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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. I'm pretty sure there's old internal line art that shows how many missiles are in the fast packs. 3 per arms I think and about 20 per back booster
  2. Aren't Johnny and Sue siblings? They picked a black Johnny Storm why are the looking at 3 white girls for Sue? Wouldn't she be black too? Are they afraid to have Sue and Reed become an interracial couple? Is Sue and Johnny going to be adopted? If they are adopted why isn't Sue going after Johnny. If they're adopted then they aren't related.
  3. Can't believe I've only been to one of these. Way back in 09 and I was part the original discussion to do them 13 years ago. l feel old. Their growth amazing.
  4. I bet you he's one of those total jackasses who keeps their cowboy hats on in movie theaters.
  5. It appears Harmony Gold and Hasbro decided to settle things out of court over the SDCC Jet Fire. You know what this means? Harmony Gold has enough money to stay in business for at least another year.
  6. Was it planned to have Sheryl Nome as (I assume) Tenjin's translator or did just turned out that way?
  7. I think a grand piano is cheaper than most Macross toys these days.
  8. The MRG site or at this point of time the Archive doesn't show up on a basic Google search unless you type in its specific name. Essentially the group is dead. As I said in my above post in theory it could be brought back. On a related side note thanks to Google I've found out that my SDF Mekton Guide is being passed along the Internet on some file sharing site without my permission. To make it worst it is an earlier addition.
  9. Those of us that were left? I don't there was anyone left. Sadly the MRG didn't have enough people to survive the final move. On the other hand have you seen what the MRC been up too? Go and see. What didn't see anything? Yep that's right they made all of their game forums invisible to public view. Their reason seems to be paranoia. I seem to remember a time years ago when I suggested having one invisible game as an elite mystery game for players to aim for. I think the idea was killed because it was hidden. Now all their games are hidden. It is one thing to allow things to die because people eventually lose interest. It is another to make yourself look dead to the world. I don't know about you but before I joined anything I like read to see how things are. PS if I were to start anything again I'd arrange to do it here at MW and in the open.
  10. Every time I visit I start with View new content. As of 3 minutes ago this feature is working.
  11. A whole bunch of her Macross pics on her FB fan page. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.401331016588998.94969.397038910351542&type=3 I think those Frontier movies was just an excuse to give cosplayers even more crazy, skimpy and elaborate costumes to wear.
  12. If I never seen or heard Robocop this looks like a movie I might see. Having already seen it. I'm a bit concerned that they removed the best story element from the first film. His memory wipe and having remember that he is human.
  13. My card is buried somewhere. Books Nippon is where I got macross 2. I still have their catalogue.
  14. Wow? She has a model's figure and good bone structure. They've got a very well paid photographer with a team consisting of experts in hair, makeup, styling, lighting and photo shop. Stacey is bringing a good basic foundation but the team is bringing out the wow factor.
  15. I'm waiting to see how Mekton Zero changes the game.
  16. So is Hasbro going to show up at people's houses with police demanding the toy back? Hasbro did legally have rights to make the Toy back in the day. Shouldn't that give them the rights to do it now. One thing that does concern me is this could be Harmony Gold plan to get a tighter grip on all things Macross. I can see them threating to sue places like HLJ if they don't hand them over a list of all their customers outside of Japan who bought Macross toys. If this goes to court I don't see Harmony Gold winning. The money behind Hasbro's lawyers is enough crush Harmony Gold's. Man it feels like 2003 again!
  17. What the hell happen to my eye? Oh well could someone please just pluck out the other one so I can't watch this
  18. I too never saw the first one and don't really plan to see this. I've seen plenty of commercials for it but I don't understand the appeal. Like those little yellow guys are they suppose to be cute and funny? I think I've seen them change that light bulb in the movie theater a hundred times and it never was funny. What are they anyways? To me they look like a cross between a pill and a hairy testicle.
  19. That's a horrible outline for Shadow Chronicles 2. Poor Scott dies but is still stuck in the Robotech universe.
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