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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. Guess I got wait for Monday.
  2. Cleared customs 2 days ago. Mailman is already down the road. It better be here.
  3. Mine is somewhere on the freeway with the mail man.
  4. I ordered the same but in X-large. Still waiting for mine. That box is scary.
  5. Your Item has cleared customs - yeah!
  6. Got my info. Its on its way to customs as of the 26th. I hope my order is correct and get it by Monday....hopefully.
  7. I better fire an email off after work.
  8. They gave you a tracking number? I don't think the rest of us got anything.
  9. $40 for a couple episodes was pretty average back then. VHS tapes of normal movie theater releases use to go for around $100 or so. Majority of people rented movies. It wasn't till later they figured out they could make more money by lowering the cost and sale directly to the renter. Anime tapes brought stateside remained at those prices for even longer.
  10. I'll do what I did for the last movie - wait for it to come out on blu-ray. Maybe I'm old but I can no long deal with a 3 hour movie experience.
  11. I have to make room for mine when ever it arrives.
  12. Expanded made it the Imperial Academy. In an episode IV cut scene Biggs talking about looking to join the Alliance before the Imperial draft him. Which leads the question why attended the Imperial Academy if you don't want to join the Imperials?
  13. I ordered one then got a notice that it is out of stock and my order is on hold till they find more. I believe they are still going to honor that lower price.
  14. To me they're clone and always meant to be clones. In the 4th issue of Star Wars Official Poster Monthly 1978 had an article which I have attached below (found it online years ago). Is the first mention of them being Clones.
  15. Equals $294.20 (not including shipping). I like Orguss to but not that much.
  16. In the Jurassic movie universe the parks are real and horrible places of disaster and people still go to them. They over ran one park and didn't a T-Rex get lose in a city once? You'd think they'd learn not to open another dinosaur amusement park.
  17. At least they have a white base helmet.
  18. What are you guys talking about? Vanessa is from French Guiana and the others are from where? Where are you getting these specific places from? None of these places are mentioned in the Compendium:
  19. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    I'd like to stick to one scale for my collection but look what they did. They are releasing heroes and villains toys from the same series. Yamato released plenty of great VF-1 toys and one very expensive Regult model kit. Now just how much are these. What's the price of a current 1/60 Valk $350? So these will be $320? .
  20. I asked for a non-flair Roy. My gut feeling that everything about my order will be messed up is strong.
  21. I ordered one of the colored ones so I don't have to paint it.
  22. I don't know who Captain Marvel is nor do I know who these actresses are. Does this mean I'm uncool or cool because I don't about such things?
  23. So what is with the retcon about Clara's day job? First she's a Nanny that takes trips with the Doctor. We start this series and she's like always been a teacher.
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