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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Sunday 4pm it arrived at a central post office about 5 to 10 miles away. Today at 5:17am it arrived at my local post office. Pretty sure it will miss today's delivery truck. I could make 4 round trips from here to the post office in a single hour. Instead I've got to wait a entire day
  2. "A girl has no name" And a pretty boring story... She started off promising. The young, strong willed daughter who was more interested in learning how to fight than to be a lady. Escapes villains tracking her with the help of various father figures/mentors. Then settles to learn the way of the boring Ninjas with no face, no name and no emotions. That entire episode went no where.
  3. Neutral again. I'm glad the girl band were singing to support things from a "safe" position. That's better than having them dart around with no space suit and singing.
  4. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    5 days after clearing customs little me is finally in town. With no Sunday delivery I have to hope they deliver before I got to work tomorrow.
  5. This movie has the same problem that Rogue One will have but only more so. We all know how it is going to end. Han isn't going to die. He's going to make friends with Chewie and win the Falcon from Lando. We know what will happen. We just don't know how it will happen.
  6. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    You're right. I read a week ago that Amazon made a deal with USPS. Prime gets first place according to the rumors.
  7. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Mine cleared customs 3 days ago no updates for tracking since. It has to be somewhere? That's enough time for it to arrive today or to sit in a usps warehouse.
  8. 2 simple arguments in favor of "boob armor" 1. It lessens the doubt that is just a male stunt man in the costume. 2. Other characters won't mistake them for a man when first meeting them.
  9. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Finally in America. Now I wait some more.
  10. How come Conan didn't burn his fingers off when holding a light saber?
  11. Everything Messer says seems to be right. Hayate antics is bound to get someone killed before he learns from Messer. Chances are Messer will be the one that dies.
  12. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Lil me still hasn't flown over from Nippon yet. In the mean time I managed to free up 4 shelves in my detolf cabinets. My single Regult is feeling pretty lonely.
  13. Should have came back while they were burning him. Then he gets to be in Freddy Kruger makeup for the rest of the series.
  14. Neutral vote. I think this was the strongest episode so far. It just that a fantasy kingdom seems like it should belong in different anime. Same thing goes for girl band with super powers. Take everything that was popular with anime fans that liked Frontier. Mix it up with some other popular anime genres and you have Delta. I wonder if Mirage's memory mean that Delta exist in the same universe where DYRL was an actual historic events or has her memory has just been tainted by seeing it in movie form?
  15. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Someone needs to get fuel for my plane. Lil' me is still stuck in Japan.
  16. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    I've got 3 IKEA detolf display cases with a total of 12 shelves. I either need to buy another case or free up some shelves.
  17. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    A month to the Glaug? That's real close.
  18. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm okay with limits. Everyone has their favorite store. They want to use their favorite store for all their purchases and combine orders. There's going to some upset customers if they allowed others to buy too many. If I got 5 non-Macross items in my cart and if find out that they sold out of a Macross item because a lack of limits I might just be tempted to drop my entire order and find another store for all my purchases that day.
  19. So who wants to add their own word bubbles?
  20. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Preorders sold out at some places already. Picked up one at ami ami. Yes I only order one. I'm saving my money and shelf space to buy nearly one of everything.
  21. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm getting a stand (maybe?) I asked if the higher charge was because of the stand. Their answer was the supplier says yes there's a stand but they themselves haven't open the box to confirm.
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