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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. Teaser - 5th Set (March Release) This morning we shot the 5th set. I decided to film a short teaser for it. I now have to sort and edit a bunch of pictures. Preview images will be coming in a couple of weeks. Ever wonder how much all this cost? 1st Set: $250. 2nd Set: $170. 3rd Set: $240. 4th Set: $90. 5th Set (March Release) $210. Total Costs= $960 Contributions = $270. We really would appreciate some more patrons. Additional funding will allow us to continue and to expand this project. Including the possibly of adding longer video introductions. Support by Clicking Here
  2. That is the most legitimate complaint of all. Whether you like or dislike the magic girl elements of the show there was just too many characters groups introduced for one pilot episode. They could easily split it up and made 3 separate coherent episodes with all the material they shoved in there.
  3. I'm still using a PS3.
  4. Palladium would have never done such a thing in the past. They must need money.
  5. It just seems a little strange for grown men to like things intended for the exact opposite audience. Is there something wrong with that? Maybe or maybe not but it still is strange.
  6. Hey I've watched and enjoyed programming that was intended more for female audiences. Most of it tried to maintain a balance that all audience could enjoy something. The focus on Delta is just too directed towards girls that like cutesy magical girls. Maybe grown men liking this type of anime is like grown men liking My Little Pony.
  7. I know people are leaning towards Rey being Luke's daughter because she's so strong in the force and he's so strong in the force like his father before him. Remember that Leia is Luke's twin. Her father was also the chosen one. She had the potential to be just as strong as Luke. If Luke was turned or died at the end of Episode V Obi-wan and Yoda would have look at Leia next to save the day. Leia is no Jedi because she went on a different path. She is still potential very strong in the force and was able to pass it on at least once. Either Luke or Leia could be Rey's parent. Is anyone really interested in seeing a Junior Han Solo movie now that you know how he dies? He met a Chewbacca and became smuggler is it important to see how that happens? At last with Vader's story there was a big mystery behind why he was in the suit and what made him turn to the dark side. I don't see a big mystery behind Solo's past that needs to be answered.
  8. Macross II was the Force Awakens Sequel remake.. Saying Minmay was cute is such a weak argument. Every previous Macross series had a variety of different elements. The amount you got was in much lower does. If Macross Delta was surreal and dream like you could easily say remember that episode when Hikaru was in a coma and hallucinating. Macross has always been like a drug trip! Minmay's cuteness was never in the same the same degree or scale of cuteness. She sang or did something cute for like 20 seconds in every other episode. Delta is like 20 minutes of cutesy. Which is why it is so unusual to see some of you grown men love shows aimed at little girls. It is easy to understand why grown men might still enjoy show aimed at little boys. All grown men were once little boys. Since when were grown men once little girls? Blind devotion isn't necessary for Liking Macross. I'm afraid the mentality of some fans here are the same as fans of other fandom. The mentality is this: "It has a been years since we got anything new. Good or bad we have to support it or we'll get nothing. If you don't support it like us then you're not a fan."
  9. Yes and Yes. Some of us aren't into contemporary anime because we might not actually be fans of "anime." I've always seen anime as just animated films from Japan. A live action horror film can have an animated version that still represents the genre. Those unfamiliar think of anime as it's own genre. There are some animated programs that seem more anime-like than others. Many fans seem to just love this contemporary anime style that screams "Look at me! I'm another cookie cutter anime that delivers all the modern anime tropes!" I honesty am not a fan of "anime." I remember the dark days before the Internet when anime was hard to find. When you rented any anime VHS no matter how good or bad the premise was. Any anime was good anime. Now decades later I can say most of it was bad. Give me a good Space Opera that just happens to be animated. Don't give me contemporary anime with all of its tropes that just happens to shares a title with something that was once good.
  10. Maybe you have to be either a fanatic about mecha or a fanatic about cutie girl anime to enjoy it. Your casual I'm just in it for Macross isn't likely to be all over it. I couldn't even appreciate the animation. It looks low in quality compared to Frontier. I wasn't a fan of Frontier but it did look fabulous.
  11. It feels like a mess to me. Before the big action scene it seemed like your typical cutesy anime that Macross Frontier often was. Then they started fighting I'm sorry I meant singing. Oh so this is Sailor moon or something? Then in the final 5 minutes they start having serious mecha duels. If it wasn't for the appearance of Zentradi mecha and Valkyries I wouldn't be able to identify this as Macross. They're obviously smart in trying to make the most mass marketable product that they can but I wonder why keep calling it Macross at all? Can't they just call these new series generic cutie pie singing group the series? Calling it Macross I guess allows them to sale mecha toys.
  12. Theory time. Rey is so powerful in the force because she is indeed a Skywalker - Times 2! She is both Luke's and Leia's daughter! How can that happen? She's too young. She would of had to been born after the truth about their family relationship or was she? In Episode V before the Empire attacked Hoth Leia passionately kissed Luke not just in front of Han but in front of everyone. Including R2-D2. That droid memory was never wipe. R2-D2 always knew they were siblings and never said anything about it. Why? Because R2-D2 is an evil droid planted onboard the Queen's ship by Palpatine decades ago. Episode V ended with Luke's arm over Leia as they watched the Falcon fly off to find Han. Both were emotional vulnerable at the time. Both around the same age - that of horny college students. Episode VI takes place a year after Episode V. Just enough time for Leia to carry the monster of their unholy union. R2-D2 let it all happen. The two of them couldn't fight a rebellion while raising their demon spawn. They had her frozen in Carbonate so she could be defrosted when things in the galaxy were more stable. Luke and Leia learned the horrible truth during Episode VI. They decide to alter their original plan. Rey would be defrosted and shipped off to the middle of nowhere. How else can we explain her grasp on the force without having no training what so ever? She's more advanced than both Luke and Anakin before they were trained. Anakin Skywalker was the chosen one. Luke his son was just 50% the chosen one. Leia his daughter was also just 50% the chose one. Ben/Kylo the grandson is just 25% the chosen one. Rey is the product of Luke and Leia is 100% the chosen one and a crime against nature. We have R2-D2 to thanks for that.
  13. The first prequel light saber fight with Maul was good because it was our first exposure to flashy duels. Most of the flash came from Maul. He was this awesome master fighter that could hold off a 2 others. You thought such flash was just Maul's trademark. It wasn't. Every fight in the prequel was flashy.
  14. A character who is 33 years old? That's like being 87 years old in the modern Macross universe.
  15. Even if Mirage is directly related to the Jenius family. I just don't see the rest of the family making a visit. Will they want to show an elderly Max & Milia? They could continue not aging Joke but will new audiences be confused that her (grand) parents look only 3 years older than her? In addition the art style of the character designs is very different. They will look so out of place unless Max is dressed up to look like a fop. I don't want to see Max in tights, ruffle shirt and carrying a jeweled cane.
  16. She's Mylene's and Basara's daughter! Why isn't she named Nekki you ask? I'll tell you why. She's a bastard. Why do you think Basara left his band and abandon everyone on the Macross 7 to be drifter like in Dynamite? This is why.
  17. Super Dimension Foto's Patreon Page Preview pictures from next month's set featuring Shammy. To see all the pictures and more. Support the Patreon by clicking this post's title.
  18. Yes let's blame the marketing guys. The director and producers had to have some review over the trailer. You don't just hand over the movie to the marketing guys and tell them to do their thing without reviewing it. Oops no one wants to see our movie because the marketing guys gave away the ending. If only we had someone reviewing their work.
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