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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. Crystal Skull, Last Jedi and Rise of Skywalker are movies that help explain the lack of audience for this movie. Crystal Skull and Last Jedi are both disappointing sequels that made people who were originally excited for a decades later sequels question if doing so was a good idea. Rise of Skywalker was a correction sequel that made things worst. Would Dial of Destiny be the same? In that first movie trailer there's that really bad shot of cgi face Indy on that horse. An instant reminder of the cgi from the Crystal Skull. Long opening is young cgi Indy fighting Nazis? I love it when he kills Nazis but young cgi Luke was too weird looking. Indy films were mostly practical. They just feel the same with more cgi. The above is what kept me away. I've seen the director's other work and I think they're capable of making a good Indy film. I've also read a complete synopsis and it sounds like an okay movie. I'm just not excited enough to run to the theater to see it because the above reasons. I'll just catch it later on streaming. Pretty sure my feelings are shared by many. This movie's biggest issue is the budget. In order to make a profit it has to be one of the biggest movies ever. A near impossible task for a movie with baggage. According to the reviews movie doesn't need to be as long as it is. Some of the chase scenes add nothing to it. Drop some of those chases and the cgi opening to bring the budget down. Movie would then have a better chance of making a profit. This movie's failure is the same as the failure of everything - greed. Take something good. Over estimate its potential and bet the farm on it.
  2. Who? That character is too obscure for casual fans to care. Now if it was Daina of the October Guard and if Rip Cord was in his classic colors I'd be all over this.
  3. The last 'serious' Macross is decades old. I would love a more mature Macross again but we all know that's not going to happen. I'd be really surprised if they went back to its roots.
  4. Without text indicting this is a "Fan trailer" the above post is clickbait spam. This post goes out to everyone. Don't randomly share pictures, videos or links without at least once sentence about it.
  5. Can't be much of an audience left interested in buying this to make it worth publishing. Unless HG has some sort of make something or lose the rights deal.
  6. That was the appeal. These weren't highly detailed, super articulated, modern interpretations of the original toys. Super 7's figures were the cartoon in 3D.
  7. FYI Super 7 dropped the ball with wave 2. Heads and forearms are now unpainted plastic which doesn't match the parts with paint skin. Nor do they match Duke from wave 1 who has all his skin painted. People are canceling orders including me. Who really like wave 1.
  8. It means they'll either use a less capable producer and we'll have to hope for the best or the show will be put on hold. Disney might even decide just do a Bat Girl and just can the show entirely.
  9. As I predicted Star Fleet does have a major staffing issue. Crusher gets 2 step promotion despite not being in Star Fleet for over 20 years and I assume has been practicing outlaw medicine without a license. She's a brilliant doctor but pretty sure she would have been disqualified for her less the legal activities during the past 20 years if staffing wasn't an issue. There's 7 of 9. She was a former Borg/civilian helping out on Voyager. Next some kind of 3rd party Texas Ranger. She joins Star Fleet bypassing the academy system and assigned as a 1st Officer. Raffi I assume attended the academy and spent years in Starfleet. Earning her whatever former position, she had before leaving to become a trailer trash meth head. Star Fleet lets her back in with a position of authority. Rios likewise had a Star Fleet career and left to be a freelance ship captain and I assume wasn't running a 100% legal operation. Star Fleet of this timeline must have been in really bad shape even before this series took place. During the extended endings. They didn't feature a funeral scene for Shaw or Ro (who also was forgiven by Star Fleet and allowed back in).
  10. What growth did Mando have in season 3? He took a bath so he could rejoin his cult. That's not growth. That's regression. He decided to become the kid's protector and father figure in season 1, 2 and Book of Boba. This season could of had him questioning if taking baby Yoda back was the right decision? There was a reason to give the kid up in the first place. The lifestyle of bounty hunter is no place for raising a child and the kid has PTSD and unchecked god like powers. He wanted what was best for him but later couldn't live without his son - that was from the Book of Boba. They could have shown consequences of this action to create drama. They did nothing for his character this season. Improving a skill isn't growth. What about that whole flashback with human face Jedi Jar Jar? They could have continued to show more that. Maybe even have baby Yoda actually speak using his own voice. We get a flashback of order 66 to remind us why he doesn't talk to having him talking in the end. That would have been growth. He actually yells "No!" instead of using a droid's voice. This is The Mandalorian a TV show for the whole family. The Clone Wars is a cartoon for children. Yes, I said for children. It originally aired on cartoon network. The target audience there were children. Majority of adults who watched the Mandalorian didn't watch the cartoons. They only saw how much she grew in this show. Of all the characters she was the one with actual growth this season. Started it in a shame gutter thinking she's not worthy of leading, climbs out of it, shares she's to blame for losing their home and learns to lead without needing to hold Excalibur. Mando and Baby just went along for the ride. Their story ended in season 2 and did backsies in Book of Boba. Finished backsies with him taking a bath this season. Jesus Christ the message of season 1 and 2 was Mando is still suffering from his own childhood trauma of losing his family the cult saved and raised him but he's not happy. In episode 4 he befriends Omera hiding out in that village with baby Yoda. She asks him to stay and live in there in peace. His answer? I don't belong here. Why does he think this? Because he was raised by a cult. Taking off his helmet in season 2 was the hardest thing for him to do as equal as giving up baby Yoda. But book of Boba he gets the kid back, in season 3 he gets his cult back and now he's raising the kid with the same moral lessons from the same cult that messed him up. Season 3 could have ended with him returning to her village with kid and him with no helmet. He's giving his creed, his cult to be this kid's father in a good environment for raising him. Maybe she can be a part of their life too. That would be growth. Mando is father of the year.
  11. I've got serious doubts about the continued success of these Disney Plus series. I wasn't a fan of Rogue One. A gritter take on Star Wars was an interesting idea but to me it wasn't that upbeat adventure that Star Wars was known for. Movie knew this the tired to shoehorn more upbeat adventure elements. Which gave the movie a conflicting tone. Enter the first season of the Mandalorian. A show about some small-time bounty hunter in Boba Fett armor okay. I'll give a try. Could be nice to watch a Star Wars story that isn't about Jedi and stuff. Baby Yoda is an instant fan favorite with kids and adults. They had a hit on their hands and kept leaning in on all the family fun elements. Andor came along and made me appreciate Rogue One more. I like to think Andor and the Filoni Inspired shows aren't even part of the same universe. Disney is really counting on the Filoni-verse and it isn't getting much love from the critics. Kids, casual fans and Filoni-antics might love it now, but I think the casual fans will start to get Filoni-fatigue like they did with Marvel. Not saying every show has to be like Andor but it doesn't all have to be like this live action cartoon. Even The Last Jedi is better than this. Plenty of things to dislike about that movie, but at least it was trying to tell a story with character arcs. I read a review that said after this episode Mando is the same character he was at the start of the series. Zero growth. You need something besides cute character does cute thing and fighting character does fighting thing to carry this franchise.
  12. It was good. Not really needed but good. Can we just wipe season 1 and 2 from existence? I think that's what this show tried to do. Episode isn't without its flaws. No cameos by half bro Wesley or Data's daughter. It did feel disconnected from the Changeling plot. Small spoiler the Titan is renamed. But like why? I think Titan's actions during the whole conflict proved itself worthy of starting its own legacy of ships being named after it.
  13. I think Gideon's story was originally part of the clone Palpatine plan but the 1st season was such a hit they decided to change that story and move to the Thanos I mean Thrawn story arc. What I really didn't like about this episode is Mando didn't earn it. He had a key role in the episode. It primarily focused on him as you would expect for the main character but he wasn't the main character. Bo was. She had character growth he had none. She had something to prove he didn't. Honestly he and baby weren't even needed this season. They didn't learn anything, changed for the better or for the worst. It was a phone in performance for a useless part.
  14. As for the stupid. Only 2 guys to take Mando to a prison cell? And why didn't they remove his helmet? It would have broken his spirt and I don't know leave him vulnerable incase he tries to escape. Blast him dead in the face. Maybe Pedro voice was the only part him here for the entire season. Shouldn't Baby Yoda be dead? In the Last Jedi Luke performed a very impressive display of the force and it left him so weak he died. Baby Yoda performed a very impressed display of the force in the finale and he doesn't drop dead?
  15. That was boring and pointless. Seemed like a big do over of Season's 2 finale. For those who were disappointment that Luke saved the day and baby Yoda left him. This time Mando saves the day and lives happily ever after with baby Yoda. Gideon presence in this season was just to show up for round 2. Episode 1 to 6 side quests with hints that there might some else going on. Episode 7 bad guys give 5 minutes of expositional dialogue to tell us about all that stuff they've been doing that the show could have showed us on screen during earlier episodes. Rest of run time Mandalorians wandering around talking. Episode 8 one long fight that I had zero emotional investment in. Hard to tell some of them apart. Just 2 sides flying around in jet packs. Why couldn't they devotee more episodes to the taking the planet back instead of all that wasteful story telling? This episode was the final battle of a better season that we didn't get to see. You build the story up to the final fight. You don't just have your heroes do random stuff until finally they bump into the main bad guy who they weren't even aware was still around and then have a big final fight.
  16. Well the guy who rebuilt the Enterprise's bridge was blind.
  17. We know they're going to somehow save the day, but the Federation is still doomed. Every crewman under 25 been turned and killed every crewman over 25. They'll turn the junior crew back to normal, but the veterans will still be dead. There will not be enough experienced members to crew these ships. You've got the Enterprize D Command Crew and Officers serving on Star Bases to take command of all of Star Fleet but that's not enough to defend the Federation from the next invasion. Newly appointed 19-year-old Captains will be outsmarted by the Ferengi who keeps tricking them to trade their ships for magic beans.
  18. That's what I don't understand. Jurati and the Queen merged centuries ago in the past, changed their ways and made peace with the Feds. Why are they still a threat after season 2?
  19. I liked this episode but I'm also like, wait how is the possible? That's more than a little stupid but damn they did a good job of telling it. Apparently in Star Fleet there's nobody between the ages of 25 and 50 years old. This grand plan of the changelings would doom them as well. If I'm not mistaken didn't they solve and make peace with this in season 2 of Picard? It was a really bad season but try working with what they gave you instead of pretending it didn't happen.
  20. Actors have been returning to characters they swear they were done with 20 years ago. All the actors who were too good to appear in comic book movies 20 years ago have all appeared in comic book movies. They like money and want to earn doing the way are used to.
  21. This show is just silly. That Imperial woman in the rehab program on Coruscant makes a report to the Imperials confirming that she's been their agent the entire time. She does this in a dirty alley in the middle of the night. Not too far from a street. Neighborhood doesn't look too deserted. Chances of some random person stumbling on this is just too great. Commanding Imperial types have a zoom meeting to setup spin offs and react to news of the Mandalorians latest exploits. All of this Mandalorian stuff is just very cartoonish. Which is where it came from. This show is made by 10-year-olds for 10-year olds.
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