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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. Since we're talking about Mando again. I'm surprised how most of us didn't see where the direction the show was going to go during the first season. The appeal of this new show was the fact it was a new character, and his stories were set apart from everything else. Didn't have to be concerned about all the continuities to come. You could enjoy it for what it was. That first season ended with the appearance of the Dark Saber from the cartoon. Next 2 seasons brought in Bo Katan and Ahsoka from the cartoon. Then there was the Book of Boba Fett a show that included at the last minute a final duel with Cad Bane from the cartoon. A bad introduction in my opinion. If you followed the cartoon, you'd know his entire history with Fett. If you didn't their scenes just felt odd. Finally, you get Ahsoka. A show that firmly establishes that these live-action shows you've been watching were always part of the cartoon universe. For this show you really did need to be concerned about the continuity from the cartoons to appreciate it. I really miss Mando from season one. When we thought it just its own thing. Set its own little corner of the galaxy dealing with local problems.
  2. The 3rd season is going ruin any good thoughts you have about the 2nd season. Before watching you have to at least watch the last 2 to 3 episodes of The Book of Boba. Which are the actually first episodes of Mandalorian season 3. I don't want to spoil the 3rd season too much but wherever you think the shows is going they just take a step back. Wasn't it good that Mando was exposed to Mandalorians who had a different culture of his own? Wasn't it good that he gave up his helmet? Wasn't it good that he did what was best for baby Yoda? Now with the dark saber is he going to be the one to reunite his people or at least help make his cult less crazy? Is there going to be a rift between him and Bo? Prepare to be disappointed.
  3. When people tell me the cartoons are really good and all of Star Wars need to follow Filoni's lead I think umm... horrible idea. I maybe watched a dozen or so episodes of the cartoons. Some weren't bad but, the rest were mediocre at best. Fans tend to only remember the best parts. The Phantom Menace is an excellent film if you only remember the lightsaber duel at the end. I find some elements and ideas from the cartoons to be terrible. And yet I find them to be perfectly acceptable for a cartoon. The target audience is kids. I can scream all I want about how this will break canon and destroy the message of the entire story, but they need stuff to entertain the kids. Now I see all Filoni's ideas including the ones that should have just stayed in the cartoon world have entered live-action. This comes down to bad writing and direction. Honest Trailers does a good job poking fun at it. Fans who've been watching the cartoons religiously are just too caught up with seeing their beloved characters in the flesh that they fail to see how boring and unlikable they are in this version. These are good actors. Those were charming characters in the cartoons. Here they aren't written that way. Plus, the writing is often just lazy in general. Characters end up making stupid decisions that advances the plot simply because Filoni wouldn't rewrite the script for things to make sense. Makes Ahsoka feel like a waste of time? Like it was all for building up for the movie without giving you that much of a closure for the show you're watching now. You can have a series storyline that takes five seasons to resolve but you still need to have smaller storylines that take a single season to resolve. I can sum Ahsoka up as show with some interesting visuals, bland characters and mediocre writing. A solid C.
  4. I'm sorry but that was really stupid. We got some great action but I keep thinking, Sabrine you really f-ed things up and Ahsoka is just so chill. Everyone is in worst position than they started off at.
  5. The opening was bad. All of Hera's stuff solo stuff is bad. Filoni can't write political drama. I think the 2 dark Jedi mercs are the most interesting because we still don't know that much about them. Visually they are impressive but they've only hinting at their backstories and reasons. I think I would have rather watched a show from their perspective than Ahsoka's. What I want to know is does Ahsoka share all this positive wisdom from Anakin with his grandson? That boy sure is troubled but loves the grandpa he never met. Ahsoka was visited by his force ghost and have recordings of him that helped guide her. Same could help his grandson too.
  6. I haven't watched much Who in years. Didn't that version of the Doctor die like 3 or 4 Doctors ago.
  7. Not a bad episode but matte paintings of giant size rooms still look better than digital giant size rooms.
  8. Is it too harsh to call Ahsoka a big budget fan fiction vanity project? Some stuff looks cool, but I can't see anyone in their right mind green lighting this show. Anyone beside Filoni would have told him, okay we can make this show, but the following changes are going be necessary for it to work for a wider audience.
  9. Great episode if you love fan service. Bigger issue is it was all just a dream sequence/vision quest episode. The 5th episode of an 8 episode series. Not a good move to waste an episode on such a thing for such short series.
  10. I find it interesting that they're willingly to use the new Mon Mothma but insist on using deep fake Luke. Episode IV is classic movie. Doesn't need a remake. That treatment is for movies that didn't work. Someone in the present sees something good in an old movie that bombed years ago and proves that could have been a great movie by remaking it. There are probably interesting one-season only miniseries that they could be made with legacy characters like they did with Obi-Wan but like make them good this time. Remove them from the strict Disney canon. One of the many disappointments of Obi-Wan was not having him fight all Inquisitors. Imagine him taking them all out in Kurosawa style showdown. But the Inquisitors have to be alive so they can appear in Rebels and Video games. In Solo they had a cameo of Darth Maul. For what reason? Was he going to be the villain of 2 Solo 2 Serious? Maul couldn't die in a sequel because he has to be killed by Obi-Wan in Rebels for the second time. Disney threw out the Expanded Universe for a good reason. It was bloated and would made limited their ability to tell new stories. That's now the same case with Disney's current canon. TV shows, Movies, Cartoons, Comics and Books I guess it is all canon now. Some ideas that worked well in the cartoons should have been left there. Good for a cartoon doesn't equal good for TV. Problem is one Disney biggest creatives in charge was responsible for those cartoons. I don't think Filoni going to let that past die for the sake of making good television.
  11. Yes she's his pet character or even a Mary Sue if you will. He's clearly attached to all his characters. How else do you explain how they all survived the Clone Wars and Rebels in one piece, are still in the prime of their lives and accomplish feats better than Lucas's creations? This version of Ahsoka isn't even a character. She's just written as generic wise master. Zip personality and zip motivation. Maybe the cartoons she's a great character but in live action they give you nothing about Ahsoka to care about.
  12. I'll be the one to bring up Andor. Chances are more people probably saw Rogue One in theaters than fans who watched all seasons of the Clone Wars and Rebels. What did Andor do? Gave us 3 episode introduction to the lead character. Maybe that was too many episodes but they still introduced him to the audience who didn't see Rogue one and established where he is in his life for all the people who did. Ashoka is lacking in that department. The show seems okay but it isn't giving you anything to get attached to.
  13. Reviews I've been reading so far says it seems like a good show, but complete knowledge of the Clone Wars and Rebels seems to be a requirement.
  14. Minor spoiler from the season finale. At the very start of the episode: "We're visiting a settlement where the settlers have built a community recreating a town from the 20th century American Midwest." This reminds of the original series. Building locations set in the future is expense. Let's write an episode that uses an old set from another movie.
  15. I'm skipping this one. Wanted a ground vehicle to go against the Hiss and they failed to win me over with the add on figures. It will fall one short of reaching 19K because of me.
  16. Shut up already with the sexist vomit you're all repeating from your favorite YouTube man child reviewers.
  17. Some of the visuals look bad. Like when Ahsoka is walking down that ship's ramp in the Rebel hangar. You can tell they filmed all the actors separately and then put them all in the same space. Most of these shows rely too much on that special rear projected CGI screen of theirs. It is overused too much. Visually it reminds me of those live action cut scenes from old Dark Forces 2 computer game. Sorry for bringing it up again but Andor got it right with their use of practical sets and locations. Real physical stuff makes things look real. Use computers to enhance real sets not to replace them.
  18. Mod Roy here in Mod Mode. This isn't a topic to share images of every single item that a member processes.
  19. I don't know the answer but if this RPG for your kids just make things up. You're not the GM for super fans who demand accuracy. Make up whatever story that will entertain your kids the best.
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