Same ISBN Number = Same Book. I can also explain the different cover. Engaging Magic Mode!!!! Take off the dust cover/Jacket of your copy. Now look at the actual book cover and then at that online pic. Tada!
  9. Not yet but I'm sure if there is small paragraph that you really got to know about someone here would tell you the gist of it.
  10. That's pornographic!
  11. Macross F is not one of my favorite Macross series but this is one cool She-male toy that I want.
  12. Neither did I at first. I just thought nerdy girl with weak chin and limp hair, she'll become obsessed with the more pretty/out going Claire. What do you know? Claire's former room mate has an "accident" and Claire is now room mates with Mister Sheffield's daughter.
  13. The more I watch the show the more I think it is just a Soap Opera. Don't soaps have a featured "Family" which is the center of everything? Don't soaps have confusing plots about family members trying to screw each other over? Don't soaps have enemies of the family who later become allies and enemies later again? Don't soaps jump from one character to another during an episode every couple of minutes? Don't soaps never set things up for newer viewers? Isn't this what Heroes does?
  14. Will anyone see it without Hugh?
  15. They don't encounter the Supervision Army that much at all. Neither do they meet those 1000 Zentradi Main Fleet that are suppose to be out there. It is a big galaxy. I bet they are all there. Some where out there. If love can see us through. Well be together some where out there some where dreams come true - An Ancient Supervision Army Song Found discarded paper plate
  16. I heard a mention of Zand in one of the few Robotech Novels I read but no idea where he appears in the series. A novel character only I assume. Not sure I understood his connection to Dana but I remember in the End of the Circle they made her psychotic or something. Attacking some guy in the end. Don't remember Dana talking about that obsessed Zand touching her (or what ever he did) in the Robotech Masters either. Nor do I get the Shaping or the other mystical mumbo jumbo.
  17. Recommend a good Video to PSP Converter for me. I've search around. Tried a couple of demos. Some work some don't. Free programs are good. I'll pay if it works but I am wary to pay Generic Video Internet Company I never heard about without some referrals.
  18. I went browsing in person and noticed the XPS 16 as well. Keeping my eye out on that one.
  19. Do you mean EMS? My SAL Packages from HLJ takes about 3 to 4 Weeks on Average. My VF-1A came in about 2 Weeks. SAL ships when there is room on the plane. A Small Package addressed to a country that gets good amount of air travel from Japan is going to come faster. Customs can also slow things down. Now if you paid EMS and got SAL you have a problem. I think EMS cost roughly twice as much.
  20. I want a huge screen and big laptop. Cause I want to see things and be able to kill someone by using it as blunt instrument. Budget Below $1000 after Holiday Promotions, Sales & Rebates.
  21. I'm just so glad that for the Shadow Chronicles they adapted a lot from the "End of Circle" and prior "Sentinels" storyline instead of just trying to forget all though wonderful ideas.
  22. I will decided for you get the VF-1A. HLJ got my business this time when Over Drive Customer Service only responded to half of the emails. My Bank sorta did the same thing when I first ordered from Hobby Search. Merchants sometimes will test your card by charging a dollar and refunding it right back. Days (weeks) later the actual charges will appears. Your Credit Card sometimes see that charge, especially from another country as a possible suspicious activity. Before they freeze your account a Credit Card issuer automated phone system will dial your number on file and you will be able to approve the last few charges. Your bank should have done the same. Make sure your phone number on file is current.
  23. It will be plugged 95% of the time. When it isn't plugged in I like to be able do a couple hours work.
  24. Shin & Alpo are the same basic character but I'm tempted to have sex with only one of them.
  25. It will be my primary. Big screen is good.
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