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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. I think the conflict might also be fashion related. Windermere got that whole aristocratic motif going on. While NUNS got their own thing going on with those flashy colorful idol singers. Windermere just wants to be in control their own fashion trends without any outside interference.
  2. Hey guys lay off okay? If I'm not mistaken she's actually from Japan and might not comprehend things exactly like you do. Since they're not doing any harm just let them be.
  3. I'm guessing UN has been in contact with others for at least a generation. The Earthlings living in places shown so far don't seem to be roughing it. They're all casually walking the streets with the aliens like they've been all use to each other for some time. A generation would be enough time to welcome UN Colonists to your world. Have everyone's kids all go to school and grow up together.
  4. Another point of interest is that all these humanoid races seem to share a common culture. Is Earth culture so strong that its colonist were able to shape alien culture's after a generation or two? Perhaps it that Protoculture's influence from eons ago that has shaped all cultures to look similar to Earth?
  5. Are the Wind people a human colony or a different humanoid species like the Zolans? If human than I'm a tad confused on how an apparent aristocratic society can spring up 60 years after the near destruction of the Earth on its own.
  6. Now Sharing 6th Set Preview Pictures (May Release) There will be five of these preview pictures shared in April. 3 now and 2 more for next week. To view all the pictures please visit the Patreon Page by Clicking Here and consider being a supporter. All contributions collected through Patreon go directly to funding this project. The Tale of Two Misas After the holidays my 1st Misa decided to take a break from all modeling for the rest of the Winter. I found a 2nd Misa and altered my plans for the next shoot to accommodate her requests. This was a partial shoot. A week later we would meet again to complete it. That was not to be. Weeks later I found a 3rd Misa to complete the shoot. The results are 2 different Misa models in the same set with 3 different locations/themes. Locations/Themes in the 6th Set: - 2nd Misa in Rainy Night Part I. - 2nd Misa in Studio. - 3rd Misa in Water Front. (The 3rd Misa)
  7. Another neutral review from me. I like the pace of the episode. Much better than the first and there was actual story. The episode also downplayed super hero antics of the girl band. I'm not that keen on any of the characters. Everyone just seems like one-dimensional anime stereotypes. Still way too many characters for all of them to have time to develop beyond their stereotype. Maybe half of them get killed off half way through allowing the others time to grow.
  8. I just watched the Opening Sequence. Except for like the last 20 seconds where you see Valkyries flying around it doesn't have the familiar appearance of being a Macross show. Seems like the Opening Sequence for a few different shows all edited together to make one. I'll have to watch the entire episode later.
  9. Either they die or retire to parts unknown. These characters an important enough to get their own movie but not important to be seen or heard in Episodes IV, V or VI. They'll have to disappear somehow at the end.
  10. Biggest problem with this movie is we all know how it is going to end. Spoilers they steal the Death Star plans and pretty much everyone is going to die. Unless they make another special edition of the original trilogy and digitally place them in the Death Star 2 briefing scene in Episode VI to show us that they were there too.
  11. Go to your local movie theater and watch whatever serious drama is currently playing. Even that movie will have jokes and light hearted moments in them. Nothing is ever 100% serious or silly. A few jokes doesn't make something a comedy. The 1st Macross series was never a dead serious show nor was it silly. It was right in the middle. Maybe it leaned more towards the more serious side because it was about war and nuclear destruction of all life. Over the decades Macross has move far away from the serious. This might just be what currently sales in Japan. We might not all like it. The people making it might not even like it but Macross is a business. Whatever version Macross gets them their key viewing demographic is the version that we're going to get.
  12. You have to feel sorry for the dozens of Rebel Alliance force users who aren't actually Jedi. They carry light sabers, use the force for good and other Rebels are all like "If only we had a single Jedi in our ranks."
  13. Looks like it was film in 2016 instead of 1977. Reminds me of a big budget fan film. Could be good but the trailers lacks that force is all around us feeling. I see they got a few new Storm Trooper types. You have to get the Army Builders to buy new toys.
  14. Listen up. This is a formal request to stop. I don't know why you're digging up comments I made 4 months ago. Back then you followed me outside of an Delta related topic and attempted to start something. I didn't engage you then and I barely said anything about Delta since. Now you're bringing that up again? That is enough. This is over. (This goes for anyone that may want to leave a smart comment. Consider this a warning).
  15. Do we really need spoilers for this episode? We've seen 95% of it months ago.
  16. I gave it a neutral not a negative review. I only watched the ending this time. That ending doesn't add much. It could have easily been added to the start of episode 2. I'm not that impressed but I need to see more than just one episode to know if I like it or not.
  17. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    It does look like one of the cannons is charging up blast you.
  18. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    A 5 day earlier bump? I can live with that and if it is the 18th even better. My poor Regult feels so lonely without any friends its own size.
  19. Plenty of crap mixed with some good old fashion 1980's cheese. As kid in a family with a VCR I requested to rent a lot these movies. A Ninja on the cover was must see movie.
  20. 1/48 or 1/55 or 1/60 or 1/100? When the 1/55 were going for hundreds it was easy give it up for the 1/60. When the 1/48 came out and looked better it was easy to give up the 1/60. When they stopped making the 1/48 it was easy to give it up and the updated 1/60 looked really good. Most of my collection is 1/60. I haven't bought one in years. The increase price is just too high. Their large size means there will never be a cheap shipping option. I might be okay spending that much for an occasional 1/60 that I really desire. I can't justify spending that much to collect them all. I'm not getting rid of my 1/60 collection. For the current price of one 1/60 I can get 2 in 1/100 scale instead and I'm getting bad guy mecha. They're making it easy for me to give up on the 1/60 for the 1/100.
  21. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    I guess you can always place it outside on top of a cabinet. I'd prefer it behind glass.
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