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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. Unless there it is some special circumstance involved we don't change member names as general policy. A couple of reason for this. For example: Members gain a rep (good or bad) to their names. We don't want everyone to escape their problems or cause new ones. Another really big one is if it gets out we are changing names for anyone who just feels like using a new handle and there will be more requests for it. As volunteers we rather be reading topic and moderating them as needed instead of taking care of the minor requests from members.
  2. I first discovered DYRL? through one of the film books. It was the same year Robotech the Movie was suppose to come out. Thought for that year the two were connected. A year later rented a copy of Clash of the Bionoids from 7-11. Changed my life. You think I'd be a life time customer after that. Haven't walked a 7-11 in 7 years.
  3. Is that from Clash when the Meltrandi invade britai's ship? Been a while since I watched it on VHS. I need to get it on dvd.
  4. It is rather impressive but I just starting buying the 1/60 about a year ago. I picked up 5 VF-1 so far and have 1 on pre-order. Maybe down the road I will pick up one but not going to collect them all. For a new toy line to win me over they gotta do something incredible. Like having an awesome villian mecha to go along with awesome hero mecha. How many scales do I need the VF-1 in.
  5. Correction the English dub of DYRL? or Clash of the Bionoids is the best.
  6. Thats because they had a few native English speaker among the DYRL? cast.
  7. I think my post vanished from earlier. Quick Summary: Did they change the Angels? In their first appearance they didn't kill. They sent people to different times. Second they had to cover their faces because they couldn't look at eachother. In the newest episodes they killed and I'm pretty sure they were in view of eachother.
  8. Downloading Anime just makes good sense for the outside of Japan Anime consumer. If you can't watch it on TV is it worth buying episode after episode? Pretend we are talking about Macross 7 getting a US Release. Some like it and some hate it. Those that like it say it gets good after episode 15 (or about there). Do you really want to keep buying until a show is suppose to get good. Only to find out it completely sucks? Anime can be a huge investment.
  9. Wait do you mean he got them already? Got my request in months ago.
  10. Forget what I said. I'm ordering one. I got enough points saved on Hobby Search that it make it a really good price for me.
  11. Plus they used an old picture of Rick & Lisa instead of their more newer art.
  12. There's a good chance. Look at the Producers. First it was a funny movie. Then later a play and then a bad movie based on the play. I think Young Frankenstein has been made into a play. Next thing would be a movie based on the play.
  13. This is nice. If you go to South Park's site the Full Episode Viewer doesn't work and neither does their forums.
  14. Finally saw it all on several crappy videos on youtube. Excellent episode. Really bad editing.
  15. I can't even watch the episode. No cable. It seems Comedy Central added extra edits and won't allow South Park's official site to air the episode.
  16. In the fall. What about having it around the same time as the Robotech 25th event? I was asked if I was gonna attend that thing. Would be interest to attend both a Macross and Robotech thing in the same week.
  17. Damn.
  18. Okay trying to make some screen grabs from my blu-rays. Seems I can't. Tried to adjust the Hardware Acceleration. Seems I can't do that with Windows 7.
  19. Call me a prude but I lost interest after watching the red band trailers. Having kids use language like that is just seems like child abuse. Violence is bad but it on the set any blood can be added later by computers. Kids do appear in R-Rated films but hardly doing the R-Rated content scenes. Kids do swear on their own but making them do it reminds me of those trailer trash people who think it was funny that their baby could say "F-You".
  20. Kathy Lee was there.
  21. What's wrong the Dynasty Warriors? It is fun.
  22. Seriously? Don't you see enough average looking people in public? TV is meant to be a fanasty land of people who are pretty enough that you want to $@%* 'em.
  23. Any where in California should work. That's where most people are.
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