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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. The whole am I good or evil seems unnecessary. The War Doctor had to make a lot of hard choices. The 9th Doctor was carrying a lot of baggage from what he did as The War Doctor. He's the Doctor that was trying to figure out if he's good or evil. The 10th and 11th seemed to conclude they were good. The current one is acting like the 10th and 11th weren't even there. The 50th special gave hope to the 10th & 11th Doctors. Didn't? The 11th Doctor died but didn't he do it saving Christmas and didn't act like he did terrible things. The current one is trying to figure out if he's good or evil because? Finally a sentence that doesn't start with the. Was anyone disappointed that the first episode of the news series skipping over a lot of stuff? It was like here's the new Doctor. You don't need to know about his first 2 weeks in a new body. I just want to stick him with my pet characters right away.
  2. Look they had to keep Alpo's breasts concealed in a kimono!
  3. Open them. They are meant to be admired in all modes of transportation. Keeping a new toy MIB means one thing: You're not a collector but an investor.
  4. I want to see a spinoff TV series of it. Here's my idea: Arnold, Jet, Terry & Mickey retire to live in a retirement village. Where they solve people's problems like the A-Team. Becoming the macho male Golden Girls.
  5. This is definitely going to lower the dollar value of the Robotech brand. Best thing they can do right now is kill whatever plan the current Robotech team got going next. Wait X amount of time and start listening to offers to license Robotech to successful people who can bring something new. Robotech has some name recognition. There's little support for original ideas any more so Robotech at least has that going for it. Robotech also has small dedicated fan base and a long mythology. If they want Robotech to rise from the dead Harmony has to be willing to piss off their fan base and go the total reboot or total retcon route or total new bastardization story that has nothing to do with Robotech another than the name and transforming robots. Nobody outside of Robotech fans knows what is going on. This is a dying patient. Time to pass it on to some brilliant surgeons with risky ideas that just might work or kill it. Do nothing and the patient still dies.
  6. Robotech Academy failed for one big reason. There are only 2,284 fans of Robotech who only have a combined $194,574 to spend. The reason that everyone who could have donated but didn't is simple: Robotech is irrelevant to them.
  7. You think this is over? Not by a long shot! In less than 6 months time Harmony Gold will be back on Kickstarter with a new rehashed idea. This time they'll only need $194,574 to fund a half an hour pilot.
  8. My first exposure was buying a film comic book about it from the Golden Apple in 85 or 86. It wasn't till the next year or so did I see it when I rented Clash of the Bionoids from 7-11.
  9. If this is suppose to take place during the Sentinels universe why do they have new uniforms and new mecha designs? Shouldn't they be using the old ones? It is set in the Sentinels universe but it will not be the Sentinels? Why not just have it take place 20 years after the 3rd Robotech War and have it all be about something in the Robotech saga that is entirely new?
  10. In case there are people here who don't know Kevin McKeever before he got hired by Harmony Gold Kev was one of the biggest trolls here. We don't ban people for simply having a difference of opinion. I did have to send several warning to him about getting close to the line. I think he had a short ban once. He acted all pleasant in our messages but created a lot of extra work and headaches. Harmony Gold really impressed me when they hired him.
  11. Is this like that Ender's Game and Harry Potter movies (I didn't see them either) where they get cast of very famous and old actors over 50 to play second fiddle to a bunch of 14 years olds? I so bleeping hate these movies where kids have all the power and adults are either all surrogate mother/father figures or stupid villains. Growing up I knew us kids were physical weak and stupid. When I watched movies and tv show about heroes I looked to adults as inspiration.
  12. The sad thing is even if it gets complete funded and they make the pilot chances are it will just end with the pilot. Harmony has made several attempts to jump start Robotech and all have failed to go anywhere beyond a pilot. How is this one going to be different?
  13. Are kidding me? You mean to tell me that after years of running Robotech.com, dvd sales, toy sales and the super successful Shadow Chronicles they don't have the money to pay for a pilot episode themselves? They don't have at least $500,000 of profit from Robotech that they can use for this? Bull crap! Harmony Gold has the cash. This is the real reason. Despite their claims Robotech is a dead property. If Robotech was still as great as they claim somebody with money to spend would have already use that money to make more cartoons and even that live action movie. The fact no one has done that already means that no one who is smart with their money is going to risk it on Robotech and that includes Harmony Gold.
  14. I noticed a lack of minority & female characters in predominate roles. They had minor roles in the future but the main story that took place in the past centered around white guys and one white girl. Beast & Quick Silver wasn't a essential support character and could have been replaced with actors/mutants of a different ethnic background. Another strong female character joining them in the past would have been nice but could have lessens the importance of Mystique as a rift between Xavier & Magneto's friendship. It would really stupid for them to still be fighting over a girl all these years when there's a second strong female character. Actually maybe there was such a character that appeared before the movie took place. Beast introduced her to Xavier but Professor X was in such a moody state she said "I hope you rot in hell" and left prior to Wolverine arriving.
  15. Megan Fox's job is to be excessive, pointless eye candy in Michael Bay's films. She fits that role pretty well. Everything in Michael Bay's Transformers movies were excessive and pointless. He takes bad Summer block buster popcorn movies and blows them up with a nuclear bomb of excess. TMNT will do well in theaters not because it will be good but because people will just have to look at the mushroom cloud.
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