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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. What is up with Diamond Dogs? They rescue or capture people. Give an enhanced interrogation session. Say okay we believe you welcome to Diamond Dogs you're one of us now. They go on missions with you or build you tech. The a few weeks later you're enhanced interrogate them again.
  2. That is what I meant by the Doctor being preachy. Trying to connect it with current issues. When the UNIT Commander lady told him that their plan was to attack the bad guy faction's camp his reaction was "do that and all of them will be against you" or something like that. Instead I think he want to talk. If they attack you and your response is to open a dialog that's showing every invader in outer space this is how you get what you want. I could go on but I'm already too close to breaking our no politics rule. I just think the episode was too preachy without taking a realistic look at both sides. Maybe the 2nd part will do that.
  3. I made it to chapter 2 only to find you get to repeat some of the exact same main story missions as new main story missions.
  4. Can we talk about the passage of time in this series? Rick's eldest son goes from a 10 year old kid to a 15 year old kid and his baby hardly ages at all? Nobody ages either. Why don't I see grey hairs?
  5. I thought the 1/48 was big. A VF-1 at 1/35 is pretty cool but who has the space or the money anymore? There is a scale in which toys become too big or too small to handle.
  6. Should Doctor Who start killing people? The answer is yes. Last night's episode followed the usual formula. Aliens living among us are killing some people is part of a secret invasion. The Doctor is brought into help and does the usual there will be no killing solution speech. It is a very preachy wussy stuff. I can't seem to remember his no killing policy actually solving any problem. It is the same formula again and again. Aliens show up killing about a dozen people in cold blood. Humankind has every right to machinegun that invaders to protect the human race. A dozen people already died. Instead the Doctor show up stops the killing, makes light of a serious situation. Convinces or forces the Alien invaders to leave without anymore bloodshed. Then the same Aliens return next year and do the same thing again. Killing another dozen people in cold blood. Sorry Doctor but they aren't getting the message. Better start blasting them next time. All those people dying after each repeat invasion attempt is on you.
  7. For the record I thought Macross Frontier was lame prior to seeing it and still hold that opinion after seeing it. Loved the mecha designs and music was good but everything else was trash that pandered to the lowest level. Design wise (excluding mecha) this looks worse.
  8. This makes me sad. The only thing that makes it Macross seems to be the mechanical designs. Everything else is just... just looks like everything else. Cute girls and girly boys in fancy costumes is popular let's make another generic looking anime. It is sad that this is the only way that we will ever see new macross series. The people funding these series are looking to make a profit. They aren't making that profit by music and toy sales. They're making it on advertising. Sissy character designs and sissy storylines are required because obviously there's an huge existing market for it. Maybe real Macross can be just as popular but no one is going to risk their money to find out.
  9. It looks like Macross video game footage paired with some unrelated generic anime character designs. With the exception of some mecha it visually doesn't look like Macross.
  10. That ninja zombie attack on that one guy was pretty stupid. They're all just standing around talking in the woods. Aware that zombies are about and one starts screaming because a zombie snuck up behind him to take a bite. There's nothing stealthy about zombies. They get people because the living make a wrong turn and end up in a dead end with no way to escape. Even if Zombies can sneak up on people why hasn't anybody learned the art of standing back to back or forming a outward facing circle so you see the zombies coming when you take a 5 minute break?
  11. 5 more days to jump on the band wagon for full access to set number 3. Spoilers Shammy and Vanessa are sure to make future appearances as well. They all wear the same uniform after all.
  12. People are claiming the other guy is just hallucinating the whole thing or they are eating someone else's body and character X is underneath it and is perfect fine. It is a bad death but if the Producer pulled a "We fooled you X is still alive!" that would be even worst.
  13. How many times have they reused the name Star Killer? They reuse everything from the past. If a design is good why change it? Plenty of car companies release the same model car year after year. They used new designs in the prequels and most of them sucked. 30 years of star wars or a Star Cold Wars of possibly disorganized planets may brought slow changes. I never understood the changes between the Clone Wars stuff and the Rebellion era, The Alliance's gear was dirty, battered and old looking. In should have what they were using in the Clone War just new looking during it.
  14. Yeah I'm pretty much limited to already built backgrounds. I have yet to locate an actual space ship with a 1,000 miles of me. I'll send a PM to discuss things.
  15. One problem about the Empire trying to down play the Rebel victory at Endor is that the Special Editions showed everyone around the galaxy having a party that Emperor is dead. Now let's talk about something really important! Kylo is basically worshipping Vader's burnt helmet. How did he aquire it? He must have traveled to Endor and took it. Does this mean Kylo and the current Empire took their revenge on those freaking Ewoks?
  16. Preview Pictures From Next Month's Set. To see all the pictures and more. Support the Patreon by clicking the link below. Super Dimension Foto's Patreon Page Featuring Bridge Operator Kim. Yes I know she doesn't have short hair. Currently short hair isn't that popular with women. Yes I know the costume is less accurate in some areas. I had it commissoned outside of the country. They might be willing to fix it free of charge but shipping back and forth would be sky high. Having Misa's uniform made in this color (DYRL version) made perfect sense. Multiple characters who function as Misa's underlings wear it. Want to Get Fancy? These Photo Shoots even modest looking ones are not cheap. The cost of all 3 shoots so far have been about $660 (or $220 each). Single biggest expense are new costumes. Repeat use of costumes can bring the costs down. The next biggest expense is the models and locations. For those who want more Eye Candy or Just a Cool Settings our modest budget doesn't allow it. I know there are some fan favorites like Milia that people would expect to see a heavy dose of Eye Candy as oppose our normal photo shoots. That's why I added a goal to the Patreon. If we raise $250 in pledges a month we can start doing some special photosets. With more costumes or better locations or more models or more revealing content or just higher concepts. Winter Slow Down These sets are release Monthly/Bimonthly. During the Winter with the weather and holidays makes scheduling harder. Sets during this time of year will be released bimonthly. Meaning Kim will be released in Novermber. With a break in December and new set for Janurary. Pledges collected during the break months will go towards the budgets of future sets. Misa will Return We're just trying to find time during the Holiday months to shoot her next appearance. .
  17. I don't how to defeat the Skull in single combat so I ordered my guys to drop bombs from the air. Finally got Quiet on my side. She's good at covering my butt. My style of play is that of frustration after spending an hour to perfectly stalk some guy I have to kill I'll end up getting killed that the very end. When I restart from the check point I skip all the possible bonus points for a quick kill and runaway attack. Rocket launchers solves most problems.
  18. I'm not sure what the plan was. The threat for the moment was contained. It is true that things wouldn't be contained forever. I don't see why they did take action to destroy the threat where it was. Spray it gasoline and set the threat on fire while it was still contained.
  19. Problem with that Craig article is that it could be true or it just one quote out of context. News media dying for news may have just ran with it.
  20. I basically need to download the latest driver but my hardware isn't advanced for it.
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