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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. Gerli, You did start the topic. If you want it closed I will. Do you? In light of recent events I might to agree but we we're talking about a work of fiction. We weren't talking about real events of the past year. I hate to have real life dictate a discussion about fiction. I'll be consulting the Mods about closing it and I'll consulting them about whether to shorten or lengthen the timeout session I gave someone here.
  2. I think we were cheated out of at least 2 fight scenes in tonight's episode.
  3. Omni, Dude chill out and take a break from the forums for a couple days. Right now that is only a suggestion. Don't make it a forced time out session.
  4. Yes please everyone stay on topic. Something doesn't become political until somebody makes it. Please don't make it political by saying it is - Which you are doing. There is some valid point to this topic. Macross had a few non-straight characters before. Delta has our first couple. It does seem they're pandering to fan service with them. This topic is asking if people think Macross is ready for a same sex love-triangle. I might call this a political topic if wasn't for the fact that Delta has supporting characters in what looks like a same sex relationship. It is something that the show itself has bought up. We talk about the show here. If a show brings up a sensitive topic we can carefully talk about it as it relates to the show. If some people can't be mature about it or attempt to make it a bigger issue beyond the show itself then it become something that we have to stop.
  5. Wait so they go from sad heroic death episode to fun in the sun bikinis?
  6. When they do it anime it is usually for humor or fan service. Frontier was filled with characters to tease the fans. Look at all the official and unofficial art work of Ranka & Sheryl or Alto & Michael together cheek to cheek and holding hands. I'm not sure if they'll ever have a serious same sex couple in Macross. If they were a couple Vrlitwhai and Exseldor would have been the most grown up and least fan service version of one.
  7. Is looking progressive a thing in Japan like it is with the English speaking internet culture?
  8. I don't think Macross really had the many love triangles. Hikar & Misa & Minmay: Was the first love triangle. It actually was a triangle. There were points were the love was just one sided but towards the end it became an actual triangle. Even then Hikaru picking Misa over Minmay was more symbolic of his growth from boy to man. Hibiki & Ishtar & Silvie: You forgot Feff! That was a love Quad. There was affection between characters but I don't think Macross II had a love triangle. Feff had to be in love with Isthar to devote so much effort to rescuing her. Isamu & Guld & Myung: The most intense love triangle. Should we include Sharon and Lucy in that too? Basara & Mylene & Gamlin: I don't know if Basara counts. Gamlin had something for Mylene. Mylene wasn't looking for anything but found herself having feelings for both of them over time. I don't recall it being shown as romantic feelings. Was their a big dramatic kiss in the end? Shin & Sara & Mao: Shin and Sara was love. Mao was jealous kid with a crush. Alto & Sheryl & Ranka: Does this even count? Sheryl and Ranka both had something for Alto but he seemed more interested in moping around. Hayate & Mirage & Freyja: He and Mirage have a friendly connection going on and Freyja got a serious crush. Hayate doesn't seem that interested in a relationsip. He's like Alto. Ever since Macross 7 and Basara the male lead seems to be more concerned with his own feelings about his life's purpose than his dating life.
  9. More Samples Pictures from July's Set The first 2 were already shared in that comparison image. Third picture captures that rare candid moment from episode #27 where Misa mourns the passing of her father. If you're curious about of how something like this cost. Here's the running total so far. . 1st Set: $250. 2nd Set: $170. 3rd Set: $240. 4th Set: $90. 5th Set: $210. 6th Set $130. 7th Set: $200* Total Costs= $1290 Contributions = $450. *This set was technically the most expensive set of pictures to take so far. The actual cost was just over $400. It costed more this time because it was longer shoot and rented a house to shoot in that day. Since the pictures taken that day are being divided between two sets the cost is being divided between the two sets as well. Support by Clicking Here
  10. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Review - Not of the Glaug but the Stands. Stands are nice to have but these kind of suck. The Regult's stand is too low. You can't stand the Regult to its maximum height with it. There isn't enough ground to air clearance room if you try to pose it in various flight moves. The VF-1's stand has more height the stand isn't strong enough to support creative posing. The Glaug suffers from some the same problems as the Regult. I know the 2 supporting arms are suppose to aide in flight poses but it just too awkward to work with. The stands keep the toys from falling over as long as keep them in 1 or 2 basic poses. Which makes the articulation of the stands useless and dangerous. Next month is the Macross Monster truck show.
  11. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Got mine today. Tracking info said it arrive just prior to 6am at my local Post Office. This usually means it might be too late to get on the truck for the day's delivery. I checked online again at 11am. Status said delivery to Office. Nothing in Tracking info said out for the delivery. I was here and I live close to the mail box but the Mailman is too lazy to go to someone's door. I need to examine it some more to give my opinion on it. Not instantly impressed as I was when first touch the Regult.
  12. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Was the fall just from the stand's height or did it fall off the stand to actual ground from up high?
  13. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    No the USPS lost to Canada Post!!!! 12:53pm My Glaug has arrived in town. If I'm lucky they'll be able to delivery it to my local post office and get to me by tomorrow.
  14. Sigh a month isn't enough time to plan a visit unless you already live a couple hours away or were already planning to visit.
  15. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Then it is race between me and you to see who gets theirs first.
  16. Was Basara's true heritage ever explained? I doubt they'll explain Mikumo's. She just forever a mystery.
  17. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    My Glaug finally cleared customs.
  18. What happens to his VF? Well with no pilot it will fall down and go boom.
  19. eBay search Masei 911 helmet you'll find plenty.
  20. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    4 days since the last tracking update on my Glaug. It is either still in Japan or here some where in customs.
  21. I still plan to do more shoots with Misa. Our costume selection is dependent on the budget and ability to reuse clothing items. What swimwear are you talking about? I know she wears a red one piece in that toy model of Misa on beach chair with a ball. Vanessa will appear. I have a model who's wanted to take part since the beginning and I will likely use her as my default Vanessa for a shoot later this year.
  22. Looks good and remember everyone that real men wear dresses and eye patches.
  23. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Do I even want to know what is going on?
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