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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. I for one am all for hijacking this topic to talk about Coco if it means a less chance of more pics of shirtless men.
  2. I collect SW figures from time to time. I go to the store pick up one cool figure and then stop for a years at a time cause all I see are 20 of those Ugly Six Titted Bitches from Jabba's Palace warming the pegs. Hmmm....warming the peg that sounds good but She's ugly it's not like she's the chick from Total Recall. Wait what was I gonna talk about? Oh yeah what are the definitive figures to get? I hate picking a fig to find that does not have SA or they have one ugly looking part. What figs are on par with VOTC Han Solo from Episode 4? Prequels, Clone Wars and Random back ground characters like Bespin Ice Cream Man don't count.
  3. That what I don't understand. Why do they games start you off with equipment that sucks? Eventually this will be a game that you Pay to Play. They don't have to give you the Enterprize but they can do you better than suck. What are paying for then? Why pay money to be a poor person doing mundane jobs in a fanasty world when you can do that in real life? When you buy a hamburger they don't just give you a patty in bun and make you clean tables to work for a piece of cheese and ketcup. That stuff comes with it. Cause they know the hamburger would suck otherwise.
  4. Do you really need to use Spoiler Tags? Think of us really intend to see this movie?
  5. Rant - Do MMO RPG Suck or is it just me? A friend recommended that I try the Star War Galaxies trial with him. Last computer game I played online was Star Wars Dark Forces 2. I thought why not lets see how thing have advanced in the last decade. I have a new high performance, HD laptop with a high speed Internet a modern game is gonna kick ass. It didn't! Graphics suck, combat system sucks. Stand still and shot a gun in the head 50 times. Can't use some blaster till I reach a certain level. WTF? How hard is it to point a shot a gun? As I understand it you pay monthly fees to play games? I start the game with sucky abilities, crappy weapons and bad clothes. Why can't I start with Storm Trooper Armor, two double light sabers and speeder bike? Why do I have to do all these crappy jobs for just 100 credits? If I'm paying to play why don't I get cool stuff from the start? Think I want to spend hours a day working for it? I'd play video games 1 hour a week. I want cool stuff now! If I pay to play give me good stuff and skills! And I want it Now! Why does the graphics suck? Am I wrong for thinking this would be like PS3 Home but with Fricken Lasers? Look at PS3 Online games. The PS3 cost less than a computer you get to play online games at no extra charge. I can play Metal Gear Online get my ass kicked and called a F@g by other players but at least the graphic are cool, I get good clothes to wear and weapons to use and I don't pay extra. MMO RPGs are scam aren't they?
  6. Finally a proper sequel to Macross!
  7. 12.Non-Descriptive Topic Titles. Please do not create topics with non-descriptive or misleading titles. Forum staff may rename topics with inappropriate titles.
  8. You knew they could have updated it, making it really gritty or just stupid like Gijoe. Instead we got cheesy action, SFX but the character's seem to be there and they are wearing the right costumes. Looks like it might be very close to the original with stupid mindless popcorn fun. I would have loved a serious version but I'd see this one anyways.
  9. Both are cool! If we are looking at just the defect free VF-1 1/60 V2 model than it wins as the more accurate toy to display. On the other hand if you want a "Toy" over a display model go with the 1/48. Fast Pack falls off, it is a bit floppy but sturdy too.
  10. I don't like this news. I have been very carefull to avoid the questionable Valks. I passed on many because of these issues. My name is down on a group buy for this toy because not only it is for the cool looking armor but a newer release of Hikaru's VF-1J. This is a total step backwards. I could have just bought an older cheaper VF-1J and wait for the Armor to be sold seperately I'll still honor my part of the group buy but knowledge that I'll be getting a defective expensive toy really sucks.
  11. Got my VE-1 yesturday. Got the shipping notice on the 25th. Took 10 days by SAL which included 4 weekend days and 2 Holidays.
  12. From pics alone it looks like the V2 wins.
  13. Haven't seen this movie yet. Not high on my list either. I did get a review from two people. One of them a 17 year old girl had this to say, "I didn't like it. Started out okay but then got stupid with the people becoming these blue creatures and trying to make animal sounds"
  14. How cool is this. I placed my order for the VE-1 on Christmas Eve and get the shipping notice on Christmas Day. Went with SAL so it will still be like another 3 weeks.
  15. Very ugly paint job for a very pricey toy. Looks worth $20 now.
  16. How funny I ordered a VE-1 today as well. Good prices on all the stuff but little differences from one VF-1 to another. The VE-1 is built on the VF-1 toy but different enough to look like a new different toy for my collection instead just being a repaint.
  17. Well I just setup a new wireless network. First time doing it. Lost my Key/Password years ago and had redo it all from scratch if I wanted to move my new computer more than 3 feet away. Guess my router came with a setup CD. Where did it go? I think it was stolen by that Geek at Best Buy that set things up the first time. Read some of the router's manual. Wish it was more common nitwit friendly. I guess the setup CD is for idiots like me. Hell if I did things correctly kept most of the default settings. Was smart enough to use a WPA2 security with a huge password to prevent my neighbor from using it. Should stop the idiots but not the smart ones I guess. Just to be safe I will be using a wired connection when I conduct business. Yes I hate the "junk" sites use as well. All that stuff is neat looking but go on the wrong site and your screwed. I'm so paranoid from the viruses I got before. I'm done with random browsing. Go to some semi-legimate looking site and discover the danger hiding in the junk. I can now just look at a URL on google and know it could be bad because of the country of origin. My Internet now is limited to a long list on my favorites.
  18. No fair I justgot a new computer. Maybe I have enough to buy 1 new Valk but this sucks.
  19. Alright new laptop came in the mail a couple of days ago. Got a Toshiba P500. 1. Keyboard design is screwy. You can't Turn on "Caps Locks" without accidently hitting the Volume button. Wouldn't be that bad if I didn't have to hear a "BEEP" everytime I do that. 2. Windows 7 Huh? Never used Vista. I used XP before. I guess W7 is suppose to be more User Friendly and simple looking. I think I liked the XP setup more. This one is almost too simple. It is like a very short Index section of a big book that you haven't read yet. I like to skip ahead to the interesting chapters but the Index isn't detailed enough for me. Guess I need to read more. 3. Big Screen is fun right? Sometimes it is. Not all websites are intended for big screens. All this space to use but only have the screen is used. Gotta play with the settings more. 4. So I have an HD Screen. Looks great but when I try playing a Video the image is too bright. More settings I gotta play around wit those settings too.
  20. Guess I ordered a new laptop just in time. It is dead. I can no longer wiggle the power cord to get power flowing. I'll need to take it apart and soder the socket back (if it isn't too messed up). Stuck using my PS3 now. Will take a couple of weeks for them to build my new computer.
  21. How about the end fight it Commando? It has one of the best lines to say after you've killed some one.
  22. Well I ordered a new Laptop. My 2nd Toshiba. Wasn't my list at first but since it scored high on the service life report, came with what I wanted at a price that beat the other guys made it the one to get.
  23. Am I the only who see's "ASUS" and wants to pronounce it as "ANUS"?
  24. I hate most Movie Toy Lines. Hardly ever is enough Character Designs from the Movies to use. Instead you end up with the same characters in twenty different costumes they never wore in the movie or twenty new characters that didn't appear in it. Should one of this new characters appear in a sequel their new look in the movie will invalidate the earlier Movie figure. Plus the entire Pursuit of Cobra line will be invalidated by the next movie.
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