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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    I hope my ikea detolf cabinet is big enough.
  2. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    I know they are taking pictures of the Monster at an angle so you don't see the photographer's reflection. I would like a more straight on picture so we can more accurately judge the Monster's size compared to the other mecha.
  3. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    VF-1S Me type is released at the end of April right? Guess we have to wait till then.
  4. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    I think I paid $80 total with shipping for mine. $76 free shipping from Amazon's sounds like shipping has already been included in the price.
  5. If I was her (or him ) I would rather go with the name Mirage Jenius than Mirage Smith.
  6. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm pretty sure the Glaug and the Monster will be in partially dissembled state. We'll have to attach the barrels and maybe the lower gun arms. In a fully assembled boxed state the shipping would be too expensive. You could pay more for oversized boxes. Shelf space in physical stores is also a premium. No store is going to sale a single Monster that take up an entire shelf when they can put 6 small toys there instead.
  7. They pretty much have to promote the new show.
  8. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Nousadel-Ger are awesome. At least the movie versions were.
  9. Maybe I was over exaggerating but if you combine the collections for several collectors like what you see at Macross World Con and put them in the right setting you would have something pretty close. I don't think that's his real pipe. How does 2D person use a 3D pipe anyways.
  10. You can't stop the global audience. They don't care about stories that make sense or good acting. "Stuff fall down and go boom" is the international language of top box office dollars.
  11. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    I would love to buy 2 more myself but I'm saving my money to get at least 1 of each from the rest the lineup. I'm interested in seeing the VF-1A mass production variant. Even for canon fodder old Brownie is visually appealing.
  12. With the exception of that 1:1 scale VF-1 cockpit most of us have all the stuff they've got on display. Rent an art gallery for a night and you can make your own Macross museum.
  13. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Yes likely Destroids my guess the Spartan but who knows? Need to see an official press release.
  14. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    They're giving us an extra month to save up for the Monster. I want to know what's next.
  15. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Picked up mine today. I was worried about the small size of the box. After taking it out I see they just aren't waste any space. I'm so use to the Yamato's window boxes with the VF-1 out stretch wings. I prefer this compact packaging. Has to help keep shipping cost down and easier for me to store the box. It is decent sized toy. The cockpit is smaller than I thought. The 'white' color of the pod it isn't white at all. Maybe you guys were using your camera's flash but my Regult is light grey. It is pretty close to the color of my VE-1. Can't wait for the rest to come out.
  16. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    And after taking those pictures they fight for days over which regult belong to which guy.
  17. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Impressive but what do you do with that many after you're done taking table pictures of them? Do they all go back in their boxes and buried in a supply closet? Do they have enough display cabinet space to display them all at once?
  18. I'm impressed that all those Joe Ninjas can standup on their own like that.
  19. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks for mentioning Nippon-Yasan I just order the VF-1S Roy...I mean Me type. I hate that you can only find Me at a markup. That makes one Regult and 3 pre-orders for Me, Glaug & Monster. I don't think I'll army build a bunch of VF-1s. I've already a half a dozen Yamatos. One Hi-metal VF-1 should be enough. Besides villain mecha this line has another great thing going for it. The smaller scale. I love the detail you get with a large scale but that usually comes with a higher shipping cost. I like seeing cheaper shipping.
  20. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    My Regult arrived arrived today but I don't have it because they needed a signature. Where was I? I was at the Post Office shipping collectables that I sold to people. I might be able to get it Monday after work. I should be able to reach the post office 20 minutes before they close.
  21. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Mine is in town. Should be getting it tomorrow. Not bad for SAL shipping only took 10 days.
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