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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. You have to watch her singing & dance number
  2. Don't have time to read it all but I was drawn to a mention of "the big breasts in RTSC." Did anyone see that Conan gets animated part 2 Segment? That Bernard wasn't his face should totally be the new character designer for Robotech!
  3. Of all the closed Topics to start whining about Excessive Moderation. This is over a versus topic? FYI I wasn't the one who closed it. I'm offended really that I'm not the one at fault.
  4. If a topic was locked because of this Conversation than it isn't a good idea to start it again. If you seeking permission to start it again you should contact the moderator who closed it in the first place.
  5. Looks like Reno Survived the Space War One.
  6. They decided to close it cause they were having too many problems. .
  7. Thought I try to go this year. I can get a refund if I can't. Think I have the money and the time. Registration had some issues the first day. they moved first day to register up ahead to today at 6 am. Right now it is 6:15 am. So much traffic the site wasn't working. I don't even want to think about hotels. I wonder if anyone is calling them. Notice it isn't a toll free number.
  8. Pictures aren't showing up for me. Anyone else have this problem?
  9. I wouldn't call it a "classic". On the plus side a Queen Song is in it. Fried Chicken!
  10. Good News!!!!! Full Episodes will be posted online the next day. US only. International get to watch clips http://teamcoco.com/blog/full-episodes-of-conan-will-be-on-teamcoco-com/
  11. I was afraid they do something like that. I was hoping for at least 15 minutes. Now here's my problem. I want to watch this show but no longer have cable. I hope TBS puts the episodes online the next day.
  12. Well I just preordered one from Hobby Search. Had about 340 of their points to lower the total.
  13. Need to check my budget. I think I went over my limits this month.
  14. Brought Target's exclusive Hoth Sets last night. Look at this alternative Regult. I saved hundreds of dollars.
  15. Here's a quote from the article from Shawn: I think he is talking about a different website.
  16. What we saw was the visualisation of a memory from a sick mind. Guld was mental case. You can't trust him to remember things right. What really happen is that he tried to rape Isamu.
  17. Most woman pilots appear in manga and video games. In the animation they are very rare and tend to be more expectional pilots. Milia and Nora are aces. If they were average in skill they wouldn't be piloting at all. How about male operators in the Macross universe? There was only two of them. One was gay and the other was Shammie's bitch.
  18. Hey could someone post a few pics with these 1/100 Regults next to the Yamato VF-1 1/60 V2 for me. I want to see they look group enough for the fudgit scale.
  19. It's a TV set.
  20. FYI those MW Guess Value Prices are about ten years old.
  21. Ordered a copy a couple of hours ago.
  22. I need to buy this game sometime this month maybe.
  23. Many Years ago I drew the original sketch of this Sally S. Ford fan art. Goal at the time was to show a second tier Macross character as sex symbol to impress the fan boys. Beware of Blast (who is no longer on the boards) touched up the picture and then colored it. Years have past and I want to draw again. Looking for someone who can take my drawings and give it that extra special something. I haven't drawn anything yet just looking to see if anyone wants to collaborate.
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