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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. This ain't some April fool joke is it?
  2. Wish List: 1. I want clear reoccurring villains with personalities. 2. A hero in training who becomes a real male remodel. Christ sake Basara was more manly than Alpo, Luca & Michael combined.
  3. Same Origin story as the new Spiderman movies. Someone's scientist father works their boss to create superhero. Peter Parker's Dad = April Oneil's Dad. Norman Osborn = The Shredder
  4. I hope this one is better.
  5. Why wouldn't Wolverine be the lead? The movie will visit 2 timelines. In both timelines we have Professor X and Magneto. Plus a bunch of supporting mutants. Wolverine is the character that is going to act as the bridge between both timelines. It makes sense for there to be a strong focus on him.
  6. Got my copy yesterday. While the book is about VF-1 Squadrons of the Macross it really is more a brief over view of the Macross and it's Mecha. With a strong focus on the VF-1 Funny with all the Squadrons paint patterns we only saw the basic brown VF-1 all the time.
  7. I forgot did Macross Frontier actually have a script or was it just a bunch of character designs in various flashy costumes to inspire cosplayers?
  8. Walked to a store and placed a special order for it yesterday. Should be able to pick it up in a week. Macross Books are the only Macross collectable that I can afford. The toys are too expensive now.
  9. This is the earliest I think I've seen a date set.
  10. Leo is how big of a star? I doubt that he'll even wipe is butt with Robotech.
  11. I don't know. I see the guy from Parks & Rec is there acting pretty much like the guy from Parks & Rec but with muscles.
  12. Must have them both. Too bad I'll be paying double the cover price after shipping.
  13. His name didn't ring a bell at first but I did a member search and I remember his avatar. Dang only 39 years old.
  14. Maybe after 5 years she just grew tried of a singer's schedule.
  15. Hogan 60 Sting 54 They are both old enough to retire and you'd think they would by now.
  16. Macross Frontier plot (or lack there of) isn't suppose to make sense. You're just suppose to listen to the music while gawking at images of mecha and cosplay ideas.
  17. What full frontal nudity? I recall seeing his chest. Did I blink when they showed Thor's hammer?
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