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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. I'm still waiting for Keith to say, "For you are the wind beneath my wings." To Roid.
  2. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    I got Max on pre-order but no Hikaru. It will just be Roy & Max defending Robotech.
  3. My favorite battle scene is when Keith yelled "Scissor me timbers!"
  4. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    That's the store I paid full price from.
  5. I think I'm going to answer every question that I don't know the answer to with "Wind Something."
  6. 13 episodes does make sense. It would be easy to edit show afterwards down to 13. Even 13 half and hour episode wouldn't have been enough to feature all 3 groups of characters. Likely would have just focused on one. Delta reminds me of the last episode of Macross II. The animation was very good in Macross II until you get to the last episode. When it looked like the budget was cut and all the character animation suffered. Whatever was good about Macross II was damaged by how bad that last episode looked.
  7. While this is one of the better episodes. It doesn't fix the overall problem with this series. Too much plot and not enough time. They got the Triangle, Walkure & the Knights. With less than half an hour in each episode for them. In reality they needed hour long episodes. I think the 2nd half of the series suffered because they were playing catch up for the Walkure and the Knights. Now that they're caught up things can continue.
  8. Neutral (Spoiler-free review) Watched the episode without spoilers because I was looking to make screen grabs. The good thing is stuff actually happens and all the computer generated action scenes are really good. The bad thing is the character animation. It's all over the place. Most of it is really bad.
  9. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Hikaru sold out (at fair prices) really fast. I hoping to there will be some at a fair prices after it is released.
  10. 4 episodes to go right? Ending this series without dropping several previous storylines will be impossible.
  11. Watched it with the subs. Going to have to give it a Negative vote. There's a major problem this origin episode and it isn't just that it should have been told earlier in the series. The problem is who are they telling this story of their past to? If Freyja was arrested with them she could be their audience. Instead the 3 of them are all the story tellers of a story they all know? Parents will tell their children about they first met and fell in love. They (Parents) don't sit together and narrative something like this to each other. When you think about it the origin story wasn't even needed. We've already been told a lot of this information. In this episode Hayate, Freyja and Mirage didn't even appear. Are they not the main characters? Okay maybe they didn't have them appear because this was a Walkure episode but couldn't at least Freyja show up? She's part of the band. She could have visit them in space jail and that's when they tell Freyja the origin story of Walkure. That's when it would have made sense. You know when there's someone to tell the origin story to who didn't live through it themselves.
  12. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Yes give us some 1/100 scale Zentradi too! And announce the next preorder.
  13. You can dislike a series as a whole and still like elements of it. Messer's storyline had its moments and Mirage was an interesting character until the 2nd half of the series.
  14. Final Sample Pictures From September's Set Here's the last of the sample pictures from Part 2 of Misa at Home. Next batch of sample pictures will released in October. Hopefully it will be from Mirage's set. Planning for a September shoot with her. She's a traveling model that's out of town half of the month. Scheduling can be tricky. Support by Clicking Here
  15. Colonel Sanders is an awesome idea! I miss the days when all wrestlers were cartoon characters with crazy gimmicks. If they had a wrestler named Baby Man a new fan would instantly know he's adult man in an adult diaper who acts like a baby. aby Man would be fighting some guy name Stinky Sammy. You would know by his name that his gimmick is bad body odor. Now they have normal sounding names and look like any angry dude at the gym with tattoos that needs to shave.
  16. Last hours predictions. Episode #21 better, same or worst than episode #20? I vote same. There will be singing. Runes will be stimulated. Hayate will stand near a VF but will never climb in.
  17. Interesting theory about Shammy. Would be cute if it was her.
  18. I have a feeling we are starting to turn against this show out of frustration. I've made it clear I was never a big fan. I've tried to judge each episode own its own. I gave this episode a neutral vote. Right now the Positive side has the fewest number of votes. I think people who have been with the series are frustrated by how things turned during the second half. The first half delivered so much more. By episode 20 people are expecting so much more.
  19. So with heavy editing could all the episodes be cut down to a single 90 minute movie that'll make more sense than the entire series?
  20. Watched it and gave it a neutral review. Which as you know the highest I give this series. I was expecting to be bad but it wasn't. Okay the animation was bad, there was no mecha action but I felt they were able to pay enough attention to every plot point this time. My biggest beef was the whole Mikumo angle. I don't understand Walkure cloak and dagger activities in this episode. They work for the good guys. Arad and that big Zentradi Captain that's in charge and seems pretty chill. Then why does Walkure have to sneak behind their backs?
  21. Now Planning Our Next Photo Shoot (A Brief Intermission) Last Saturday we did a costume and makeup test for Mirage. Also added new Rewards for the Patreon. Including options for those interested in only a single Photo Set and for those interested in commissions. With your help we like to give Mirage some extra special attention. She deserves it with the way the series is treating her. You can read more about what we have plan for Mirage and the new Rewards on the Patreon Page. More Samples Pictures from September's Set Final 2 sample pictures from September's Set will be shared next week. All pictures for Patrons will be in color. Even these black and white sample pictures. If you don't remember this particular scene from the series. Watch episode #28 My Album again. These pictures are based off of the rarely seen "director's cut." Support by Clicking Here
  22. I wasn't a very big fan of Frontier either. I felt the character designs were pandering to anime fans. They covered just about every fetish for an endless supply of hentai material. Frontier also had a very modern weird anime plot and characters who acted as stereotypes. All things the Delta has as well. The redeeming feature of the Frontier is that it had plenty of mecha action, great music and likeable characters. I have a feeling that when Delta ends it will either feel unfinished or a conclusion the felt rushed. Macross Delta an epic space drama where characters chit-chat while doing mundane real world activities. Sometimes they almost do something exciting or but then the closing song starts.
  23. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    I enjoyed the 1/48 scale. I thought about getting rid of my 1/48s but I changed my mind (see topic I made for 1/48 in the Toy section a few months). The 1/48 VF-1 is a good toy. You couldn't revisit that scale today without it costing an arm & a leg. A VF-1 at 1/100 is on the small side. You do lose some details and options at this scale but it is a scale that could allow us access to toys beyond the VF-1.
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