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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. I hope not but it would make sense considering the people running the show. I really like it when the lead character of a show has their own allies and villains to deal with. Disney is all about the Marvel formula of everything promoting the next project.
  2. It was okay. A big departure in tone but wasn't horrible. Maybe they can give Warrick a non-masked speaking role in one of many Star Wars tv shows.
  3. Episode 3 was both good and stupid. I was entertained. It kept my interest throughout. As for the stupid, New Republic appears to condone questionable medical treatments. That we have real world equivalents for which have been so controversial in the past that are only used today for extreme cases. That's if they haven't been stopped altogether. I'm sure in the writer's room they just thought that would be a good idea for the episode but when you remember that New Republic/Rebels are supposed to be the side with morals it doesn't look good. Prequel CGI sets are still alive. That was very complicated way to take care of a delicate issue. With all those high walkways and zero guardrails it would have been easier cause an accident.
  4. Never finished the game but I watched a playthrough before I ever played. Finale was how I remembered it.
  5. Indeed. Look at Barclay he had psychological and behavioral issues until he got help the system just transfered him from ship to ship but he wasn't promoted. I guess Star Fleet now acts like our world. They make the biggest asshole your boss. Somewhere at Star Fleet HR is bunch of ignored complaints.
  6. This show has been okay. I'm afraid the whole mystery is going to so stupid that it will ruin everything.
  7. They're saying baby Yoda spent up to 2 years away training with Luke. That time line doesn't make sense when you include the events of the Book of Boba Fett. Unless he and Fennec(?) Did nothing for 2 years before killing Bibb.
  8. In this week's episode Bo watches Mando take a bath but he's a never nude so it don't get too excited.
  9. I agree. His life was filled with too much danger and excitement for her to deal with. I guess I can understand that logic. She did lose her first husband and life on the Enterprise D was pretty dangerous for her and Wesley. Maybe she didn't want put another son through that. What life did she end up choosing for them? Why a life danger and excitement acting as renegade medical doctors. Don't understand why decided to make Jack only around 20 years old. The actor is 34 years old. Maybe he could pass for 25 but nope doesn't look 20. Did you know 34 years ago is pretty close to the time of STNG second season. The season where Beverly wasn't on the show. Jack's birth year being the second season would have made perfect sense.
  10. Season 3 Episode 1 was very lackluster. Started with a previously on recap that neglected to mention how baby Yoda and Mando got back together. If you didn't watch Book of Boba you'd be confused. There's a long scene with a bunch of Mandalorian cosplayers having a picnic at the beach. Hard to take these guys seriously in multi-color armor in daylight. The episode is mostly filler. Real season opener should have been that episode from the Book of Boba Fett. A plot point for the season is Mando's quest of getting his cult to accept him again. One of the highlights of season 2 was that he had to break has code to rescue baby Yoda. He showed growth as a character. Not sure why he needs to go back to his old ways. I think the creators are just obsessed with all things Mandalorian. I'm finding all of it pretty silly. and Baby Yoda is just there to act cute.
  11. I share a similar opinion to this article. The Mandolorian seems just to be another chapter of the Mandalorian saga from the cartoons. https://gizmodo.com/mandalorian-season-3-new-star-wars-ship-disney-1850168556
  12. Would have really like this but yeah no thank you. Remember how Hi-Metal line was the value line because it was a smaller, less detailed, less complex option made by the largest toy company . Guess those days are over.
  13. If episode 1 of season 3 was the first episode of this series I would be happy. It does feel like reunion to go on a grand adventure after years apart. Like a true sequel to the Next Generation movies. Unfortunately, it is following 1 mediocre and 1 bad season. It feels like a course correction. After the first 2 seasons and the movies I keep thinking the last episode of their original TV series was the perfect ending. We didn't need more adventures of the Enterprise D. Especially action-packed adventures. Small spoiler the episode opens with Doctor Crusher in a phaser fight and she's fighting like veteran. Using her wits and skill with a phaser. Wasn't she just the doctor? As a member of Star Fleet, she would know how to use a phaser but not with the same training as more combat leaning character. It has been decades so maybe things have changed. I just look at this opening scene and think, why do they have to make everyone an action hero. They did this with Picard in the movies too. As a kid I may have desired more action while watching STNG. As an adult I really appreciate the problem-solving characters who used their brains and diplomacy to solve problems.
  14. Tetris and Air Jordans. Is this trend in movies how rich people became billionaires? Years ago we had movies about Jobs and Zuckerberg. Billionaires and the soul-less companies are so relatable.
  15. If they wrote Ezra out of the movie and re-filmed all their scenes with Keaton this movie would make 10 billion dollars.
  16. In a couple months it will be on Disney Plus anyways. Good or bad reviews they all eventually get a watch on streaming.
  17. Luther is a mentor that we've never met before. He's like Obi-wan when the only Star Wars was the first movie. Something happened in their past to make them who they are now, but we never saw how they were in the first place. There's no need for a good backstory to convince us of their drastic personality change. The sequels needed a reason to keep Luke away as the hero for all these years. One they went with kept him away and was also against character. In my opinion the reason why Luke couldn't be found and wasn't rushing to save the galaxy was because he was already dead. Steal from the 6th Sense. The birth of Kylo Ren is when Ben Solo killed Luke. Skywalker was a force ghost stuck on that planet this entire time. That would have kept him away without breaking his character.
  18. Andor worked because it was very light on fan service. Plus no forced action scenes because we went 5 minutes without any action and our research shows people get bored. That show used the universe to tell a story. Andor would have been good even without Star Wars. It does help to have Star Wars universe to sell a good show. I want them to find good scripts and then adapt them to Star Wars. Don't need fan service and nonstop action to make good television.
  19. The 3rd season is just a live action cartoon to sell toys. It's a continuation of the Clone Wars cartoon. 2nd season was a backdoor pilot for all the live action spin off for the Clone Wars. The Mandolorian reached its conclusion at the end of the 2nd season. This is just fan service to sell merchandise. Baby Yoda and multiple Mandolorians equals $. Fan boys will get excited by all the cool bad ass Mandolorians kicking ass but I doubt we're going to be wowed by the story telling. What works for a cartoon doesn't mean it will work for live action.
  20. I canceled several of my preorders. Decided there's other stuff I want to buy. These are taking too long. Instead of getting an entire wave of figures I'm just getting the ones I like the most.
  21. I bet you the premise is the same as The Lego Movie. It is just some little rich girl playing with all her Barbies. Rich Mommy and Rich Daddy buy her every Barbie because they think you show love by buying people stuff. Lesson they learn is you can't buy love. You show it by playing Barbie with your child. Don't think it will happen but. I want there to be nude scenes of Ken and Barbie. With smooth featureless crotches like the dolls.
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