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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. My laptop is too weak... It is 5 years old but I don't go cheap. I went with the 2nd most advanced/expensive options with everything. My previous laptop was obsolete after 2 years. I wanted this one to be mediocre in 5 years. Now I find out it's obsolete instead of just being mediocre.
  2. There's a picture of Minmay and Kaifun together so I can only guess... Cousins of marriage right? So no deformed babies but still creepy.
  3. I got a feeling she's going to hard to find next year.
  4. Update: Next shoot (November release) is taking place Monday the 12th and will feature a new character. More shoots are planned for Misa. As stated on my Patreon page these will be month/bimonthly photo shoots. During the holidays it is harder to schedule these shoots. Bad weather is also a factor. Not to mention even simple shoots are costly if they required a new costume. I have to space them out and reuse certain elements. The holidays, the approaching con and information of a new series coming out means there are too many distractions for new pending patrons. Because of all these things during the Winter months sets maybe released bimonthly instead of monthly.
  5. I'm currently in a sniper duel with her. Rocket launcher don't work. She dodges rockets by leaping 50 feet in the air.
  6. Zentradi musical XXX shows!?! Deculture!!!!!
  7. You forgot my sideburns. Still you get bonus points for making me look manly.
  8. It is because he's a teenager. All teen age boys look like girls until they can grow a moustache .
  9. Preview Pictures From Next Month's Set. To see all the pictures and more. Support the Patreon by clicking the link below. Super Dimension Foto's Patreon Page With this preview I included some reference pictures. The set was inspired by a scene from Episode 34 "Private Time". Yes my Hikaru does look like a girl. That's because she is one. Cute pretty boys are very rare in real life. If you happen to find one better hope nothing bad happens to them because their impossible to replace. By using a female model for Hikaru I'm pretty much forced to do this with every young male character. Hope you don't mind. As a mostly self-funded project many of the photo shoots are done modestly. The first few of shoots have gone over budget do it the initial cost of buying our starter wardrobe. Future shoots will involve the reuse of costumes, props and locations. Our current contributions (under $60 as of this writing) does relieve some of the burden. It doesn't allow us to do something special. By special I'm talking about renting locations for longer elaborate shoots and more costumes. We won't be able to build a space ship we can save up to recreate some special moments from any of the series. My goal is to reach $250 in regular monthly contributions. That will not be enough to make every shoot special or enough to commission a brand new costume every month. It will allow us to continue making these modest shoots while saving up to create something special. Not reaching this goal doesn't mean there won't be anything special. It will just happen at a much slower pace. What will the future Bring? Misa's a leader. She needs some ladies to boss around besides Hikaru. Maybe just maybe they'll even be visited by a green haired enemy spy.
  10. Sorry old Robotech references.
  11. I've got bridge bunnies and a green screen. We should talk.
  12. It is great! I got a lot planned for Misa and her friends with this Patreon.
  13. VF-1 duh
  14. She was thinner than I thought or maybe the costume's small wasn't a true small. This was her first time in the uniform we actually used clips to control how the fabric hanged on her arm she salutes. I'd like to get it tailored to fit even better. Besides the extra cost there's always a chance that you can lose a model and have to find a replacement. If a costumed is too tailor no one else will be able to wear it. I think next time she wears it I'll bring more clips. Spoiler the next shoot is taking place next weekend and will feature Misa plus a friend.
  15. You don't need a spoiler tags to express your future opinion of the movie itself. For example: I think this will be the biggest movie of 2015. It will be well made, overall a good pop corn movie. It just won't be great movie that will influence a generation.
  16. I want to like it. The first level coming out of the coma was awesome. That felt like Metal Gear. Then I started to go on some missions. The controls are so hard to control. MGS4 seem easier to play. Is there a way to fire from cover? I can't figure it out. Why is aiming so bad. I guess you can play online but I can't find an option. When I turn the game it does says failed to connect. Everything is open world like GTA but everyone I meet wants to kill me. The only neutral characters are the animals. Can't explore the world when everyone is a threat. Where are cut scenes that tells you what the bleep is going on.
  17. All those parts are ridiculous. Plus how fragile are the completed models? These things have to hold up to regular handling. At that size with that many parts they can't be that sturdy.
  18. They were also the substitute bridge operators when the "stars" had their coffee breaks.
  19. Here's the last of the sample images. You can see the rest in the same size or giant size by supporting the Patereon at https://www.patreon.com/SuperDimensionFoto?ty=h Patereon doesn't start collecting pledges till the 1st of each month so you have couple days to get access to this photo set. If you miss this date don't worry your pledge will go towards the next set and in time you'll get this one too. The pledges raised so far will be a big help. It will allow us either more time to shoot or gets added to the budget for adding new characters. Misa is still going to be a regular but there's plans for her friends to join her.
  20. And you can see more of Misa looking good by following the Patreon link.
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