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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. Yes most people do skip the front page and go right to the forums. For the longest time the front page had no news. People now can just go to the news thread for the latest updates. I actually do miss the Facebook feed. It was nice to see some news on the front page besides Cosplays & Podcasts. As some have already guessed us mods are kind of too busy now to feed the front page with daily updates. I've thought about using my front page access to make a monthly summary for it. Then I think maybe a monthly allows too much time go by and even I don't always have the time to write one myself. Also thought about allowing members to suggest stories for us to share on the front page. If people would like to direct our attention to things for the front page and willing to include a brief write up to go along with them I think I can maybe post them to the front page on bi-weekly schedule.
  2. Agreed. Please just leave the Megaroad alone. Sure I would love to see what happened to them. I just don't want to see those characters in something that's in the same tone as Delta.
  3. I found it kind of silly. Society crumbled just a couple years ago and these survivor groups are getting more ridiculous.
  4. Might actually be worth that price. Problem is while you can technically make anything selling something is another challenge. Your potential customers will have limits what they are willingly to spend on a collectible. You need to know what they're willingly to spend and than make something that doesn't go above it. They've gone above it.
  5. He was smiling. Most likely because those people could be potential allies. I find some of these communities to be down right silly. Society has only collapse a few years ago and we've got all these unique groups and their wacky customs.
  6. This is a busy month so here's the rest of the sample pictures all at once. More still will be available for the Patreon starting in March. It was nice taking pictures among the planes. It is something we'd like to do again at a museum with display ready aircraft.
  7. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Milia is next month. I forgot who I've got my preorder with. I know I've got one.
  8. Now Sharing 11th Set Preview Pictures (March Release) To view all the pictures please visit the Patreon Page by Clicking Here and consider being a supporter. All contributions collected through Patreon go directly to funding this project. This picture set was taken last Summer. It is features two models and took place at an Air Museum. We learned there was a museum that was moving to a new location. All the display ready aircraft had already been moved. What remained was the aircraft being restored. We were allowed free rein to go where we pleased with no other visitors to blocking the way. There will be 3 more preview images shared this month. Brought Misa and Shammy to the shoot. Told one of them to act serious and the other to act confused.
  9. Ouch! I don't think the resell value of Robotech is that good to cover those loses.
  10. Maybe this will be the game that encourages me to upgrade my PS3 to a PS4.
  11. Hey guys remember at the end of the day it is still just a cartoon. The original Macross series was made for and by anime fans. Every sequel since has been motivated by business. Kawamori was done with Macross until he wanted to tell new stories and discovered it is easier to get things made if you call it Macross. I don't have high hopes for this new series. The turn around is too quick. They don't make new Macross series because they're fans of anime or for critical acclaim. They make them because they're a business that needs keep their people employed. Whether it is good or bad we're going to get whatever they believe is profitable..
  12. That's a fast turn around. Makes me a little worried.
  13. Hold on there! That scene alone is way too much plot for Delta.
  14. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Enough with the demo pictures. Give me a pre-order.
  15. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Ha we all used the same seller. I found that Ami-Ami page load times were a little slow when ordering.
  16. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Mission Complete 1 Spartan Pre-ordered from Ami-Ami.
  17. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    So what is it like 2 hours to go before preorders start?
  18. I'm curious too. I thought TFA was a good movie. Sure the basic story was a retelling of ANH but there was new characters who had personalities and a backstory. You could get emotionally invested in them. Actions and visuals in Rogue One were better but its characters weren't interesting enough to care about what happen to them. Rogue One became a chore to watch.
  19. Why didn't Vader use the force to pull the plans from the Rebels in a airlock? In Cloud City Dinning Scene he forced pulled the blaster away from Han's hand. Couldn't he have done the same with the Death Star plans?
  20. To add to this the planet Saw was operating on was a planet whose people we're suppose to feel sad for because their occupied under Imperial martial law. This is where they show us to look at the evil Empire but they have shown the Rebels are also capable of evil actions. This planet has Jedi-friendly monks. The Jedi tried to "take over" the Republic in Episode III and Saw a rebel extremist is based on it. There's plenty of reasons to believe that the planet was rightfully under martial law. Without complete knowledge of prior films or an opening crawl to setup things neither side is shown being very good or very bad. The Imperials are occupying planets and building a super weapon capable of blowing up planets that rebel but they've up against Rebels that are extremist. If the Rebels are all like Saw's group or like that Captain Endor then it is possible to believe that the Empire had a legitimate reason to consider making a super weapon to stop them. Based on their actions in this movie I think we know the real reason why Han Solo came back to help Luke blow up the death stars. The Rebels were going to kill him for knowing too much.
  21. Last Samples Pictures from January's Set Looks like Macross World came back in time for me to post the final 2 sample pictures from January's set. If you want to see more from this part a pledge of $5 will get you access. A pledge of just $1 will gain you access to sneak peaks of futures sets on the Patreon Page by clicking here. As stated before this was to be one of the more complex and expensive shoots. Mirage's model expressed interest since the beginning. It just a matter of time to find the right character. Total professional and a brought lots of experience from being a traveling model. Having her as the model and access to real studio made it one of the most easiest shoots. Remember don't mix Windermerean apples with Voldor's spring water! They're a dangerous mix!
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