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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. Misa? You should checkout my Misa cosplay thread in the Fan Works section. I have too many favorite characters. Mostly from the first series.
  2. Here's another preview image. If you haven't check out the Patreon page at least to see the short video promo and the adjusted pledge levels. https://www.patreon.com/SuperDimensionFoto?ty=h
  3. Way back at Anime Expo 01 (the last big fan convention I ever attended ) he said was known for being slow at meet deadlines.
  4. I'm going to let my fellow collectors battle for the "prize" like they do in Highlander.
  5. Super Dimension Foto's Patreon Page Photography is a hobby of mine. Doing Macross themed Cosplay photo shoots seems like a good idea to me. I'm starting things off with a series dedicated to Misa. This project will emulate classic imagery of character in photographs (and possible video). I picked Misa because she’s a strong female character that doesn’t get that much attention. In the future I'd like to include more characters from the series or pop culture. I've already did the first shoot. You should be able to match most of the poses up with the line art. It was simple shoot with a real model. Her name is Lee and has agreed to portay Misa for several shoots. You will see more of her and hopefully others. I ask that you don't say anything disrespectful about her/them or attempt to contact them in private with the intent to harass. I will take steps to remove you from Macross World if you do. This thread will be periodically cleaned up. Why focus on one character? It is simple economics. I like to include more characters but resources are limited. I'm going to stretch my dollar by getting the most mileage out of each character. These shoots will be primarily self-funded. On my own I can afford a modest monthly/bimonthly photo shoot. I know people that will want to see the pictures will also want to see more elaborate photo shoots with more extras like new characters. If you're willing to be a patron in supporting this project we can increase the production value. Here are 2 sample pictures. I will share 1 more every other day for a total of 5 freebies. If you want to see rest of this photo set click on the link above. (Click to see bigger) (Click to see bigger) For those that don't want to sign up for a Patreon account I will accept direct donations for each set. I can also arrange things by private request for very generous patrons. Cosplay photography isn't cheap. If you're willing to donate more to help fund things we can include your requests in a future photoset to be shared with the rest of the patrons. If you don't want to share and willing to pay for everything that can be arranged as well. Special Note: None these photo sets will be pornographic or show extreme violence. This includes private commissions. I photograph clients of all ages and that is not the type of photographer I want them to see me as. Some of the photos will be very SFW and others may border on being NSFW. If is it acceptable to a museum than it is acceptable to me.
  6. What you want Ben Stiller to be in Dredd 2?
  7. Did they dig out every dinosaur they could find slap them in a space suit?
  8. Or think Batman without the Bat symbol and without the actor screaming "I'm Batman!"
  9. Fan films never has permission that's why they are fan films. It is a risk you take. You can minimalizes that risk by avoid certain elements. For example notice how all the 3rd Party Transformers toys don't use the official names or logos? You can also make sure your fan film falls under fair use.
  10. If Ford and the original actors look happy it is because they and even Ford need another hit. The movie industry has changed there aren't that many really good movies any more. Big time movie actors who would never appear in commericals or tv shows 10 years ago are now dying to be on HBO or Netflix original. Ford would have refused to do the prequels because back then he was bigger. Now every actor who want to work is jumping on Super Hero movie wagon.
  11. Yes but they are also trying to introduce it to a new audience.
  12. Expression free faces are sometimes preferred over figures who always look happy or constipated. I'm more concerned with the ugly shoulder joints.
  13. Are these new and improved Matchbox figures? A strong maybe from me.
  14. That was a bad movie. The pre-arrival to 1984 stuff was interesting. You could have made an entire movie about the final battle with Skynet. I enjoyed some of the re-maded scenes. Rest if the movie was just dumb. Worst of all was Arnold. In T1 he was the scary evil robot. In T2 he was the scary robot following his programming to project Lil John Connor. Then I think in T3 and beyond he became comic relief. I want to see scary Arnold.
  15. I didn't get my replacement parts either. Instead I got 2 extra helmets for price of one. Their disorganization worked in my favor. I like their product but they are a perfect example of a shady flake. They got a ton of shill eBay accounts. If you want a new helmet snipe it.
  16. How sad. And did anyone besides me not like Akira? I thought it was boring and still do.
  17. $600,000+ raised? Where did the money go? A CGI Dinosaur? They couldn't have made it an hour long?
  18. Umm because it looks cool? Seriously the VF-1 is designed to be visually appealing to a cartoon audience. Anime magic allows it to do cool stuff too.
  19. And they never explained how Tony became Iron Man again. In the end of the 3rd movie all of his Iron Man suits/drone were nearly or totally destroyed. His heart was fix. Start of this movie he's Iron Man with no explanation? Wouldn't it have made more sense if during the first third of the film he was just Tony trying to make Ultron and after Ultron went bad he had no choice but to become Iron Man again? How much money does Iron Man have? Even the richest 1% would be hurting for cash after all these destructive movies.
  20. I love the copyright notice at the bottom. Was Sunwards after or before George made a deal with HG? Always thought that was pretty shady thing.
  21. Trailer looks good but I'm sure half of the episodes will be filled with hijinks for the kiddos.
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