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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    So afraid to see shipping costs on this one.
  2. Looks like it is based off of the comic designs. I don't see the actor's likeness.
  3. I bet you they're going to stretch this out even longer. First episodes of the new season will be about the characters who weren't there and what they were doing. Then there will be an flashback episode about Nagen's past. We'll eventually see an episode after the fact where they'll show at least half of the potential victims still alive. In that episode everyone is still dealing with what happened. But then in the next episode after that we see that the other half of the potential victims are still alive as well? What's going on - Surprise it is just Rick hallucinating again like after his wife was killed off. One of them is dead but Rick is still imagining that they are still alive and part of the group. Eventually they'll tell us who got killed by the mid season break.
  4. Have to agree with most of this. There's too many characters or too many supporting characters. Sometimes it isn't clear even who the main characters are. The show often feels like it is 3 shows playing at once. Reason for that is because they're trying to make a show for multiple audiences. They have to add stuff for the old school fans. They have to add stuff for the new fans that discovered it through Frontier. They have to add stuff for fans of current anime. They also have to add something for Kawamori. Many of the different Macross series seem to reflect whatever is of interest to Kawamori at the moment. When you try to put all these things together it sometimes doesn't work. I'm okay with less mecha action if the story doesn't require it. I do feel like they are being cheap with the mecha scenes. For a property known for transforming robots and great action scenes this series has very few. I think a lot has to do with the budget. You know what scenes beside mecha fights have a lot of stuff going on in them? The animated musical numbers. I doubt they are going to hire twice as many animators. They have to decide where to spend their resources. Unfortunately we get lower quality animation in some scenes or episodes. It was like this with the first series. Frontier did an excellent job with keeping the animation quality up. I recall only 1 or 2 episodes where the quality was below expectations.
  5. Neutral. The major flaw of this episode was the animation quality. I think most of the budget for this show goes towards the music.
  6. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Hey what about that Lazerbond stuff from that commercial? They say it works on metal.
  7. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    What about rubbery materials so the pilot could squeeze in?
  8. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    The one in the Glaug is too small.
  9. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Yes it is a great toy line. Maybe the bigger scale VS are better but as an overall toy line this one has everything we've ever asked for.
  10. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    And with the Monster's size and price tag it being a slow seller outer is expected.
  11. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Safe to say Milia will be the next to preorder. Really hoping for a Destroid.
  12. I assumed they got half naked for the tradition of stripping down for manual labor.
  13. And then they were never heard from again. You'd think they send in single VF with a single pilot in first to see if they enter and return before taking in the entire ship.
  14. Negative review. Wanted to give it a neutral but there was just too many things that made me groan watching it.
  15. Been so long that I forgot they left the retelling of the main story to focus on a prequel story. Not sure it was worth the wait. We get about a dozen so or pages and ten of them are an explosion?
  16. Waiting for the subs before I watch the entire episode. Still reading spoilers.
  17. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    People must really like Max to get him with that markup. Hikaru still there with a markup and is still unsold.
  18. Is that a 1:48 am wait in line? That's insane.
  19. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Your locations says Seattle. That's only midnight. Oh poo! You've discovered our secret.
  20. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Mykombini pulled that crap with Hikaru too. They wait for the other stores to stop taking pre-orders. Then they put their pre-order up with a markup.
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