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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. I have Stealth on Blu-Ray! It was part of a get 3 free Blu-Rays for buying a PS3 years ago. The other 2 movies I picked from the short list of options was Blazing Saddles and Pearl Harbor.
  2. Dr. Who is the only franchise where drastic casting changes to the lead makes sense.
  3. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Wasn't up for this and missed getting it from my usual stores. Did get one from Anime Export. Not thrilled with paying up front.
  4. It looks like cheap Television. I don't expect major motion picture cinematography but they've done some pretty good stuff with cable, Netflix and even other television shows.
  5. Looks okay. Even looks capable of being its own movie without having to use the title of another one.
  6. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    I wasn't that eager to get a VF-2 but after looking at those pics I think it would make a fine addition to my collection.
  7. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    I don't know if I want it. Looks neat.
  8. I would read it but Forbes doesn't like my ad blocker either. Sorry Forbes but my computer's health and freedom of not being assaulted spam is not worth it.
  9. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    A screw fell out of my Spartan the day after handling it. I have no idea where the screw came from on it.
  10. You'd think after 20 years of fighting these nations of this alternative Earth would be out of resources to wage these air wars and building super weapons. This might be the game that gets me to buy a PS4.
  11. Two more sample pictures of Hikaru & Misa trying to survive. You might notice there's a natural height difference between the 2. We've also done a studio shoot together where we've fixed it. More beach pictures of them not speaking to each other and looking all depressed will still be available for the Patreon starting in July.
  12. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Got mine yesterday. I'm late to the party but this Spartan is rad. At least that's after my 10 minute experience with it. Lot's of metal in nearly every joint. I didn't know you could bend the waist joint to make it taller. Can't wait to get the other 3 Destroids.
  13. Doesn't feel like a TV series set in the universe of the X-movies. Other than that line about the "X-Men and Brotherhood" and Marvel credit at the start I would have no idea there was connection. Looks more like another NBC's Heroes reboot. I would have hired a couple of the actors from the movies. Nobody super big. Just some of the supporting actors and put them in the new campus of Professor's X school. Then hire a bunch of young actors to play students.
  14. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    What is going on with the USPS? I ordered SAL registered. This is first time when something I ordered cleared customs and arrive at my local post office the next day. It usually takes an extra 3 to 5 days. My Spartan is coming tomorrow.
  15. It was an early design and cost decision. Good wigs are expensive, they need to be maintained and styled/fitted by a professional stylist to look good. Plus aesthetically I don't care for wigs unless they are done really well. There's some common stylistic similarities among cosplay photography that tries to make realism look like anime. For example everyone can tell when someone is wearing a wig and when there's heavy use of Photoshop but they accept it as part of a known style. I prefer more realism. You may find in the future (and in previous examples) that the models might not all be good matches with the character's they represent. In my experience there are amateur models out there that look the part but lack the professionalism that comes with being an professional model. I've been burned a couple of times. When possible even though they might not have a character's signature look I've been leaning towards using professional models. In those cases we rely on the costume and model's ability to express the desired emotion.
  16. Now Sharing 13th Set Preview Pictures ( July Release) To view all the pictures please visit the Patreon Page by Clicking Here and consider being a supporter. All contributions collected through Patreon go directly to funding this project. This set (taken last Fall) features a new Hikaru and a new costume. I wanted to have another "male" option that could be used at more locations. You can't walking around that many public places with a flight suit and helmet. Found a faux blue leather jacket and then modified it. I hope to use this jacket again with blue haired model. This set also features an usual sunny day that I had make more gloomy looking. Sorry there's no mutant fish. Settled by using some dried fish. A couple more pictures from this set will be shared next week.
  17. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Shipping notice from Ami Ami. Or I should say I got a tracking number that they'll be shipping it sometime in the future.
  18. Got a cosplay blog/site to post some pictures from the Mirage set and then a Brazilian (I believe) cosplay blog/site reposted it. http://www.geekxgirls.com/article.php?ID=8657 http://mundocosplayer.com.br/2017/05/mirage-jenius-de-macross-delta/
  19. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Got my Ami Ami payment request. Now the wait.
  20. Roy Focker

    Hi-Metal R

    Mine's preordered with Ami Ami. Spartan is listed as in stock but no progress yet.
  21. Visually it looks great. The first one had great visuals too but was kind of slow and boring.
  22. I'll wait for it to come on Redbox. I know the Internet loved the first one but that was the one of movies where I really noticed I was having Super Hero movie burnout. In my younger days I know I demanded a super hero movie all the time but in hindsight I really did appreciate having to wait every 2 to 3 years.
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