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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. You're complaining about their facial hair? I don't think the millions of people that are going to see these films will even notice or care about that.
  2. I thought this movie wasn't in 3D.
  3. Who the @$%* is that idiot on the front page talking to Kawamori?
  4. Why is it so hard to get proper help? My Toshiba laptop is still cover by warranty till December. Recently the screen has been shutting off on its own. I Googled and it is a semi-common problem. I tried all the simple tips that people recommend online. Those usually involve change this or that setting, update the latest of blank and then wait to see if the problem shows up again. Well the problem shows up again and that might mean it is a problem beyond simple trouble shooting. Since I'm still under warranty I called Toshiba. How do they help me? First Guy tell me to unplug everything (cord & battery) & hold the power botton. Plug it all back in and turn the computer back on. Then call them back. - All steps I told them that I did already. Called them back talked to girl this time. Told her everything. Here's how she helped me. She had me restart the computer enter maintaince screen to make sure I had the current Bios. Which I had. Then she had me check to make sure I had the correct power settings. Which I had. Then she gave me referral number if the problem shows up again. Of course it is gonna show up again! She didn't do anything. She just verified that everything was up to date and in the right settings. If those things were all correct then maybe there's another reason for this problem. Duh.
  5. Same thing goes for him beating up all those agents/cop in the Recall clinic in the trailer. Might as well include that new Tom Cruise trailer of Tom beating up a dozen pretty crooks on the street. Movies like to show how tough the hero is by having the actor beat up several guys at once with ease. I'm rarely buying that these days. If the actor has a past as a martial artist or physical imposing with athletic background like Arnold or has always played the tough guy I can believe he can take several guys out. It is just too much of a stretch to believe that Collin or Tom are that good.
  6. Theater I went to had only 8 people watching it and they still had an usher walk in 2 times to check the emergency exits.
  7. Well I saw the movie today. I was too busy to see it till now and tried to say away from all news about it then some ass at my new job spoiled it for me on purpose. Heard him talking to someone about it and I tell the jerk. "Hey I haven't seen it yet" he kept talking. I ended up learning about What happens but not How it happens. When you're the new person you try to be nice to everyone and take their advice those first few weeks. This guy just has to be an ass when I'm in a position that forces me to be nice. I'm think I'm gonna start calling him out on it from now on. The movie was still good. I just don't get all the story stuff that happens outside of Gotham. Cobra Commander to me seemed to main character of the movie. He got a lot of screen time. Then from some odd reason I was doing Bane's voice on the drive back home.
  8. Saw it today. Peter is definitely more outcast teen rebel than nerd. The whole C. Thomas Howell plot is stupid & pointless. I thought Spiderman used his web to swing across town. Apparently we need some stupid scene where the working class guys help him. I'm surprise no one was there to yell "Youse goes and gets him Spiderman!" Uncle Ben totally deserved what he got. To start with what convenience store guy really expect a skinny highschool kid to tackle an adult robber? Uncle Ben could have ran, screamed or even kicked the gun away. The Robber wasn't robbing him. He was more interested in getting away. If Uncle Ben didn't go and wrestle for the gun the robber would have just pushed him down. Instead Ben has to wrestle for it. The horror!
  9. Only 100 words in the Zentradi language? I think Macross Compedium has most of them listed. We might have to come up with remaining words to reach a hundred. How many words do you think they devote to poo?
  10. Batman is Cobra Commander? "A Batman. I once was a Batman!"
  11. It has to be an honor to be asked to be that mutant.
  12. What's that sticky substance in her bath tub?
  13. Why didn't someone tell me that Spiderman was sexually molested? http://stars.ign.com/articles/829/829368p1.html
  14. At first glance I thought that was Alto.
  15. Looks like the Zentradi have discovered the internet.
  16. Awesome I wish we had more bands like this.
  17. That barely counts. One blurry tiny picture and we already kinda saw that Klingon's look before.
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