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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. Maybe Vader pulled a muscle in his big scene that causes him to send the Storm Troopers in first in Episode IV. It also explains why the last duel with Obi-wan was so epic. Anyways there's also this.
  2. I was bored during the entire viewing. Phantom Menace was better, from a certain point of view. CGI effects, not the CGI character effects was outstanding. The action scenes were good. Technically is was a well crafted movie. Problem is that the characters had no character and zero chemistry. It is hard to get caught up in the world of make believe, to care whether characters live or die when the characters themselves aren't interesting to watch.
  3. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Pre-order is January 6? I was planning to go out of town to a place without Internet access. Change of plans I'm staying in to pre-order the Spartan!
  4. More Samples Pictures from January's Set The last 2 sample pictures from this set are suppose to be shared next week but maybe delayed due to the site going offline for Maintenance.
  5. Well they never showed them courting. There was a time jump and they woke up in bed together.
  6. Many of the clothes are premade costumes or regular street clothes found in a regular store. I have hand sewed additional details on to some of the costumes. Like Hikaru's flight suit in my avatar started off as a white coveralls. I just sewed all the red and blue material on to it.
  7. Does any of these family of characters have jobs? Like they break the law driving over the speed limit and smash cars in order to stop criminals who also drive over the speed limit and smash cars. How do they pay for all of this? Is this a joke or are you a moderator now?
  8. We aren't selling clothes. Patreon is a site that allows people to support creators like artists, musicians, photographers and videographers. You may have noticed that many of your favorite YouTube channels have links to their Patreon pages where people can get access to extra videos for supporting their Patreon. I freely share some of these pictures online. If people like them enough and want to support this project they can through the Patreon.
  9. Now Sharing 10th Set Preview Pictures (January Release) To view all the pictures please visit the Patreon Page by Clicking Here and consider being a supporter. All contributions collected through Patreon go directly to funding this project. Mirage lives her life on the go. When she needs to relax nothing works better than refreshing spring water from planet Voldor and delicious Windermerean apples. Try some today! In the next 2 weeks there will be 4 more preview images shared here. If you like to see more sets like this consider contributing to the Patreon.
  10. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Max arrived today...and I'm a bit underwhelmed. Maybe my Max excitement level is only high when paired with Milia. The last 3 releases have all been the VF-1. I got a nice VF-1 squadron forming but each new VF-1 released in a row lowers my excitement level by 5%. I love pizza but even I get tired of having pizza 3 nights in a row. After the 2nd night I want to have meatloaf on the 3rd night. That way I'm excited to have pizza again on the 4th night. They really need to start adding some more variety to the releases again.
  11. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Today or Monday for Max to get here.
  12. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Max passed US Customs. Here's to maybe a Saturday delivery.
  13. They could have killed Saviors by shooting them with the rocket launcher when they were at the gate. Daryl wouldn't have made it but Negan would be gone. Without him the Saviors would breakup.
  14. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Shipping notice for Max from Ami Ami. Since i ordered SAL guess it will come at the end of the month.
  15. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Paid for Max. Milia only preorder left. Sad.
  16. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Okay to await payment requesr. I think I preordered mine from Ami Ami.
  17. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    They are snap fit. Not sure what type of plastic.
  18. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    They are listed as 1/87 HO Scale by Outland Models. I ordered them from this seller. http://stores.ebay.com/lilyyangstore/_i.html?_nkw=outland+models&submit=Search&_sid=821977619
  19. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Yeah it is the ebay sets. No instructions. Padded envelope no box. A couple cracks but easy to assemble and cheap enough.
  20. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Just finished snapping them together for a quick phone pic.
  21. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    So 5 days before Max is supposed to get released?
  22. New computer woes. I hate being force to upgrade all my programs because they decided not to support them anymore. I'm not using all these programs to run a business. I don't use them daily. I paid for an older version years ago and that one is good for me. Windows 10 allows me to install all my old programs but then doesn't recognize them. Now I either have to buy the latest versions, do complicated work around or use my old computer to run them. The color yellow is too strong. I've adjusted settings to lessen the impact of yellow. This fix pictures but in videos yellow is still too strong. Makes everyone look like Spock. Speaking of video my old laptop my screen was wrecked but I swear I had a better picture on video play back. HD doesn't look that HD as it did on my old one. This new one is suppose to have a better everything. Let's talk about settings. It is so hard change settings on Windows 10. I don't find all these improvements to make your experience better to be that good. I keep looking at my computer and wondering why is it doing that and how can I disable that feature or find how to access a previous feature. I Google to see if there's a solution online. First I have to figure out how to convince Windows that I want to use Google and not Bing. On Google I find people like me with the same needs and people telling them that feature been replaced, you can't disable this new feature anymore because they removed that option or you need to go advance settings and start retyping code. On the plus side this new computer is much faster but I'm wasting so much time trying to adjust this thing to my preferred settings and finding that I can't.
  23. Who cares about this B story about Carol? The A story characters split in 2. Show us the characters still going to Hilltop or show us the characters going back to Alexandria.
  24. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    My Hikaru is coming tomorrow and I wont be home. Hope my manager will sign for it.
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