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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. No way in hell that Dreadnoks will appear. Zartan is disguised as the President. The minute the Dreadnoks show up they'll blow his cover. There is no logically way to explain why the President of the United States now has a gang of slightly retarded Australian bikers* as guest over at the white house. *No offense to bikers.
  2. If Cheetara like any cat in heat she'll rub against anybody.
  3. This was like my dream movie cast 30 years ago.
  4. Picked up NA #2. Wow it is like 5000 pages and only 10 of them dedicated to Macross the First.
  5. I hope my local Japanese book store starts carrying this.
  6. I enjoyed those novels but I don't remember 'that' part.
  7. I like everything but the head/hair. Other than that well done.
  8. I wonder what percentage of Yamato's sales are from the US. They aren't in control the value of the dollar vs the yen but can see collectors cutting back because of the prices. Collectors are less likely to buy multiples, variants and in general limit their spending to only the absolute must have favorites. Even if money is no object there's still the shock of seeing how much they cost now compared to a couple of years ago. Less purchases from the US would eventually result in Yamato cutting back on their production numbers. Not sure exactly how much but I'm feeling these toys are going to become the sole property of Collectors in Asia and the few Western Elite.
  9. The shows turned to crap. New Producer, new Doctor, new companions fine it all makes sense. So why is that skank River Song from the previous Doctor Who here? She's the Producers pet. How funny that after having showing so many shows of how awesome that old lady crotch is she gets captured so easily and thrown in the space suit. How come I believe the love between Rose and The Doctor but nothing between him and River? Was Rose like a Superman 2 situation? You know just like with Superman the Doctor couldn't give her the old Sonic Screw without destroying her. With River being part time lord he has someone to sonic screw with no worries. It is like being the only minority on a TV show. When another minority of the opposite sex shows up as a guest star you're gonna have them have sex. Doen't matter how old or ugly they are. It is the only way that minority regular character is gonna get any action. "Hello there. I'm the Doctor. I was about let Amy and Rory do the nasty on top of my frankstein's monster looking face but no, we wouldn't want that. The whole universe catching fire like a strawberry poptart left in the toaster for too long. No we wouldn't want that. Oh look its an old hag called River Song. No chance of the universe blowing up she'll have to do."
  10. When ever I get a new Valk I'll transform it to every mode with in the first hour of opening the box. I'll then leave it in Battroid mode. A year later it gets transformed again.
  11. I admire the man's talent and passion. Yeah I'd go to see him perform and have a good time. In any other social situation I might punch him in the face if he annoys me too much.
  12. Slightly Off Topic Black Star Warrior Trailer Full Movie
  13. And shipping will bring it right back up.
  14. If Hasbro had Macross Licence we would never see anything in the stores.
  15. I for one really love what they're doing.
  16. I'm gonna take a moment to explain why the Sentinels Alien Races was such a stupid idea. My explanation goes beyond the stupid character designs. In Robotech it is suggested that the Robotech Masters ruled all. They have the Zentraedi warriors who destroyed all. They're arch enemies the Invid nearly destroys who use protoculture. We've seen what the Zentraedi have done to the Earth. Why did the Masters, Invid & Zentradi let all these losers live? I want a good reason besides so Robotech could eventually have a rip off United Federation of Planets.
  17. I can't believe someone saved that scan. Always loved mental disabled looking Max Sterling.
  18. Oh man I gotta dl that right now...like in 2 to 3 weeks.
  19. Called them. I guess they did do something special for those who couldn't use the PSN during that outage. It was the welcome back month. I missed out on that cause my system died during that time. It was working during the first week of the hack. Since it is still under warranty they'll fix it and another 90 warranty period will start up again. How about a sorry we make shitty hardware here's some of your previous money back or well give you a 1 year warranty this time. Usually these things last through the warranty period. My third PS3 is only 3 weeks old. A repaired or refurbished system should last longer than 3 weeks. They should be ashamed and embarrassed. Once I get my 4th PS3 I'll have to call them and wait 10 days for special permission to re-download connect. Now I'll have to delete and detactive the system while I still have some power left. I nearly completed a few games too.
  20. Hey Roy, It has been about 3-4 weeks since you got a replacement PS3. How is that going for you? Great I love my new piece of crap. 1st PS3 broke down after about 2 years of use. 2nd One broke had the same issue after a 1 to 1 & 1/2 years. 3rd One with the replacement warranty still good breaks down in a month. Here's the problem: After turning the PS3 on for a few minutes it shuts itself off to the Red light standby mode. Tested it twice to make sure it wasn't a fluke. According to Sony's site it might just be over heating. Well it was off all night it can't over heat in 5 minutes. Outside temp is mild. You can't have that much dust to block the vents after less than a month. They just gave me a shody replacement. For some reason their website can't find my Serial Number. I will have to call them. I'm going to wait till I calm down before calling. Very angry at the moment. See I'm still without a job. My previous PS3 broke during that big hacking story (did Sony ever make it up to people for the outage?) I wasn't using my PS3 for a couple of months. Someone who broke a different electronic gadget of mine offered to cover the cost of fixing my PS3 instead. After waiting to get the unit back I then had contact Sony to get permission to get some special downloaded content back. It took them an additional 10 days to do that. Now it is dying again. When I made the previous request I had the option of getting my 60 model repaired/replaced for $129 or get a new 120 model for $99. I went with the $129 option. As I still had plenty of PS2 games and wanted exactly what I had before. Are all of these 60 models absolute crap now? Guess I might have to go with the slim model. Can I get the cash difference back? Do I have to wait another 10 days for them to allow me to re-download content? Do I have to wait for all this shipping an handling time again? Why? Why? Why? Do I have to put up with this again for the 3rd time?
  21. I was actually turned off by it when I first saw the previews on some another Manga VHS. The preview just had music and characters scenes. No dialog, barely any mecha. Macross Plus look like some anime about a boy and girl with pointy noses being chased by a some ugly guy with a flat top mullet.
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